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Harry Potter Question

Who Actually Likes Bellatrix Lestrange??

Lot's of people are sad about her death in the last book. I DON'T GET IT!!! She's so mean!! How is she awesome though?
Tell me why you like her in the movies AND books?
 ngott posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

BlackHound said:
The question is an interesting one.

I've said this before, on other spots, when the Bellatrix question has been raised, but I think it warrents repeating. I personally hate Bellatrix Lestrange with a deep, dark passion, one that has absolutely nothing to do with anything she has done to any particular character that I love.

However; I absolutely love Helena Bonham Carter. She is one Hell of a phenominal actress, and I can't imagine anyone else portraying this character. She did an extraordinary job of portraying Bellatrix as the screenwriters developed her. I was glad Bellatrix died, but I felt her death sequence in the film was ridiculous. I expected something more. Where was the taunting? I wanted that line, damnit! The "what's going to happen to the other little Weasleys once mummy's gone the way of Freddie?" line. It was...disappointing, and not befitting a villain of that calibre.

And here's the thing...regardless of how much I hate the character, I believe she is one of the most important colateral characters in the series. Certainly one of the most important female characters in it. She is powerful. This is a woman who absolutely, positively can not be "taken advantage of". I think this is one of the reasons why she appeals to so many young female fans. Even that slimy POS Greyback has to give her respect, albeit grudgingly. This is a woman who would not think twice about castrating a man and handing his cold, sagging member to him as he slowly bled all over himself, and I like that. Ah, but I digress...she's a vital part of the saga, and stands in stark, terrifying contrast to The Three Mothers: Lily Evans, who died for her son; Narcissa Black, who betrayed the Dark Lord twice for her son; and Molly Prewett, who killed to avenge her slain son and protect her surviving children. They did what they did without hesitation. Bellatrix is the...the...anti-mother! **cackles insanely** But honestly, she is. They are "Woman, the Nurturer and Protector". She is "Woman, the Destroyer". I think in a story like this, you have to have these contrasting figures.

So, yeah...As a lover of the Harry Potter epic, I hate Bellatrix. But as a lover of literature, I have a great appreciation of the character. The series wouldn't have been the same without her.
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posted over a year ago 
well explained!! thumbs up!!!
jhakanaka420 posted over a year ago
Very insightful :)
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
yazie20 said:
hi:) this is so funny i was going to ask this question! i seriously don't understand how people could like her, after she murdered sirius i HATED HER! like i mean really hated her! Harry was about to be happy, and live with him and leave the dursley then she had to come and kill him!but i have to mention she's a really good actor. i have to say i hate umbridge a 100 times more... she reminds me of my math teacher right down to the clothing and hair style
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posted over a year ago 
Crazydayfan said:
While bellatrix herself is mean rude and could even be called evil she is a fiction character so that is no reason to hate for example voldemort is very evil but he is a very loved character and is the favorite of alot of people in any case Bellatrix wasn't always evil in fact at a young age she wanted to be a aoura she also closely related to the much beloved character serious black who is one of my favorite characters bellatrix did kill him and she us crazy but for some reason she is my favorite character along with tonks she is courageous obsessive smart and crazy 😜 🤪 so therefore hate bellatrix if you want but Iove her as a character
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posted over a year ago 
" so therefore hate bellatrix if you want but Iove her as a character" Exactly! Even if you hate her personality, ya gotta admit that she's a damn fine character.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
bellatrix114 said:
Er... I bloody love her.!!!! She is my favourite character of all time. And why...? Well she's just so amazingly awesome, and fun to watch and beautiful and I love what she wears and of course, she is played by HELENA BONHAM CARTER-- MY IDOL!!!!! I love her obsessive devotion for the Dark Lord. It is so... well... awesome. like how i am obsessed with her. :) she's just wonderful- i can't really explain it anymore i just adore her!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Yes, but HELENA BONHAM CARTER is not Bella, but how can anyone like her actions as well as personality, no matter how epic the movies make her look?
ngott posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said:
*raises hand* I am obsessed!

No joke I'm known across fanpop for my Bellatrix fangirlyness!

Since I don't feel like explaining again would you be so kind as to click this link? link
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posted over a year ago 
bella_4_ever said:
she can do whatever she wants to do and not feel any regret or sorrow. i usually like any bad guy in movies. i love the way she looks and also how she tortures people i dont like nearly as much
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posted over a year ago 
I usually drift towards evil characters too.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Your response is confusing bella4eva, it's rather ironic.
ngott posted over a year ago
Nor do I. It's like asking why you like a favorite color it's a fetish so to speak I really can't explain it myself. I guess I'm just curious about them they intrigue me.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
dancergirl78 said:
I hate her. It's not that I'm not ok with it or anything, but I don't get why a lot of people like her either.
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posted over a year ago 
'Cause she's awesome x3
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
yep, amazingly awesome! :)
bellatrix114 posted over a year ago
BoniNoClyde said:
In the book i don't LOVE Bellatrix (i actually pumped my fist in the air when Molly called her a B*&%H and then killed her). However in the movie Helena Bonham Carter plays Bellatrix so wonderfully that you feel love you felt similar to Snape in the 1st book/movie where you love AND hate him. She's awesome because she's a powerful woman character that has almost no emotional attachments (except her loyalty to Voldemort).
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posted over a year ago 
Yes, in the movies she was good, in the
ngott posted over a year ago
callianltm said:
i liked her^^^ i loved her clothes style xD

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posted over a year ago 
In the MOVIES?
ngott posted over a year ago
callianltm posted over a year ago
modrockz said:
I hate the way she killed Sirius and all the other people she killed but besides that I luv her so much
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posted over a year ago 
FallenLove said:
I really don't like her in the books, but in the movies she's awesome! Helena brings something to the character that wasn't in the books. :)
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posted over a year ago 
For me Helena brings out a fun child-like side of Bellatrix that wasn't potrayed in the books.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
sawfan13 said:
I love Helena Bonham Carter! She's awesome and I loved her in Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd and other Tim Burton films, and I do love the way she brings out Bellatrix, no offense to the fans of Bellatrix but in my opinion she's a horrible evil person. That's my opinion, though on the character. But I love how Helena brings her out because Helena plays a really good obsessive, evil, jealous, psychotic bitch and everything! The only characters I hate in the Harry Potter series are Umbridge (more like Umbitch!), Mundungous, Voldymort, and Tom Riddle. Other than that I either love, like, or dislike. So no I don't hate Bellatrix, I dislike her, but I do love how Helena plays her! It's such art and genius! :D!
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posted over a year ago 
Isn't Tom Riddle and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named the same person?
puppykittygoat posted over a year ago
Yeah, they are.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
MarlenaLovett said:
Bellatrix is my favourite character in Harry Potter. She is completely brilliant. I can understand why people don't like her, but really, I adore her.
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Bellatrix is my favourite character in Harry Potter. She is completely brilliant. I can understand why people don't like her, but really, I adore her.
posted over a year ago 
And me, I can't understand why people love her ! I HATE her !! She's , heartless , cruel, sadistic, crazy at 200% !! And she's ugly (I don't speak about Helena, but Bellatrix : she's really ugly ! Berkkkk!!!
Sandra333 posted over a year ago
And she's wicked ! Too bad she died so late.....
Sandra333 posted over a year ago
So agree, how do people hate her!? She's heartless sadistic crazy and such a fun character! Absolutely gorgeous; the hair the eyes everything. She's just one of those villains whom is written so well
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
jhakanaka420 said:
my love for Bellatrix Lestrange has nothing to do with Helena Bonham Carter(she is brilliant and portrays Bellatrix with a brilliant twist of her own).I have a thing for badass female right from the time when i was reading OOTP i loved the matter what she has done or how many characters she has killed,i love her.Bellatrix Lestrange is one of y most favourite characters from HP-saga.

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my love for Bellatrix Lestrange has nothing to do with Helena Bonham Carter(she is brilliant and portrays Bellatrix with a brilliant twist of her own).I have a thing for badass female right from the time when i was reading OOTP i loved the matter what she has done or how many characters she has killed,i love her.Bellatrix Lestrange is one of y most favourite characters from HP-saga.
posted over a year ago 
dsprtpenguin said:
One word for all of this:


She is a bamf and your argument is invalid. I love her.
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posted over a year ago 
SlyInSlytherin said:
Bellatrix Lestrange came from a line of respectable Pure-Bloods from the House of Black. Like her family, she was raised to hate people of the filthiest blood. She probably felt threatened like other Death Eaters because wizards kept having kids with people of lower blood status and they felt like the lower blood statuses and blood traitors were trying to make people who were proud of their Blood Status outcasts.I worship Bellatrix because she has something no other evil person ever has in books or movies-LOYALTY. She went to Azkaban for Voldemort and she stands up for what she believes in, that's all. And some of you might think that she is a pyscopath but in her Defense, wasn't she the one who spent over ten years in Azkaban that was controlled by DEMENTORS. I mean come one, she was driven mad by them. I also take a liking to characters who have rich histories, whether good or bad.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree, those are the best characters.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
alexisn10 said:
I ADORE Bellatrix. Yes, she tortured Neville's (my favorite character, mind you) parents into insanity and tortured Hermione (also one of my favorite characters) but one thing I really love about her is her passion and devotion. Bellatrix stopped at nothing to help Voldemort/the other Death Eaters. I admire her for her loyalty and bravery. She's super funny and just PERFECT!!

Plus...HELENA BONHAM CARTER!!! Hellooo :)
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posted over a year ago 
Leilane_sousa said:
I hate her! She is an hateful human being and a soulless killer. I can't stand her.
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posted over a year ago 
rhythmicmagic said:
I hate her. I hate her more than Voldemort and Umbridge. But at the same time, I just can't help but admire someone with that much loyalty...
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posted over a year ago 
This! I admire her for her courage, but she's terrible anyway
Leilane_sousa posted over a year ago
How can you hate her more than Umbridge? Loyalty in all she's an amazing character all around. So well written.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
She's a sadist who lives for the joy of killing and torture. Umbridge is well-written too.
rhythmicmagic posted over a year ago
AaronHaley4ever said:
I don't hate her. I think hate is stupid so I don't hate anybody. I don't like some of the things she did (torturing the Longbottoms & Hermione, killing Sirius, etc.), but I've always admired her toughness and her unying devotion to her cause, even before Helena Bonham carter was cast.
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posted over a year ago 
IAmDarquesse said:
I LOVE Bellatrix Lestrange, in the fact that I love her character. I hate her for killing Sirius and trying to kill Molly Weasly, but I think she's a great character, and I've always had a weakness for villains.
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posted over a year ago 
gwen33 said:
I like her because she so crazy and exotic and she yells alot
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posted over a year ago 
Potterhead14 said:
I strongly dislike everything Bellatrix Lestrange (I love her as an actress), but I also admire her loyality to Lord Voldmort (I can't spell)!!
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posted over a year ago 
Verdesandy said:
I like her as a bad guy. I don't like her since she's on the bad side, but when it comes to strong bad characters, she is definitely one.
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posted over a year ago 
elizabet2199 said:
I like Bellatrix. I really do. I think she's very interesting character. Maybe i just like crazy people. And of course Helena was adorable in the movie.
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posted over a year ago 
RadcliffeLover said:
I love and hate her at the same time! she is badass and yet crazy! but she is such a cool villain! love how she has so much confidence in herself! but also thats because she is a death eater and well thats it really
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I love and hate her at the same time! she is badass and yet crazy! but she is such a cool villain! love how she has so much confidence in herself! but also thats because she is a death eater and well thats it really
posted over a year ago 
Alchemistlover said:
I love some of the lines she gets and how she's a great fighter. I also adore Helena's portrayal of her in the movies. I hate her for killing people i liked though and yeah i didn't feel sad about her death at all i was kinda happy she got payed back. She's a love/hate at the same time villain
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posted over a year ago 
Saeiid said:
Actually, I am sad on Bellatrix's death in a 'non dramatic' manner I wanted it to be more torturous, more painful, probably falling off the grand staircase, I mean she tortured Neville's parents, killed Sirius and Dora and also killed my favorite house Elf, Dobby the free, God I hate her so much, Come on Molly, torture her first and then kill her brutally, if you can't then give the job of 'Kill the evil witch' to Hermione
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posted over a year ago 
One thing, Helena is an awsome actress, she played a vamp and people hate the bad character, thus it means that the bad character is well portrayed according to the script, hate Bellatrix but I admire Helena Bonham Carter.
Saeiid posted over a year ago
Dracoella said:
Well, one, Because she's awesome! (anyways now to the actual answer) A lot of people like her because well, in the movies she's played my Helena Carter. She is an amazing actress! who COULDN'T love anyone Carter plays? Another reason is well, because she's kinda relatable. AS you can tell, Voldemort doesn't REALLY care about her, if she didn't do something right, Voldemort would gladly kill her. Yet she is loyal, and does everything he says even more. A ton of people can kinda relate to that in their relationship. THEY care about their "Voldemort" ya know? Anyways. I Like Bellatrix for all those reasons.Also, I like her because she's dark, evil mysterious. She brings out a side I like to hide of myself. I actually wasn't SAD she died, I was ANGRY this random girl was tlking trash about her at my school, so I went over there to confront her and she looked at me and in a real snobby voice was like "lemme guess your a SLYTHERIN" and, I lost it. I ended up punching her in the nose.. (yes I got detention for three weeks, and four ISRs) but, after that, that completley sealed my love for Bellatrix. Am I uspet she killed Dobby? Of coarse. But other than that, shes awsome!
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posted over a year ago 
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