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Harry Potter Question

Why do people hate Ginny Weasley?

I think she gets a lot of hate for being on the good side.
 Rodrick12 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

Tigerlily888 said:
don't think most hate Ginny-in fact I've encountered very few who do! The thing is I liked Harry/Cho and most people always sneer at me and say she's a slut-I've never called Ginny a slut but most always seem to think Cho has had way more boyfriends than Ginny which annoys me and say she messed Harry around which is completely not true-they just didn't say the right thing at the right time and Harry actually ruined it in the end!

Cho's life with boys:
Harry-break up
Michael-break up

Ginny's life with boys:
Neville-attends Yule Ball
Michael-breaks up
Dean-breaks up

Neither are sluts! They are both on level pegging right!
WELL anyway my reasons for not liking Ginny are not things like "slut/boring" and blah blah blah but are based on incidents which have made me dislike her!
At the start of the books she was all sweet and nervous around Harry and I thought she was quite cute but then she gradually got more and more confident (which is a good thing) only for me she got over confident!
Incidents (all add up fro me):
1) Sixth book-Hermione has been nothing but kind to Ginny throughout all the books- building up her confidence and taking her out of her shell and telling her all about the Order in the fifth book when Ginny wasn't aloud to stay and hear. Ginny in the sixth said something to Hermione I can never forgive. Harry and Hermione were arguing about the "Oculmency" lessons (she was only looking out for him) and up pops Ginny and nosies into the situation and when Hermione mentions quidditch she says "Oh don't mention quidditch you'll only embarrass yourself!"-this remark was extremely catty and nasty and there was no need. Hermione is cleverer than them all but she never brags on about that and definitely not to Ginny!
2) Calling Fleur "Phlem"-Okay so you're thinking not a big deal! But Fleur is not a malicious girl. Infact she seems relatively brainy (she got into the tri-wiz) and Bill obviosuly loves her so why can't Ginny be a little more mature about it! She also says "I'd much rather have Tonks in the family"-she assumes that Bill would be marrying someone else if not for Fleur and I'm sorry but who's happiness with Bill's wife is more important. The husband or the sister in law?! Husbands-duh-he has to live with her!
3) She called Luna 'Loony'-and that's not just Ginny of course as loads do but then later on as luna says "she stopped to boys calling me Loony the other day!"-bit of a hypocrite seeing as she called Luna 'Loony'.
4) In the last book when Cho turns up to the room of requirement-she offers to show Harry the statue so he'll know what the diadem looks like and he needs to go to the Ravenclaw tower as Voldi was scared he'd go there! He has to go with a Ravenclaw to get in!!! Cho has the idea and offers but Ginny goes "No Luna will take Harry won't you?!"
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posted over a year ago 
this annoys me because- a) THIS IS WAR-why would he be thinking about girls now-it's not all about her and Harry b) she obviously doesn't trust harry enough to be alone with his ex and sorry but would he really try something with Cho right now? c) she obviously doesn't consider Luna a threat- as she suggests she go instead!
Tigerlily888 posted over a year ago
gry said:
I'm not sure why, either, but I don't like her that much. she's always seemed annoying in a way, and far too childish. she's like that little girl who still dreams of rainbows and a prince charming. or, at least, that's how she seemed to me.
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posted over a year ago 
rere14 said:
yeah she's got a lot of hate from many people, some because many think she doesn't deserve harry, and others maybe because she seems like a mary sue character,,,I don't really care anymore, I'm one of ginny's fan, and I think she's amazing!
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posted over a year ago 
bri-marie said:
My disliking Ginny has nothing to do with what side she's on. Many of my favorite characters were on, or ended up on the good side.

This question gets asked a lot, and I'm getting kind of tired of answering it. Use the search bar and read the reasons people have already given.
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posted over a year ago 
BlackHound said:
Beats me, I like her.
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posted over a year ago 
3ponya101 said:
Anyone who hates Ginny needs a heart
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posted over a year ago 
wotcher-tonks said:
I personally love Ginny. People think she's a Mary-Sue, but I disagree.
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posted over a year ago 
hellocaity said:
who gives a damn i like ginny (= haha
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posted over a year ago 
buyangaa said:
i think she's not right person for harry. I don't hate her or something but she just seems so wrong for him
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posted over a year ago 
ChocoLuvr101 said:

[The answer by Lucullus from the link above explains it all. Just scroll down]
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posted over a year ago 
pasdoll said:
link (part 1)
link (Part 2)
link (Part 3)

I know it's a lot to read, but it explains why people dislike Ginny and why they think she is like Mary sue.
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posted over a year ago 
Charmedh2ogirl said:
I think it's because she is the love of Harry Potter's life.
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posted over a year ago 
I think thats the main reason
felton posted over a year ago
GoldnSnitch_96 said:
She means well, but idk...she just has a rly annoying face. Like u just wanna slap it coz its irritating....but your right, a hatred towards her seems illogical, unleass your a death eater....
In the movies she was annoying, and in the book she seemed quite irrelevant appart from the fact that she is going out with Harry Potter.
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posted over a year ago 
yeah, she was all right in the books but the movies made me kind of dislike her
gry posted over a year ago
GoldnSnitch_96 posted over a year ago
BanaBanana23 said:
I like Ginny but not as Harry's Boyfriend. It would of been cool to see Harry and Hermione together...
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posted over a year ago 
I totally agree
felton posted over a year ago
TechiTechn said:
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posted over a year ago 
situ123 said:
i don't hate her.Shez very good.But i don't like her as harry's girlfriend.I would have loved to see harry and hermione 2gether.Anyways i never hated ginny.
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posted over a year ago 
Rashel01 said:
Maybe becouse their jelous?? or the fact that she's a redhead? (no offence to the gingers , I like gingers) but I don't hate her , she's kinda sweet I think
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posted over a year ago 
jhakanaka420 said:
i don't hate her.nor do i love the book she showed potential to be bigger than just Harry's romantic interest but that doen't really the movies i think Ginny has some bland expressions..maybe that's a reason,idk
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posted over a year ago 
siriusblack4eva said:
I LOVE Ginny in the books. There she's funny, has fiery comebacks, competitive, but also sweet, compassionate and very passionate. In the movies she's not nearly as good. I had no idea people hated the book version Ginny. They have no reason to. Grr.
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posted over a year ago 
coolkatstar said:
I think because she wasnt that important in the starting and in the end How could she be harry's Girl?
I like her though
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posted over a year ago 
Twilight-girl-x said:
I actually don't know why People hate Ginny, I like her. Her character grows though-out both the books and the films, she starts off as this sweet, shy little girl but through the times you can see her grow to become a confident young lady who knows who she is and isn't afraid to say who she is.

She can stand on her own and is also always there to help her friends and family. She may not be the best looking girl of the Harry Potter characters but has her own look. Some people say that she isn't right for Harry but I think she is, all through the Books/films-as well as Ron and Hermione- she sticks with Harry through everything.

I'm not gonna be all bitchy saying that all Ginny Haters should go die because that isn't the case, they have their opinions and I have mine and I respect that!

Thanks for listening to my rant :) Oh and about my name, I'm wanting to change that because I am now a bigger Harry Potter fan then I am Twilight- By a HUGE scale :) Loves to you guys :))
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posted over a year ago 
Vixie79 said:
I like Ginny in the books. But, I really hated Bonnie as Ginny. I don't think she was a good pick to portray her at all. Bonnie made her boring and passionless.
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posted over a year ago 
stefanvh_hpgw said:
Not many hate Ginny, instead I think the ones that do are very militant about it.

Such as writing a Harry/Hermione where Ginny always dies a horrible death.
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posted over a year ago 
Makeupdiva said:
Well, for one, everyone has their own reason to not like her. I for one, don't like her. I just don't think she deserved Harry. It was so easy for her to get married to him and all that. If Neville had been the boy-who-lived, she would have probably ended up married to him as well. She fell for him because he was famous. I am not sorry for not liking her. It's my opinion. Everyone hates a character, why shouldn't I as well? She's also very bland and boring. I just really can't stand her. And I have a heart, just because I don't like Ginny bloody Weasley, doesn't make me a horrible person. I just really don't like her.
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posted over a year ago 
"just because I don't like Ginny bloody Weasley, doesn't make me a horrible person." Yes! This, I totally agree.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Spikegilfer1997 said:
People with brusque personalities either make fast friends or rub people the wrong way.
I'm mostly fine with her, but that point when they are practicing quidditch and she keeps calling Ron a prat and thinks a witty quip allows her to get away with disobeying a direct order from the captain makes me want to break her nose.
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posted over a year ago 
Flickerflame said:
I don't hate her - I like her - but I've heard several people's reasons for disliking her, so I'll list them. I don't think hardly any of them are for her "being on the good side". If it was, wouldn't they hate loads more people?

Some people just dislike her portrayal in the movies. They think she was acted blandly and without character, and dislike her for that.

I've seen some say they hate her because she's the reason Molly fought and killed Bellatrix. They love Bellatrix so much they hate anyone in connection with her death.

Others hate Ginny over the pairing issue. They either are so fanatical about their pairing that they automatically hate anyone who's an obstacle to it - I have seen this - or they feel that Ginny/Harry came about too easily or too out of the blue.

Others call her a Mary Sue. They say she's portrayed as too perfect, from book 6 onwards. Beautiful, good at Quidditch, a good dueller/her Bat Bogey Hex etc. I think she's just described flatteringly because it's from the POV of someone who's in love with her, though.

Also, apparently having 3 different boyfriends through the books makes her a slut.....
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posted over a year ago 
I wonder who doesn't like her for that reason in the third paragraph. :3
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Not just you, I've seen others here.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
xP Now I actually do wonder lol.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
a_alex_m said:
Ginny comes off as this little girl with a crush on someone she admires and it's quite annoying when it states every little embarrassing thing she does and never talks but Ron says she normally never shuts up. I hate book Ginny because she whines wayyy too much. Example in the chamber of secrets she whine in the diary how Harry Potter would never like her and in the goblet of fire how she like oh Neville invited or else I could have never gone to the yule ball. When Harry said that Cho turned down his invitation to the yule ball Ginny stopped smiling and I was like seriously you can't comfort him and instead embarrass him and Ron in front of Hermione. One of the most annoying parts with her whining or more, raging, is when Sirius is about to tell Harry a little bit about the order of phoenix and Ginny has to leave and she basically destroys everything in her way while screaming. And then she makes fun of Fluer and how she would rather have tonks in the family when fluer actually helped. Ginny was just like a bother in the book. She's only useful in being an obstacle for harry she barely did anything! Yeah she had a bat boogey hex that got her into the Slug club! Seriously? A hex gets you there? I hate Ginny. I would have thought that after the war they wouldn't have gotten married because she didn't go through with what Harry went through and she wouldn't have understood. They would've had as much marriage problems as Ron and Hermione because they both had short tempers and were both magically powerful! How does no one see all this?!?!
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posted over a year ago 
A hex getting her into the Slug Club is better than family connections or something you/your mother did when you were a baby. And whining in the first books? She had a crush! She confided it in her diary, it wasn't as if she was telling every single person she passed in the corridors.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
I actually don't hate her whining , or any other character , people have a right to complain ?! The fact that Ginny wasn't going trough all the crap Harry and only Harry was going trough didn't mean she couldn't whine?! And she was 11?! When she's like 16 during DH and there are all sorts of crazy stuff going on does she whine? No she grinds her teeth and gets trough it ...
WinterAmari posted over a year ago
"One of the most annoying parts with her whining or more, raging, is when Sirius is about to tell Harry a little bit about the order of phoenix and Ginny has to leave and she basically destroys everything in her way while screaming. " This is what it says in the book: Ginny did not go quietly. They could hear her raging and storming at her mother all the way up the stairs, and when she reached the hall Mrs. Black's earsplitting shrieks were added to the din. (OOTP, pg 91) You lied, because there isn't anything about Ginny destroying everything, let alone one single thing on her way upstairs.
Pensieve_Seeker posted over a year ago
rebecaleia said:
a lot of people hate her on the movies, but i really dont understand why people hate book Ginny..
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
Lol hate for being on the good side!? I'm sorry but usually it's the exact opposite; people hate evil characters simply for being evil.

Honestly I was pretty indifferent to her at first. I didn't like that she indirectly got Bellatrix killed and I found her to be kind of annoying. But I did not hate her or even dislike her.
However, recently a good handful of her fans kind of just annoyed me. Like any time something bad was said about Ginny (even little things) they'd go off on a rant or tell you that your opinion is wrong. That just rubs me the wrong way. It doesn't convince me to like Ginny any, in fact it did the exact opposite.
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posted over a year ago 
Difference of opinion is fine, but if anyone states anything about any character that is factually incorrect (like a_alex_m did), I'll call them out on it.
Pensieve_Seeker posted over a year ago
Fair enough. It's the people who try to insist that something rather debatable is a fact that gets to me. I guess a lot of it comes from tumblr and YouTube users. Not as often here.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
felton said:
I think people hate her because she is harry's gf and she is hardly suitable for for harry. She only fell for him because he is famous. It would have been cool if harry and hermione were married.

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posted over a year ago 
Ginny is not the only who sees Harry as *Famous Harry Potter*, Even Hermione saw him as that
SarahPotter78 posted over a year ago
She did at initial meeting. But she got to know the real Harry pretty quickly. As did Ginny, later.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
anaswill said:
This has already been said multiple times, but I dislike her because (book Ginny, at least) seems like a complete Mary Sue to me. Also, I dislike movie Ginny for the same reasons most people dislike movie Ginny -- she was very dull and only ever showed up to remind everyone of her underdeveloped relationship with Harry.
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posted over a year ago 
misspopularity1 said:
I really think she's cool and I don't know why people hate her so much.
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posted over a year ago 
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