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Harry Potter Question

Why did Lilly marry James if Snape was her true love?

It makes me so mad! James was a bully and made fun of Snape, who was her best friend at the time. I don't understand how she could have fallen for james..
LissyChristine posted over a year ago
But the people who knew James the most (Sirius & Remus) said James changed he was just a kid at the time. People can grow up.
4real00 posted over a year ago
Because she afraid Snape with his Dark Arts and his bad attitude to maggleborns
PoisonLove787 posted over a year ago
 LissyChristine posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter  best answer

bri-marie said:
Because Severus wasn't her true love. She never had any romantic feelings for Severus at all, ever. She married James because she loved him.
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posted over a year ago 
ros59 posted over a year ago
True. Lily never said she loved Severus. She only said they were friends and after the Mudblood incident, their friendship fell apart.
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
Exactly. The only love Lily felt for Severus was as a friend or almost as a brother
Pigfarts posted over a year ago
The love was one-sided. Poor Severus...he deserved Lily.
Helena-B-Carter posted over a year ago
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Maria7Potter said:
I don't think Lily was in love with Snape... He was her best friend, but when then Snape joined the Deatheaters and they kept fighting. Later, she fell in love with James, so she married him.
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posted over a year ago 
Wait, snape was part of the deatheaters when he was friends with Lilly?
LissyChristine posted over a year ago
No, Severus did not join the Death Eaters until after Hogwarts, and they didn't keep fighting, either. They didn't speak to each other again after the night outside the Gryffindor Common Room.
BlackHound posted over a year ago
I think she means Snape was friends with people who became Deatheaters.
EalasaidWooster posted over a year ago
@EalasaidWooster: That's what I meant! I think she told him that she doesn't like his friends...
Maria7Potter posted over a year ago
sylviakitty348 said:
Actually, it explains it much better in the book. Now i warn you, this is gunna be long. James had liked Lilly throughout their years at Hogwarts. Her and Snape were best friends, but Lilly didnt like the crowd Snape was hanging out with (AKA future Death Eaters), which was one contributing factor. Then one day, James was making fun of Snape (again) by hanging him up by the ankle. (The same scene shown in the Half-Blood Prince). Lilly came to his defense, and James, who liked Lilly, dropped Snape when she told him to. Snape was still royally pissed, so, without thinking, he said something along the lines of, "I dont need your help, Mudblood." Of course, he regretted it as soon as he said it and tried to apologize as best he could, even going as far as camping outside of the Gryffindor common room entrance. But she never forgave him, and eventually said yes to James and became his girlfriend. The End. :)
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posted over a year ago 
thanks you so much for explaining!! It makes me so frustrated. You can tell how much snape loved her because he protected her son and held onto her while she died. Do you think Lilly would have been happier with snape ?
LissyChristine posted over a year ago
Actually, James *hadn't* liked Lily throughout their years at Hogwarts. The only reason Potter went for her like he did was to further humiliate Severus. Evans and Potter didn't start dating until their Seventh Year, because Potter had some maturing to do.
BlackHound posted over a year ago
^I think that's more of an opinion than a fact. After all in Order of the Phoenix James was doodling Lily's initials on his OWL, kept staring at her by the lake, and even asked her out
kaatie posted over a year ago
CherryCrush100 said:
Because Snape said something (about her sister) that upset her when they were younger and because he never told her he loved her. Snape said "She's just jealous because she's normal and you're special" Then she said "That's not very nice Severus" :)
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Because Snape said something (about her sister) that upset her when they were younger and because he never told her he loved her. Snape said "She's just jealous because she's normal and you're special" Then she said "That's not very nice Severus" :)
posted over a year ago 
SunAngel posted over a year ago
I think only the books are canon. The movies show only a summary of the general feeling of the books.
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
Besides, even if movies are not canon, I appreciated in PoA movie, when Marge is criticizing Harry's mother, how Petunia did not look too pleased either... I wished they had kept the farewell scene between Harry and Petunia, it would have showed that Petunia's feelings for her sister were mixed.
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
terhenetar said:
Well, Snape's love wasn't truly reciprocated. They used to be friends, but apparently this wasn't enough for miss Evans.
After six years of hating James Potter she finally fell for his bravado and pretentiousness. The 'mudblood incident' must have played a huge part as well. Let's not forget that miss Evans stopped talking to Severus after that.
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posted over a year ago 
oh yeah, i forgot he hated mudbloods.
LissyChristine posted over a year ago
Not truly. If he had, he wouldn't have made the exception for her in the first place, and the relationship wouldn't have lasted as long as it had.
BlackHound posted over a year ago
LissyChristine posted over a year ago
KikkiTen said:
Because James apparently was just waaaay more interesting -.-'' *sarcastic*
I GOT SO ANGRY!!! why didn't she just marry the guy, i bet that they would have a much cooler Harry.
And his name would be Harry Snape! :D
How cool isn't that?!
(Stupid Lily, making harry a potter -.-')
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Because James apparently was just waaaay more interesting -.-'' *sarcastic*
I GOT SO ANGRY!!! why didn't she just marry the guy, i bet that they would have a much cooler Harry.
And his name would be Harry Snape! :D 
How cool isn't that?! 
(Stupid Lily, making harry a potter -.-')
posted over a year ago 
so you would prefer it if Harry never was bron?WTF!!!!!!!!!!
ros59 posted over a year ago
Harry did name his son after snape..not his dad.
LissyChristine posted over a year ago
au contraire PQ, both gave up on being dicks, and became warriors fighting the dark forces of prejudice. Whereas Albus Severus was named after two foolish men who became too unhealthily attatched to the people who didn't love them back, and were too entwined with the dark arts to realize they were losing their loved ones, and ultimately made stupid choices and lost their loved ones forever.
FantasyNerd47 posted over a year ago
someone_save_me said:
I've wondered that a lot :/ I have noooo idea....
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posted over a year ago 
ros59 said:
Snape wasn't Lily's true love,but Lily was Snape's true love.Lily loves James.
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posted over a year ago 
simpleplan said:
she would never marry Snape she loves James
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posted over a year ago 
BlackHound said:
If you haven't read the books, read them. Don't take everything you see in the movies as the way it really was.
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posted over a year ago 
I read all of the books awhile ago. I'm starting to forget what happened..I plan to read them again soon!
LissyChristine posted over a year ago
Movies are never as good as the books!
LissyChristine posted over a year ago
LissyChristine posted over a year ago
NearRyuzaki said:
She liked James more or he was secretly good in bed XD
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posted over a year ago 
LissyChristine posted over a year ago
wierdgem7 posted over a year ago
ecpjll said:
he wasn't. He smelled.
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posted over a year ago 
wierdgem7 said:
Cos snape got all involved with the dark arts,so she chose james instead
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posted over a year ago 
wotcher-tonks said:
Snape wasn't her true love, she loved James. She never had any feelings for Snape whatsoever. He was never more than a brother to her.
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posted over a year ago 
SneakyFox48 said:
I agree with the people on here who said that Lily felt only friendship towards Severus, but Snape loved her. And she loved James blah, blah, blah
But what I want to ask is, did anyone else have this strange feeling that it would have been totally bad ass if...
After Snape gave Harry his memories, and Harry watched them, he found out that Lily had him with Snape, but married James because Severus was kind of a Death Eater. Thought I'd throw that out there since when I went to go see the movie, three of the six friends I went with were thinking the exact same thing...
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I agree with the people on here who said that Lily felt only friendship towards Severus, but Snape loved her. And she loved James blah, blah, blah
But what I want to ask is, did anyone else have this strange feeling that it would have been totally bad ass if...
After Snape gave Harry his memories, and Harry watched them, he found out that Lily had him with Snape, but married James because Severus was kind of a Death Eater. Thought I'd throw that out there since when I went to go see the movie, three of the six friends I went with were thinking the exact same thing...
posted over a year ago 
You should write a fanfiction about that!
LissyChristine posted over a year ago
I really should that would be so awesome! Actually I think I will...
SneakyFox48 posted over a year ago
LissyChristine posted over a year ago
delamico said:
Snape was not Lily's true love. It's the other way around. Lily never loved Snape, they were friends and their friendship fell apart because they chose different paths. Many small things: they guys Snape hung out with, he called Lily Mudblood etc. James liked Lily from the very start and yes he expressed that by picking on her for a good while but that's not something you should loath him for, since Ron did the exact same with Hermione. Lily fell in love with James and married him. Snape never even confessed love to her or asked her to be with him. So he can't complain a bit.
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posted over a year ago 
No, I hate James for bullying everyone, not just Lily and Snape.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
Really? It's mentioned he bullied people, but i doubt it was everybody. And i highly doubt he bullied Lily
FantasyNerd47 posted over a year ago
4real00 said:
We dont really know the whole of it, unless JK Rowling writes a book about James & Lily school years.
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posted over a year ago 
7bella3 said:
Okay i want to go over some things
1st.If you have not read or seen deathly hallows part 2 this will be a spoiler but if u have seen it or dont mind them just read on and secondly some of these things maybe ive mixed them up with somethings and got them wrong so sorry about that if it happens.Okay injoy :D

Okay lilly liked snape then they started hanging out ALOT and she was just about to love him and ask him on a date but then they were both sent to hogwarts.And snape got put in a diffrant house from them (i think he was in slythrin and she was in griffindor)and she saw james and it was love in first sight.Snape felt SUPER SAD and when she died instead of getting harry and bringin him to dumbledore (like he should do i think he was suposted to do that)he looked at the dead lilly and cuddeled her.But you see lilly and james at deathly hallows part 2,harry holds the stone and then all his dead relates come around him and tells him they will always be there with him.Snape died by voldamort (Well his snake)but harry went in and he got a posion bottle and took a membery from his head and went to the bit were u put it in and look and u see what happens.I still dont know why the little girl (not lilly) looks just weirdly and runs away when lilly grows a daisy on her hand...
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posted over a year ago 
You really haven't read the books, have you? She never should any interest in dating him. He wasn't supposed to get Harry, that was Hagrid's job. And the little girl who ran away from Lily was Harry's Aunt Petunia
FantasyNerd47 posted over a year ago
dragonsmemory said:
Snape was never her true love. As I've read, one's Patronus is a representation of one's soul. As Lily's is a doe and James' is a stag, they are literally soulmates. I highly doubt that you have ever seen two does mating.
Also, if you recall from "The Prince's Tale" (DH book), Lily and Snape were good friends for years. She may have been crushing on him, but the Mudblood incident could have been a HUGE turnoff. We all know how easily one can fall intoand out of love.
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posted over a year ago 
cunha27 said:
Lily was only ever Snape's friend, and even then the friendship ended when they were around 15 after Snape called Lily a "filthy mudblood". Lily refused to have any contact with Snape after that. Lily and Snape hadn't been friends for more than a year when she and James got together. In fact they were on opposing sides of the war. Snape on the way to becoming a Death Eater and Lily heading towards joining the order along with James and the rest of the Marauders.
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posted over a year ago 
FantasyNerd47 said:
Snape was not Lily's true love. And James was only unpleasant to Severus because he did the same. If anyone had bothered to remember the part where Lily and Severus meet James, James has a slight prejudice towards slytherins, as he was put off that Sirius' entire family has been in slytherin. Snape was actually the first of the two to start swapping insults, as he implies that James is stupid for picking Gryffindor as opposed to Slytherin. And not to mention, while Sirius may have taken it a step too far, James saved Severus' life, because he probably knew it would hurt Lily, and he would rather have Lily pick Severus over him than her not being able to have the choice. Snipe (that's intentional)practically begged Voldywarts to spare Lily, but showed complete disregard for James (whom he owed) and their infant son, and only changed his mind at Dumbledore's request.
Snape also had the chance to start over and not be a misogynistic Prick to Harry. Did he do this? No.
In the end, James grew up and looked to the future. Severus didn't, too obsessed with staying in the past.
If you don't like it, go bitch to J.K Rowling, since you obviously think you know her characters much better than she does.
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posted over a year ago 
James bullied everyone you know, not just the two of then. Sirius and James were always making trouble, Lupin just read his books , and Peter followed them around like a puppy. James and Sirius were the trouble makers who started things, walking around Hogwarts like they owned the place.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
James and Sirius were Privledged children, and it's never truly elaborated who they bullied. They could have simply done this to Slyttherins who were friendly with Snape or Regulus, trying to stop the future Death Eaters of the Wizarding World. James and Sirius where probably like Ron when they were young. They saw only Good Gryffindors and Bad Slytherins. The point is that they (well, James mostly -.-) grew up enough to realize bad and good is in everyone. I doubt James would bully a child, just because he was the son of his unrequited love and his former school enemy
FantasyNerd47 posted over a year ago
mestewart3 said:
First of all, Lily is never shown to have romantic feelings for Snape in the books. Secondly, Snape's feeling are less love and more obsession. Snape is openly cruel to people that Lily cares about (Petunia, Mary McDonald). He chooses to hang out with people who are bigoted against Lily, and takes up their philosophy. He practices a form of magic that Lily despises. He sells the husband and son that Lily loves with no compunctions, only loosing his nerve when he finds out that he ended up getting Lily killed as well.

Snape's actions make it pretty clear that he doesn't care for Lily as her own person. He only cares about her because she accepted him when they were children and he based a large part of his life around her.
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posted over a year ago 
misscindyspice posted over a year ago
LDAPOP said:
I believe Lilly and Snape were soulmates. What happened when he called her a mudblood everything changed. James changed and she ended up marrying him while she didnt like snapes friends. What my question is did snape really care for harry?

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posted over a year ago 
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