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Harry Potter Question

What is it that drew you to the Harry Potter series?

 80s-Gal posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

shivers-zimmy said:
My older sister reading them to me with fake british accents. I thank her for that. Because if she didn't, I'd probably never pick up the books or watch the movies. Thank you Chelsea! :)
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posted over a year ago 
OnlyHarmioneHJP said:
Sorcerer's Stone was on my summer reading list going into my freshman year of high school. I'd thought the series was dumb prior to this (mostly because it was such a big deal to everyone else), but I read it for school and was apparently drugged by the crack-laced pages and blacked out. Eight years later and I'm bawling like a baby at my fourth viewing of the final film, rocking a deathly hallows pendant I made myself, and I literally can't make it through a normal conversation without finding a way to bring up Harry Potter. It's been an unbelievable ride and has had a powerful influence on me to say the least.
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posted over a year ago 
xElvenPiratex said:
Honestly, I wasn't interested in reading them at all for a very long time. I guess all the hype turned me off to it (not to mention my parents hated anything to do with witches and wanted me to stay as far away from the series as I could). I only ended up reading them because I lost a bet with a friend and had to read The Sorcerer's Stone as a forfeit. Of course I was instantly hooked and devoured the rest of the books as fast as I could. I don't even remember what the bet was about now, but it was definitely the best one I ever made :D
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posted over a year ago 
pink-bookworm said:
Well I was at my cousins house and Harry potter and the chamber of secrets was on and we watched and I really liked it so I guess what drew me to the Harry potter series was my cousin because she was the one who wanted to watch it.
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posted over a year ago 
rere14 said:
my father forced me to read it when I was 11,,he bought it for me and told me to read it,and I remember I almost threw "harry potter and the sorcerer stone" to the garbage,because I asked him to bought some toy not book,,,god I love you dad, thank you so much for not listening!!!
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posted over a year ago 
technacolor said:
Wow!What drew me to Harry Potter was the idea that u can change things just by waving a wand.To hold that much power in ur hand.Who doesn't wish they could have that. They always had these movies back in my day that did'nt teach u about magic like this. It leaves u on the edge of ur seat wondering what's gonna happen next.Also the fact the used the same people the whole series.I LOVE MAGIC!:-) AND HARRY POTTER!I own all of them.
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posted over a year ago 
MichaelxxRupert said:
Like 11 years ago I was in the store and I wanted the movie. Randomly. I don't know why...I was like 2 so...yeah, pretty much tried it out and it was the most awesome movie ever...:P
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posted over a year ago 
halpertfan11 said:
My mom bought me the first book and read it to me when I was about five. When the second book came out, I read it myself and by the time that the sorcerer's stone movie came out, I was in love with the characters and the series. It was just so nice, especially when you're young, to be able to escape to the wizarding world for a while. Harry Potter is an absolute phenomenom that has deeply touched my life. I doubt I wil ever live to see another series that will have the same impact on not only myself, my family, and friends, but on the world.
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posted over a year ago 
Sasume said:
Well I started the books in 4th grade. At first it sounded dumb to me (I don't remember why) so I didn't care. I started on the Chamber of Secrets because the Sorcerer's Stone wasn't at the school library. I just remember as soon as I finished that book I was hooked. I finished the whole series from the end of that year into the summer. I was obsessed! I still am. I'm happy that I gave the books a try :D since they're so wonderfully written. J.K. Rowling is an amazing author! It was also kind of interesting how I read the first book after the 7th book...
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posted over a year ago 
ecpjll said:
I was around 16 when the 1st movie came out & I refused to see what I thought was a kid's movie.Then a year or so later the 2nd movie came out and apparently my dad had seen the 1st one and liked it and wanted to see the 2nd but as a like 48 year old man was too embarrassed to go see it himself. So he begged me to go with him. I did, and i've been hooked ever since. :)
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posted over a year ago 
simpleplan said:
when I was about six or seven I seen HP on the news I remembering wanting the book really bad and beging my mum and dad it worked I got the first one I have been hooked sence :3
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posted over a year ago 
chameleonare said:
I watched the first movie when I was little I think it was kindergarden and then my dad asked me if I wanted to read the books too and I was a bookworm even then so he started reading the books to me because I was too little to read them on my own (advanced vocabulary plus britishness equals a very confused small child asking what something means every five seconds)
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posted over a year ago 
dancergirl78 said:
Well my older sister and my mom read the series and I sometimes I watched the movies but I wasn't really interested. Then like two of my friends started to read them and tried to convince me to read the books but I didn't want to. Then when the Half-blood Prince came out (I was nine years old) my mom, my sister, and her friend were going to see the movie and I had nothing to do that day so I went with them. That night I decided to start reading the series and see if I liked the first book or not and it turned out that I really enjoyed the Sorcerer's Stone so I read all of the books over and over again and from then on I became obsessed with Harry Potter. So basically I've been a Harry Potter fan for about 4 years. :D
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posted over a year ago 
linhousepotter said:
I didn't know anything about HP before the movies. I watched the first two movies in my house and I thought Harry and Hermione were really cute together (???) so I decided to know more about them in the internet . While I was looking for information I came across a Romione site (awww). I read all about them and I immediately fell in love with that couple. That was the moment when I decided to buy the books. Romione introduced me to Harry Potter .
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posted over a year ago 
kkbb97876 said:
I Wanted to watch The Sorceres Stone and my mom made my read the Book first (Witch I now thank her for) I had never been the most popular person at my school and I noticed that niether was Harry. I loved to just get lost in another world and still do today. :)
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posted over a year ago 
Lunalovely said:
Well last year i was in the library, running out of new things to read that werent completely boring, and there's a whole shelf filled with the Harry potter series. My sister had told me since age 5 that Harry Potter sucked, so I beleived her, but what was i gonna do? Harry Potter was a great series to MANY other people and I might as well try to read it.
So i read like half a page, and i hated it. but i still wanted to give it a shot. i watched the first movie, got hooked, and read all the books and watched all the movies. Now I wish i wouldve watched the movies a LONG time ago
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posted over a year ago 
CherryCrush100 said:
my mum and dad loved the first film and got me into them all by making me watch them with them, I thank them for that, now im obsessed, lol! x
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posted over a year ago 
brittanylovesAR said:
Well I was like 4 when the first harry potter movie came out and I just loved the movie so I watched every single movie and read every book
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posted over a year ago 
WinterAmber said:
It all started when "The Half Blood Prince" came out. My mom kidnapped the dvd from my aunt and forced the whole family to watch it. So I guess I have my mom to thank for discovering this wonderful series. :)
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posted over a year ago 
tacey said:
Magic of course (: ..simple as that :3 ♥
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posted over a year ago 
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