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Harry Potter Question

What are some random Harry Potter-related things you do?

Well, here are a few of mine:
This guy at my school keeps yanking my umbrella out off my backpack, so I basicly tackled him and screamed "FILTHY MUDBLOOD!!" really really loud, then he was like, "you watch Harry Potter too much" And so I immediatly am all like "You've seen Harry Potter too? What house are you in? Who's you're favorite character?" -And also, I was thinking "Watch? You DO know that it is based on a book right?"
Also me and my free end ran up to some teachers and asked them what house they were in.

P.S. "Free ends" is how me and my friends say "friends"
LiptonGold posted over a year ago
Haha, yeah, I called someone a Mudblood too... But they just looked at me like I was mad xD
MarlenaLovett posted over a year ago
I call my mom a muggle wen she doesnt get me
sid1123 posted over a year ago
 LiptonGold posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

Matsy23 said:
whenever someone pisses me off i yell "AVADA KEDAVRA!!!!!" at them xDDDD
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posted over a year ago 
Kassaremidylynn said:
I am going to wear black on the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. I know I'll get weird looks, but I really don't care.

And I go off on people who say mudblood sometimes...

My cousin used to bake cakes on the character's birthdays. I don't know if she still does that, but she did last year.
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posted over a year ago 
lucius_malloy said:
well I scrawl quotes and stuffs all over everything, including but not limited to my notebooks, my pencil case, my jeans and my arm...
I also write various stuffs, like FFs and WL-stuff.

oh, and Harry Potter got me hooked on smut ;)
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posted over a year ago 
wotcher-tonks said:
I write things like "Dobby likes socks" or "Mad Eye Moody" on my binder when I get bored in school...So thats every 5 minutes then! Whenever someone annoys me, I kinda think spells at them...but the spells don't work :(
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posted over a year ago 
Tarna96 said:
I make wands. Mine's reed and willow with hippogriff talon and topaz. I made my friend a Hogwarts care package for her birthday, with a timetable, wand and acceptance letter.
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posted over a year ago 
Wow, that's a really good idea! I should do that some time. You don't mind, do you?
scarxtardis posted over a year ago
Wow! My BFF also does that! It really is a nice idea
SevSnapeForev posted over a year ago
My BFF does that too! The wand she made me is really cool!
Prawls8612 posted over a year ago
RealBenTennyson said:
I draw the sign of deathly hallows..... And my friend called a girl MUDBLOOD once coz she was irritating us. She looked uncertain for a moment and then started laughing... LOL!!
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posted over a year ago 
scarxtardis said:
I signed my notebook with RAB to confuse people, I always say "Accio ___" To try and get something, I say avada kadarva to the cockroaches, and quite a bit more :)
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posted over a year ago 
athenaparthenos said:
Randomly shouting spells while pointing whatever's in my hand to anyone who happens to be passing by me, or for filling in awkward silences. Occasionally, one of them would reply, then we'd duel.
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posted over a year ago 
Duncan_Courtney said:
Me and my friend draw the Deathly Hallows sign all over our school. We've drawn it like everywhere, and a couple of times we've found one that neither of drew.
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posted over a year ago 
dpaisita97 said:
everytime a teacher hands us a textbook(their not ours,she handsthem,out every day do I get random one everyday) I write "this book is property of the Half Blood Prince" and I do that with EVERY class, im hoping to get it on all the textbooks by the end of the year, and I learned how to write Harry Potter like how it is on the book cover, just so I could draw it everywhere. and I also draw the Deathly Hallows mark on my books. I do all thiss in class bythe way

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posted over a year ago 
oh and a couple guys in my woodshop class sometimes randomly grab round wooden sticks and start yelling Expelliarmus at eachother as if they were duling, and then drop their "wands" as if they had been really disarmed.then theypick them up and do it agin. I sometimes want fo join them but for some reason they dont like me :( its a shame cause I could do with a fellow potterhead as a friend
dpaisita97 posted over a year ago
SevSnapeForev said:
I say "I need to Hedwig you..." when someone makes me mad (referring to Snape accidentally hitting Hedwig with Avada Kedavra.) Also, if a teacher isn't in the classroom at the start of class, I say "Accio Mrs._____" hoping that they'll appear ;)
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posted over a year ago 
Didn't that work one time when we did that in class? LOL good memories
Prawls8612 posted over a year ago
oh yeah lol... good times... good times... And dont forget writing Sev<3 all over my notebooks ;)
SevSnapeForev posted over a year ago
Prawls8612 said:
When my parents annoy me I call them all muggles and they are left there puzzled by the word lol. Then at school, my friends and I made people in our class the caracters from Harry Potter and it was fun. We made the totally awesome teacher Slughorn and the most boring teacher Binns LOL!
Then when I unlock my phone I say lumos cause the light goes on and when I have to reach for something I say Accio! Lol!
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posted over a year ago 
Wow... We really have problems haha ;)
SevSnapeForev posted over a year ago
lolibarbie said:
I'll get the HP Spell app out and start casting the spells on people when I get pissed off xD
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posted over a year ago 
TheDon0603 said:
Every bar of Aveda soap I see, I scratch out the "e" replace it with an "a" and carve Kedavra under it.
I say Lumos every time I turn on a light.
I make Harry Potter references that no one else gets i.e. "this place is filthier than Grimmauld Place."
Every time my sister is holding something, I knock it out of her hands, shout Expelliarmus and walk away.
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posted over a year ago 
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