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Harry Potter Question

how do you feel about the location of Snape's death place being changed?

I don't know how to feel. I am one who can usually separate the books and movies as separate franchises and that the movies are only BASED on the books. But Snape and his demise is something for lack of better words special to me and I wanted it done right. They said it is in a boathouse they made??? or something. Im confused. This might actually be one change Im mad about but they asked for Jo's approval and she liked it. So...But. I just have mixed feelings.
K,I love Harry potter SO much but I haven't read the books in ages so I actually don't even remember where he died in the book..
shihtzuoscar posted over a year ago
he died in the shrieking shack - don't think i spelt that right but u know what i mean :)
magic18 posted over a year ago
 Persephone713 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

bri-marie said:
I'm not happy. I can't say I'm really mad - I don't think that's going to happen until after I see how they do it - but I'm really not happy about it.
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posted over a year ago 
i just dont get the reason? more romantic. It was touching the way it was.
Persephone713 posted over a year ago
I know! There was no reason to change it.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
lilith84 said:
Not thrilled about it either, the scene was perfect, so why change it? But if the location is the only things they changed, I guess I could live with it, as long as ALL of his memories are there.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree it was perfect. And if Jo approved maybe we should...wait. Still its like WHY? a boathouse? Snape doesnt go boating-:)
Persephone713 posted over a year ago
well, we don't really know, maybe he enjoys a nice, quiet fishing ;)
lilith84 posted over a year ago
HA HA. Snape fishing. interesting picture.
Persephone713 posted over a year ago
Agreed lilith84
Kylie90210 posted over a year ago
Kadaj said:
They what?!
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posted over a year ago 
YEAH..join the club. thats what I said.
Persephone713 posted over a year ago
LadyNottingham said:
A boathouse ? Does that mean it's going to happen on the Black Lake ? As long as the death scene and his memories are included, that is Chapters 32 and 33, OK, fine by me. Though I want to see the movie to have an opinion.

Though I don't get the point in doing it otherwise than in the Shack. Thinking of it, he had almost died there when Sirius had lured him to get there, and he eventually died there some 20 odd years later.

The only thing I have no doubt about, is Alan Rickman's ability to play the death scene. He's such a great actor. I'd like him to have an Oscar (or at least a nomination) for this part. That would be truly deserved.
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posted over a year ago 
I know. The Shack had a significance but if JO loved it...I guess we should trust her. Its her story.
Persephone713 posted over a year ago
Yes, otherwise she would probably be the first author in history to sabotage her own works when adapted to movie. There was a link posted her today, I read it and it is the boathouse where all the 1rst years land after crossing the lake and before going up to the castle for their sorting.
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
frostydragon said:
I wasn't happy with the death of Severus in the first, he was one of the few that should have survived but to change the setting that's a huge
WHY?! It isnt like the screaking shack hadn't already been introducted in a story line or movie. Makes no sense.
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posted over a year ago 
I know...why a stupid boathouse.
Persephone713 posted over a year ago
simpleplan said:
Why would they do that it was already brilliant.
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posted over a year ago 
Vixie79 said:
I agree with most here. If the location is the only thing changed I'll be okay with it, but if they take away things or add stupid crap, I'll be pissed beyond pissed.
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posted over a year ago 
I know. A large part of this is his story too....he needs a justifiable sendoff.
Persephone713 posted over a year ago
Not only it is his story, but also the keystone which the whole saga lies onto ! They'd better not botch it all up !
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
Gryffindork said:
My initial reaction was "..well that's..interesting."
I mean, I'm going to wait until I see the movie before I say anything bad about it.
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posted over a year ago 
sevendeadlysins said:
Honestly, them changing other really main things in the previous movies have made me indifferent to minor changes such as this. So, I don't have much of an opinion. It's one of those things that I don't care to rant about, but it still irks me a bit.

As long as the rest that follows his death only has minor changes — that is, at worst — than it's all good.
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posted over a year ago 
unholytrinity said:
Not happy, to be honest, i wont say: 'i loved the place he died' but for some reason, jk chose that place...
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posted over a year ago 
SiriusSeverus said:
Hmmm. Somewhat mixed feelings... As long as his memories are shown correctly, I guess I don't really mind... The where is not as important as the how and especially the why, but the shack did hold some significance in that it made a nice loop back to him and Sirius in POA, and him nearly meeting Lupin there in their own childhood.

How are they gonna show SS finding lilies letter and photo in Sirius' bedroom, as they never showed Harry finding it???

I'm desperate to see the last movie... But I'm a little scared...
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posted over a year ago 
Darkshine said:
Boathouse? Come on, I haven't seen something as stupid in a movie since Twilight came out!
Snape in a boathouse?
What's wrong with the Shrieking Shack? o.O

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posted over a year ago 
yermam said:
Absolutely mortified. The boathouse may be a nicer location than the Shrieking Shack for Snape to die but that's besides the point. Snape's death is not SUPPOSED to be nice or "romantic" as someone who confirmed the scene put it. I want Snape to get the epic death scene he deserves, regardless of how gruesome it might be!
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posted over a year ago 
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