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Harry Potter Question

what do you think of George and Fred Weezley???

weezly?weasley u mean!
AdaLove posted over a year ago
SORRY about spelling english is not really my language
TeaMJgirl posted over a year ago
 TeaMJgirl posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

Frizzhead said:
Well i think its spelt Weasley!

Anyways they are so cool they are nearly frozen
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posted over a year ago 
yh sorry about spelling i live in bosnia :)
TeaMJgirl posted over a year ago
Cullen-fan said:
Ahh!I love those boys!!!I cried for ages when Fred died I then start to wear a black braclet with a piece of red string on it in memory of him!!!♥
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posted over a year ago 
LOL! Really?
Stassja posted over a year ago
Yes really!
Cullen-fan posted over a year ago
alessiamonari said:
I loved them.they're amazing
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posted over a year ago 
swimnoodle said:
I think they make the movie! I lllooovvveee their funny comments and cute hair :).
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posted over a year ago 
love them too <3
TeaMJgirl posted over a year ago
XTwilightLuverX said:
There so funny and there always in trouble imagine life without them !!!!!!! Its so sad thouh because bad stuff happens to them in the deathly hallows
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posted over a year ago 
Lunaste said:
Love them, the only Weasleys I actually really like.

Used to sail on the HMS Mirror on Fictionalley back when I was REALLY into fandom, couple of year ago, which was a lot of fun :D
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posted over a year ago 
fangirl4ever said:
they r soo hott and amazing!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
renrae said:
Who? Sorry, I've never heard of either one of them.

However, there are twins in the fabulous series Harry Potter named Fred and George Weasley. Maybe you've heard of them?
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posted over a year ago 
im sorry about spelling i live in bosnia,and english is not really my language
TeaMJgirl posted over a year ago
Okay. no offense meant. it's just that I've seen people do it when English is their FIRST language. And it's annoying. But if it isn't your first language, I understand completely and didn't mean offense.
renrae posted over a year ago
ok thanks for understanding ...:)
TeaMJgirl posted over a year ago
Anushree7 said:
I think Fred n George are a bunch of really cool n smart hunks.Their pranks are hilarious n I simply love it.

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posted over a year ago 
kagome3 said:
i luv them both and they r quit silly 2 me.(lol)!

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posted over a year ago 
Irina92 said:
I like them so much! They're funny and make everyone smile with their jokes (maybe except Mrs Weasly!:D)... It's terrible that Rowling made Fred die!
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posted over a year ago 
Lackson4ever85 said:
i love them:D. but i have always like george a bit more:D he is so Adorable
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posted over a year ago 
Stassja said:
They are amazing! Their personalities that complement each other so perfectly, their humour, the way they appreciate their mom and their lines are simply lovable in my opinion.
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posted over a year ago 
I actually still have the braclet!IDK Y i stopped wearing it!!
Cullen-fan posted over a year ago
thats so nice ;)
TeaMJgirl posted over a year ago
cullenROCKz said:
I personally think they are great. They are amusing and mischievous which makes the book fun to read. I like it when you go to one of their scenes after a serious part. I never expected that one of the twins would die. That was a huge loss.
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I personally think they are great. They are amusing and mischievous which makes the book fun to read. I like it when you go to one of their scenes after a serious part. I never expected that one of the twins would die. That was a huge loss.
posted over a year ago 
pic is great :) <3
TeaMJgirl posted over a year ago
AdaLove said:
OH i am in love with one of the actors!(with oliver phelps!) anyway they are just amazing and i cried when freddie died..omg!
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posted over a year ago 
dylin1 said:
They're so cool they're frozen, and kinda hot, so they're melting themselves.... if that makes sense. Whatever, they own!
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posted over a year ago 
flabaloobalah said:
they are the life and humor and attractiveness (a real word? tbd) of the whole freaking HP series! my hogwarts charactr, Adora Shepperd, plans to elope with fred but when he dies she marries fred and gets ron jealous cuz they were bf and gf for a while. sorry if i got offtopic.
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posted over a year ago 
Gawgas said:
*Weasly* Fred's cute, George is funny, They're both mischievous and Fred shouldn't have died. Nothing should have split the twins up :-(
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posted over a year ago 
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