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Harry Potter Question

Why dose everyone hate Ginny and Cho?

 Mel4ever posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter  best answer

SiriusSeverus said:
Personally, I like them both.

Cho - I like people first, until they give me reason not to like them. Cho wasn't in the story long enough to cause me to dislike her, and her main points were after Cedrics death, when She' was distraught, so we never really got to see the 'good' side of her.

Ginny - a lot of people think that the relationship between her and Harry was too rushed, and came from nowhere. Personally, I disagree. I watched their relationship grow through every book from 2nd to last, and love that it wasn't just a 'love at first sight' deal. I love that Harry didn't 'fall for the prettiest (apparently Hermione) girl', I love that Ginny is a character that is set back from the main storyline, that she just accepts things as they are and doesn't play the 'poor lonely damsel left behind'. She's just, down-to-earth and a nice "normal" character.

By all means, if you disagree, feel free to explain why, this is merely my point of view.
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posted over a year ago 
I completely agree
Mel4ever posted over a year ago
Well, thanks :)
SiriusSeverus posted over a year ago
This about sums it up!
xlovelyhearts posted over a year ago
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MutantRainbow37 said:
Jealousy, since they each once had Harry.
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posted over a year ago 
Mel4ever posted over a year ago
yes my reason 2
crazyasfred posted over a year ago
MissKnowItAll said:
I don't hate Ginny, but a lot of people do because they think she is too perfect, or just a plot device. Also, some feel that her romance with Harry wasn't developed or it just isn't 'right', which means that some AU shippers hate her for ruining their favourite couples.

I don't like Cho. Don't hate her, just don't like her. Many people think she cries far too much, and I just find her a little boring. She kind of gets in the way of the plot for a long time. Harry's teenage crush was tiresome, to put it simply.
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posted over a year ago 
i agree
Mel4ever posted over a year ago
mimifaith said:
I don't hate Ginny, but i have noticed how a lot of people do. I think she's firey and probably a good friend.

But i don't like Cho. She was always whining and in the books wasn't put in a very good light...
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posted over a year ago 
maryksand said:
I do not hate Ginny and I used to like her before in book 6 she was turned into a Mary Sue for no believable reason and Harry fell for her all of a sudden, again, for no believable reason. The most forced story-line in the series.

As to Cho I always liked her and I wasn't against her and Harry being a couple, but I think she always loved Cedric and she and Harry could never work.

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posted over a year ago 
I agree
Mel4ever posted over a year ago
ScottishChic said:
Well, I don't hate either of them, more just I find them boring/ annoying.

Take Ginny:
It's like she just HAS to get into the middle of it, she can't keep her nose out of it, you know, a side character trying to play the hero, but I understand where she's coming from, I wouldn't/couldn't let my friends/loved ones go off if there was something I could do, but I personally think that if she just backed off a little, people would like her a little bit more.
But there's also the Harry/Ginny relationship- a lot of people I know, including me, don't feel the chemisty and find it a very boring relationship, and besides there are rules about guys dating their bestfriends' siblings.

As for Cho, she's just plain boring and does nothing but cry- I know she was supposed to be going through a tough time but there's also the fact that she hurt Harry, so a lot of people don't like her for that.

But personally, I don't hate them, they're just not my favourite characters.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree with you about Ginny. As to Cho I really like her and understand her pain in book 5, but her relationships with Harry could never work, because she still loved Cedric even after his death.
maryksand posted over a year ago
Ya...i don't like Cho because she doesn't nothing but cry. and she keeps on whining too
SnapesGirl posted over a year ago
^not helping
Mel4ever posted over a year ago
well i totally DISagree ginny is awesome!!!! but cho is a Loser capital L
sy-sy posted over a year ago
Yuki_7 said:
I don't hate them.I don't hate Ginny,I think she's a good character and a very nice person!I like her!And Cho,I must say I really like Cho.She's a nice girl,a good character,and I don't think she's annoying like maybe others do.
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posted over a year ago 
megrose5171 said:
i like them
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posted over a year ago 
Granger_Weasley said:
Good question!!!
I like Ginny but Ive got one friend who hates her. And I asked her once why she hates her. My friend has never read the HP books. She just read HP fanfictions. Anyway in fanfictions is Ginny most of the times like a Mary Sue Character. Maybe some of the people who often read fanfictions start to think as well Ginny is annoying or bitchy... An other reason is surely just the different tastes of people. Like everyone has favourites and dislikes =)
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posted over a year ago 
she should read the books
Mel4ever posted over a year ago
I think so^^
Granger_Weasley posted over a year ago
who is mary sue
sy-sy posted over a year ago
Mary Sue is called a character (mostly in fanfictions) who is too perfectly almost annoying
Granger_Weasley posted over a year ago
i-am-mariella said:
I like them, personally.
I guess the whole thing with Cho is people found her a little sad. She was always distraught after Cedric dying - which was understandable, seeing as Cedric was her boyfriend - and a lot of people were annoyed with her crying and thought she might as well get over it if she's going to kiss Harry, as cruel as it sounds, and they also didn't get her arguing with Harry over Marietta.
The thing with Ginny I think it's probably because she's a very strong female, like with Severus/Lily shippers, a lot of them aren't huge fans of Lily Evans, which I don't get, but whatever. Ginny does sometimes annoy me but it's part of her character, she's a fiery girl and I love how fiercely independent she is and I so want to hang out with her and Luna! The only things I don't like are her popularity - why does she have to be such a popular girl and so many boys like her? I don't think that's needed in Harry's girlfriend, and also Harry's "chest monster." That was funny, but weird.

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posted over a year ago 
yes i agree
Mel4ever posted over a year ago
alisonfaith297 said:
ppl hate them?? really?? all the ppl i know who love HP likes them...
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posted over a year ago 
Mel4ever posted over a year ago
PotterLucy said:
I don't hate Ginny, I envy her, because Harry loves her and they share a lifetime together and they have 3 beautiful kids.
Cho is the one I hate because she is a bitch -she didn't love Harry. She was in love with Cedric, but as he was killed at the hands of Voldemort, she grabbed the first that appeared in front of her. Besides, she made some nasty movies in her head because she didn't want Harry to go out with Hermione and Ron.
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posted over a year ago 
Mel4ever posted over a year ago
foopetsrule said:

well, Ginny is fine, but Cho she just started dating Harry to hear more about Cedric, so.
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posted over a year ago 
no she didn't
Mel4ever posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said:
I dont hate either of them Ginny is an ok character, I just dont like the Ginny/Harry pairing. Cho is my 5th favorite character.
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I dont hate either of them Ginny is an ok character, I just dont like the Ginny/Harry pairing. Cho is my 5th favorite character.
posted over a year ago 
Snowiyflake said:
I dont hate them at all! I always thot Ginny was funny when she would always blush when Harry was there, and now I luv them as a couple!!
I call my friend "Luna" and she calls me "Cho", so I dont hate Cho at all!! I do like Hermione more tho...She calls me Cho because Luna and Cho r both more side characters...Go Cho!
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posted over a year ago 
Sasume said:
I don't hate either of them. I liked Ginny's personality all throughout the story, she wasn't an overrated drama queen like Cho was. Ginny seemed to be pretty down-to-earth and shy-ish. Cho on the other hand, got old after a while. I know it was supposed to be tough on her because of Cedric but seriously. She needed to stop crying sometime and move on. I didn't feel like she was being fair to Harry since he still liked her. It was partially his fault because he should've forgotten about her when it was obvious it wouldn't work out. I liked Harry and Ginny's relationship because it wasn't one of those cheesy *cough* twilight *cough* relationships. They actually got to know each other before any real feelings were revealed. It wasn't an:
"I love you"
"I love you too"
"Let's get married"
so I liked that.
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posted over a year ago 
xD i liked the scene
Mel4ever posted over a year ago
helomusic said:
I don't hate them it's just that I pity Cho and really dislike Ginny!
I think people dislike Cho because for the ones whom have just watched the movies she's only the cry baby who actually betrayed the DA so it's kind of to much I guess!
For the ones whom have read the books, she just cry all the time and always compared Harry to Cedric!
I only pity her because the poor girl had lost her boyfriend and she's completely heartbroken!
I think she use Harry as her rebound but it didn't work. I found her a little annoying at the end of her relationship with Harry she was jealous of Harry's relationship with Hermione for nothing!
Ginny she hated mostly because for the people who only watched the movie didn't understand how she actually change her personality she was shy for 4 movies and suddenly she completely change she became a powerful girl with a personality I mean she talk with everyone like she was never shy and like she was always there with them (people of Harry's year I mean).
Most of my friends dislike her because in the books we didn't see her much but in the 5th book she just appear out of nowhere and she just went out with a lot of guys and she weren't shy anymore! My best friend consider her as a slut because she went out with a lot of guy in only a year!!!
Before the 6th book I really didn't mind her so I didn't think much about her character.
But when I read the 5th book I was like ok the girl is more present and she had a boyfriend or two and didn't understand what it was so important to include it but I thought it was for the context of the intrigue and everything else!
In the 6th book when Harry start to like her, it surprised me because it feels forced for me and I was sure he would end up with her because it was just predictable or he would die with Voldemort! (I wanted him to die because it would have been a good end! I know it's horrible and I'm sure I would have cry but it's a more real end than the one we got with the happily ever after!).
I just dislike her because how she change was a little fast and really seems like she totally erase her personnality and became someone else it didn't feel right to me and didn't feel natural at all!
I'm sorry for the ones who actually believe that people are jealous of FICTIONAL CHARACTERS just because they disagree with the author's choice of endgame or because they don't like some characters it's only different opinions!!!
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posted over a year ago 
I completely agree with you!
maryksand posted over a year ago
Amy3422 said:
Well, I know a lot of people (including me) who like both of them, but I think that a lot of people come at Ginny from a movie perspective.
Bonnie Wright was cast before Ginny's character was fully developped in the books, so she isn't perfectly suited to the role. In the movies, Ginny's personality is pretty much cut, so she comes off looking like a pretty forced and not very interesting plot device. Most of her and Harry's relationship is cut, as are most of Ginny's funniest lines from the book.
There is also the fact that Harry keeps her so separate from the rest of his life, and Ginny is not the most important thing in his thoughts. Personally, I find this believable and think that it shows a lot about Harry's character. (He's afraid of her being killed, remember.) However, I expect that some people are looking for a 'Twilight'-type romance and don't find them to be a passionate enough couple.
As for Cho, we see her through Harry's perspective, which is hugely biased. (He doesn't handle the relationship very well, but it's easy to blame Cho if you don't think about her side of the story.) A lot of the humour in the fifth book comes from the fact that they are so incompatible as people. To me, they were never meant to be a real romance; just something that adds layers to the story. I guess the movies played their relationship more seriously, which made it less entertaining than in the books.
Lastly, I'll just add that people love to hate, and that there's always someone who the fans (or anti-fans) gang up on. There usually isn't a very good reason for it, other than that the character conflicts with someone's idea of what they want to see happen.
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posted over a year ago 
i agree
Mel4ever posted over a year ago
dalilee said:
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posted over a year ago 
delamico said:
I wouldn't call it hatred what people - including me - feel for Cho and Ginny. We tend to use this word because the importance of the matter does not actually require such a deep explanation in comments and that sort. It's more like annoyance, caused by the two characters or the portrayal of the movies and also by other fans who like them.

Obviously everything starts with Harry - as always. Everybody likes Harry. Not Daniel Radcliffe, but Rowling's Harry is definitely loved by everybody. Now this love we have for him and also for the rest of the characters is - for me, at least - like love for friends or siblings as most of the fans grew up on the Harry Potter books. And we all picture a perfect partner for them, for Harry too, though we secretly know that there's a thick chance that Rowling will make him end up with Ginny. And so we get the first girlfriend of Harry, the 'widow' of Cedric Diggory (who previously took the girl away from him). Are we happy? Are we happy that our Harry ended up with this confused girl who even DUMPED him before instead of a nice and joyful one who'd support and love him? I think quite understandably no.
As for Ginny, now that our hopes are high that Harry will have a civil girl the drop to the ground is too big when Harry gets together with Ginny anyways. Again: what kind of a girl is she? All we know is that in her childhood love was the famous Harry Potter (like our childhood love was the famous Dan Radcliffe) that she plays Quidditch and that at 15 she already ate 2 guys. Does that appeal to the big sister? A girl of whom we know that she likes boys and loved our Harry for his fame before? I'd lie saying yes, wouldn't I?

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posted over a year ago 
evannapotter said:
not everyone hates them.. but in my opinion i don't like Cho too much. Ginny is still my favourite of all :)
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posted over a year ago 
sy-sy said:
i dont hate ginny shes mi fav character but cho is mi lest
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i dont hate ginny shes mi fav character but cho is mi lest
posted over a year ago 
Vixie79 said:
I don't hate them. I just never really thought about Cho that much. She was just there. Ginny, I liked her in the books. I just don't like Bonnie as Ginny, she doesn't portray her well and Dan and her have no chemistry.
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posted over a year ago 
mispotter said:
not everyone hates them just some I love them
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posted over a year ago 
TivaRocks said:
Well, I think they are hated because they dated Harry. I personaly love Ginny Weasly, but a lot of chicks and gay poeple out there are in love with Dan Radcliff, so they all hate Ginny and Cho because they "stole Harry". I know weird, but still.
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posted over a year ago 
Sprinter23 said:
Obviously, it's because they both got to be with Harry. But I hate Ginny more, personally. She was my least favorite character in the books and she's ugly in the movies. Personally, I think Harry could've done much better. For awhile I was SURE he would end up with Hermione.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree with you on some level. I knew that Harry/Hermione wouldnt happen but i just...wasnt satisfied with the Harry/Ginny pairing. I saw it coming from a million miles away and It just didnt work for me lol.
HuddyJoy0524 posted over a year ago
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