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Harry Potter Question


wow!! u shld ask this question in twilight spot!! i mean in this spot everyone who answered likes harry potter, but trust me there is aLOT of people there who like twilight better than HP!!
babina posted over a year ago
harry potter is amazing <3 but twilight is ok. it depends what sort of books you like. romance? fantasy? adventure? it all depends :)
mylotrlife posted over a year ago
they're both amazing !
kizsa31 posted over a year ago
 Jam2theizzo posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter  best answer

Cinders said:
Cards on the table-- Harry Potter is not the best series ever written. For that matter, neither is Twilight.

I have read all of the Harry Potter series. I have read bits and pieces of the first Twilight book, and I have seen the movie. I have also talked to several fans of the Twilight series who have both criticized and raved about the series.

For young readers, Harry Potter is a gem. It combines genius storytelling with likable and believable characters in a world that is completely its own. The Harry Potter realm is full of adventures and odd interesting things to explore. In that sense, Harry Potter is a great book for readers of any age, not just for youths.

On the other hand, Twilight is a very targeted series at young preteen girls. Therefor, its subject matter is prone to limitations and cliches. This is not necessarily a bad thing. The story of Twilight has several merits, and follows the classically effective Aristotillian way of storytelling, much like Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. However, I must say that some characters in the Twilight series are not quite up to the interesting, complex standards of the characters in Rowling's series. Most of them are fairly straight-forward, and often some of them are painted as idealistic visions of harlequin romance. Not to mention the feminist criticism I could delve into-- but won't.

Comparing the two side by side in as objective a manner as I can muster, I must say that I would recommend Harry Potter over Twilight any day.

PS: Please don't type all in caps. It's a bit distracting, and it feels like you're yelling all the time.
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posted over a year ago 
You're amazing.
Praesse posted over a year ago
I have to agree with you on that one because I don't think people understand it.
lilysev1134e posted over a year ago
I personally think the Harry Potter series are the best books ever written, but to each their own, and that is a great answer.
FlightofFantasy posted over a year ago
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Praesse said:
Harry Potter as good as the Twilight series? Are you kidding me? Harry Potter is way better, I've read both and you can't even compare them. Twilight is horrible compared to Harry Potter, in my opinion.
There's not a thing in which Twilight is better than Harry Potter. Unless you are only interesed in romance and only romance, I assure you Harry Potter is way better.
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posted over a year ago 
romance is never always good i mean its nice but at da end it gets a lil lame
diane514 posted over a year ago
romance is the main thing for me but i much prefer the couples in hp... i just can't stand edward and bella or anything about twilight really... ;P ♥
totally-sugar posted over a year ago
Personally I agree ALL the way.
Mrs-Grint posted over a year ago
volleybalchick said:
want my advise about it. you need to read both and deside for yourself. everyone is goin to have their own thoughts about the books. if you ask me they are the same. they both have romance. they both have adventure. and they both have hottt characters.
just read them yourself. then you will know the answer for your question.

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posted over a year ago 
Thats a really good idea maybe I :)
Jam2theizzo posted over a year ago
volleybalchick posted over a year ago
hoda104 posted over a year ago
Brysis said:
Are you kidding??? Ok Twilight freak here but HARRY POTTER IS SOOOOOOOOOO WAY BETTER than Twilight i have to admit
Harry Potter is my obsession!! if you are prepared to have an obsession than you must start to read it if you don´t, don´t try it please cause once you read Harry it´s FOR LIFE... just like Twilight!!
I love Twilight, i even have tattoos about it but HP it´s the book of the books
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posted over a year ago 
Finally, a Twilight fan with a BRAIN. I LOVE YOU BRYSIS!!!!
renrae posted over a year ago
Thanks!! you rock
Brysis posted over a year ago
omg yea HP is way more awesome!!
hoda104 posted over a year ago
HerMelody said:
I absolutely love twilight but I've been a Harry potter fan longer and Harry potter is CLASSIC. Well, it will be a classic lol. It deserves all of its popularity, great plots, great characters, great fantasy. Should you read the Harry Potter series? Yes, yes you should!
Then again, that's totally biased, isn't it... if you think you might like wizardry, magic, teen issues (like relationships, friendships), strong plots and mystery, go for it. [what have I missed?...]
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posted over a year ago 
Cool villians? Great, lovable characters? Anyone else know something?
Sappp posted over a year ago
i wouldn't like wizadry, magic etc... but i love hp! go figure...♥
totally-sugar posted over a year ago
Frizzhead said:
I personally think that harry potter is a wonderful book and Twilight is too but the constant talking about it wears it down until you have complete loathing for it!
I also believe that Bella can moan on and on about not being pretty etc. The main objectives of the 3rd and 4th film is to sleep with edward so i think that it isnt a great example to the 11 year olds and up! Plus there has been lots of examples of girls getting morbidly obsessed with the series and locking themselves away!!!!!!
Personally i think twilight has gone a bit too far!
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posted over a year ago 
OHMYGAWD, YES! i used to think twilight was pretty cool, but then EVERYONE started freaking out about it. And i'm now, pretty much, anti.
renrae posted over a year ago
Yeah i mean Breaking Dawn was......I can't describe it!!!!Sex all the time and half vampire half human babies..........I mean ewwww everything has a limit and Stephenie crossed it.Having babies with vampires????That's not possible!!!!!!!I love Twilight ,New Moon and Eclipse but Breaking Dawn was stupid.....
nataliespn posted over a year ago
breaking dawn was just silly. and lol harry potter is not possible too :P BUT WE JUST ALL THINK IT IS <3 cos we love it too much
mylotrlife posted over a year ago
samlover316 said:
I absolutely adore Twilight and Harry Potter, but in my opinion, Harry Potter is a bit better than Twilight, not only because it is better written, but also because there are more questions, mysteries, loose ends that need to be tied up, etc. There's also a lot of battle of good vs. evil, and while I understand that Twilight also has that, it's more prominent in Harry Potter. There's still some romance, though, admittedly, a little less, and there's plenty of action, humor, and suspense. Even if some people don't think that Harry Potter is as good as Twilight, you should read it anyway! Why waste time debating whether or not you should read it, just do it! It will better you mentally, and reading is fun! So I say read it, then decide for yourself which series is better. Because they're both two very good series, and you're missing out if you pick favorites.
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posted over a year ago 
seekergal101 said:
Well... I've never read Twilight, so maybe you put this on the Twilight vs. Harry Potter club. But please read Harry until the very end.
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posted over a year ago 
Harry till the end!
tbooklover posted over a year ago
Cullen-fan said:
Its actually bette than twilight fantasy wise!But its nowhere near as romantic!the best books are the 6&7 even if u dont read the rest read 6&7 they are soooooooooo gooooooooooooood
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posted over a year ago 
Oh, I love every book almost the same. I think that the 3rd, 5th and 7th are possibly my favorites. Though the I really love them all!
Praesse posted over a year ago
same here!!!! :) those ones are just awesome..not that the others aren't... haha
drwyle posted over a year ago
Well, if you don't read the rest you won't understand 6 and 7. You'd be completely lost and confused. I'd start from 1 and go from there. (My favorite is 7, then 5, then 3 <3)
XDRoseLuvsHP posted over a year ago
thalia112 said:
the wierd thing is, i havn't either but my brother says its like the best book EVER, well one of them.
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posted over a year ago 
which 1???????
diane514 posted over a year ago
Evka26-vampire said:
I haven't read the books either,i have only seen the movies...but i might read it:D
I use to love harry potter a lot more when i was younger...but then twilight came along^_^
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posted over a year ago 
luinwen said:
I like the harry potter series better and I do think Harry potter is a much better book, but I do like twilight a lot too, I say you should give it a try is good book, twlight and harry potter are very different acttually I get mad with all this people arguing wich is better and all that, read them maybe you'll like them and if you don't well at least you can say you read them and say why you didn't like them ^^
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posted over a year ago 
I agree with Olga, they are so different they can't really be compared. It's always better if you read them, anyway. But I still like Harry Potter a lot more than Twilight because I just think everything is better in that series than in Twilight.
Praesse posted over a year ago
u really do need 2 read both
123hihihi posted over a year ago
mbally500 said:
omg, harry potter is so much better, and i love twilight, so that means it really is good, its get better with each book, my favs the 3rd and the 5th, and well all of them, but them specially, check them out
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posted over a year ago 
EdwardCohen said:
O.K so i've read both and I personally think HARRY POTTER is better and my BFF thinks so to like HARRY POTTER is funny,sad and sometimes you get really worried so you ave to read all te books

I hope you read them
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posted over a year ago 
P.S. Im 13 years old and my aunt reads it and she 50
EdwardCohen posted over a year ago
P.S.S. my sister is 6 and se reads it so it is for all ages
EdwardCohen posted over a year ago
I don't think reading can be dangerous, because it's your own imagination which gives you this kind of movie in your head, so you still have the control over it. See, it's different from a real movie where the director has already decided what you see, and this may be frightening. I started reading Harry Potter when I was seven, my friends did so, too and there wasn't any problem at all with it.
Aquamarina posted over a year ago
MagicalRose said:
I have read all of Twilight and Harry Potter and in my opinion, Harry Potter is better than Twilight, but that's probably just because my best friend loves to rave about Edward. But Harry Potter is a good read.
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posted over a year ago 
A1Cullen said:
If you're looking for fantasy then you should read both Harry Potter and Twilight... they're both excellent books and definitely worth the time...
(especially the Twilight series :) )
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posted over a year ago 
Jeffersonian said:
In my personal opinion, they're both pretty good.
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posted over a year ago 
AnnaKay19 said:
Honestly speaking, Harry Potter is waaay better than Twilight. The characters are developed better and the story is evenly paced with a wonderful conclusion. Twilight is very slow, until you are near the end of each book-then the action comes in for the lat of it. If I had to choose, it would be Harry Potter hands down, even though the last Twilight book was pretty good.
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posted over a year ago 
ShannonEllison1 said:
Short and sweet:
Harry Potter is a more adventure and fantasy story that some young adults can relate to (except the murderer wizard coming after you).
Twilight is a more romantic and is for young adults who really want or can relate to finding that special someone... dare I say soulmate...
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posted over a year ago 
it's one of those 'self-fulfillment' things. by making Bella have EVERYONE's flaws (not pretty enough, not graceful enough, not particularly smart...) EVERYONE can, therefore, relate to it. it's the wish-fulfillment philosophy, which, i believe, is the reason that so many people love Twilight. they can put themselves in Bella's shoes.
renrae posted over a year ago
DivaMiller said:
Harry Potter series are better than twilight series... i have read both of them and i really dont know why twilight makes people crazy... i read them so i can have an opinion about it but i didnt like it
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posted over a year ago 
Stassja said:
I think Harry Potter is unbelievable and classic. I mean, hey, it was placed as number two on the list of "Top 101 Books you have to read before you die". So, I think that speaks for itself. But like someone mentioned previously, the only way to know is to decide for yourself. :D
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posted over a year ago 
wow i didn't know that there was such a list!! what's number one?
Irina92 posted over a year ago
Haha! I know. Sorry, I made a mistake. The Harry Potter series is actually number 5 on the list...but still, that's pretty amazing! The number one placement is "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy."
Stassja posted over a year ago
mylotrlife posted over a year ago
jacob020 said:
I have read both and seen the most recently released movies on both. Both are great! But I wouldn't advise reading the books before the movies b/c the movies toys with what they like and if you read the book and then watch the movie it makes the movie less entertaining.
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posted over a year ago 
No, I have to disagree. Of course, when you first read the books, you know already what's coming in the movie; but isn't it much more interesting to imagine all the characters and settings on your own at first? And when you watch the movies then, it's interesting to discover how the producer of the film imagined it all, but you can still have your own picture in your head beside it. What's more, you'll understand the story better when you read the books at first.
Aquamarina posted over a year ago
chameron4eva said:
Personally I think that Harry Potter is so much better than Twilight.

And think of it this way: the Harry Potter book series was so good, that they made a movie out of it.
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posted over a year ago 
haha erm they made a movie ont of twilight 2 thou....? Harry Potter is best! :)
electricelle posted over a year ago
exactly! compare the twilight movie to the harry potter movies, I'd choose HP.
chameron4eva posted over a year ago
I like the Harry Potter movies, even if I prefer the books. Maybe you just think the Twilight movies are well done because the simple story is much easier to make a film out of it than Harry Potter, which has so many different facettes that it's just impossible to make everyone completely happy with a two-hours-movie. I was a bit disappointed with the HP movies, too, until it became clear to me what I just explained. I decided to love them, to desist from the little differences between book and movie, and it works :)
Aquamarina posted over a year ago
JONASlover89-92 said:
I've read the Twilight series once and Harry Potter multiple times. In my opinion, HP is better and there are more books to read, for enjoyment.
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posted over a year ago 
KathyHalliwell said:
I've read both,and I love Twilight,but HP is MUCH better!
I think you should read it
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posted over a year ago 
-Amy- said:
Harry Potter is way better then Twilight. if you enjoyed Twilight, then you should enjoy Harry Potter :)
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posted over a year ago 
Irina92 said:
i loved harry Potter but i liked twilight too!of course i like a bit more harry potter coz i think it's better written with more interesting story and plot and coz i actually i grew up with it... i read the first book when i was really young and now after so many years it's over! well we (me and all the first hp fans) have memories from it and our childhood includes hp too! what i want to say is that i saw harry potter from little 11year-pld child in the 9 3/4 platform to 17year-old teen-adult beating voldemort! and in the whole time i was aging the same time with him!! i love twilight too, but it's smaller saga, it has sth different to say and i read it now, being quite old... however, honestly, read it!!;)
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posted over a year ago 
niamhcullenxx said:
Harry potter is BRILL if not better than Twilight
but is not as romantic as it. Its more magical and are the best thing you will eva read!! My mom said she'd burn them because I read them so much!!"£$DDD LOL
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posted over a year ago 
Of course there's much more romance in Twilight, that's true. But even so, the romances of Harry Potter are much more interesting, just BECAUSE you don't talk about it again and again.
Aquamarina posted over a year ago
I mean, because Rowling don't writes about it on every page
Aquamarina posted over a year ago
Argh! terrible english! "DOESN'T WRITE" of course! XD
Aquamarina posted over a year ago
Balik said:
I have read HP and Twilight saga.
And I can totally say that,HP is %100 winner.believe me.
I'm a totally bookworm and I like series like HP and Twilight but including aaaaaaall of 'em,HP rockz anyway.
because HP has a lot of secrets and It' geniousy.But twilight seems so much poor according their authors's writing style.
and trust me,HP is much more creative.wampires are,you know...ordinary..
I like Twilight but HP rockz my world,so,I think you should read it.
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posted over a year ago 
bet-on-alice said:
i love both dont get me wrong! but, (and this doesnt say TOO much) atm on fanpop twilight has 26,888 fans wheras HP has 17,910...:) (tells u sumthing tho!) deff read them they are great but i deff love twilight much more! :)
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posted over a year ago 
Twilight is the new trend at the moment, so of course it has some more fans here on fanpop... But according to how long Harry Potter already exists, 17,910 is quite a high number, isn't it?! :) By the way, there are many guys in the Twilight spot who just make fun of it... just saying.
Aquamarina posted over a year ago
ilovedraco said:
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posted over a year ago 
snoznoodle said:
Harry Potter's one of those rare series which actually deserve to be as big and famous as it is. Unlike Twilight. Sure Twilight's ok but it isn't anything compared to Harry Potter. I'm a fan of both by the way.
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posted over a year ago 
purpleemo4life said:
i think you should it took me 3 months to read them all (kept dates of how long it took me to read them added them up) and found that i was more or less intransted in a diffrent world wich i didnt want to leave so i think you should so go for it and enjoy
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i think you should it took me 3 months to read them all (kept dates of how long it took me to read them added them up) and found that i was more or less intransted in a diffrent world wich i didnt want to leave so i think you should so go for it and enjoy
posted over a year ago 
hahaha, same here! It took me 3 months aswell. :)
Jaay posted over a year ago
It took me 3 weeks ! :p
charlotteuuuh posted over a year ago
^ same here. :) But I'm happy about it. Reading all the books in some weeks?! No, thanks. I always want to enjoy the books, not just running through them.
Aquamarina posted over a year ago
PotterFanatic said:
I have read all of the harry potter books and found them the most interesting,fascinating,entertaining and many more ings you can add here....

I have read first novel of twilight series and found it something close to good so i left the thought of reading the rest of them some other day
So there is no point of comparing both of them...........
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posted over a year ago 
UchihaYuki said:
I've read almost all the HP books, and their very good, you should read them, but their not as good as twilight.. but anyways yeah Read HP!
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posted over a year ago 
I love twilight but I disagree ! Harry potter is much better !
charlotteuuuh posted over a year ago
i'm a huge Twilight fan and now I could say that it is better than HP but only because I've read HP so many times that I've gotten bored of it!!!!!!!!
nataliespn posted over a year ago
Exactly nataliespn
BellaEdwardLife posted over a year ago
ChickRiddler said:
I have read both the Twilight saga and Harry Potter series multiple times. i love them both. i would recommend both 2 any1
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posted over a year ago 
Jaay said:
you can't really compare Twilight and Harry Potter, i've read them both, and reread them, and i love them both, very different stories. You should defiantly read harry potter. :)
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posted over a year ago 
cullenROCKz said:
I personally think both of these series stand out more than any other especially Twilight. They are two diferrent stories but both are written so that is very clear about the emotions and the actions which take. I think you should read them. I have read Twilight and Harry Potter and I never get tired of them or get bored of reading the same conersations and dialogues. I think if a person who like to read adventure, romance and mystery, you should read Harry Potter. I personally like the books 'goblet of fire' and 'deathly hallows'. It is a series that I will ner stop reading.
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posted over a year ago 
charlotteuuuh said:
(I'm french so excuse me if I don't speak well)

I rely love twilight, but my favorite is Harry Potter !

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posted over a year ago 
babina said:
I read both series and i think that they r both good;
Harry Potter: is good because its not from one person's point of view,(like in twilight, everything is how bella sees it)HP is in general, and its also funny, i mean it has alot of humor in it and a lot of adventure.

Twilight:i love twilight because of the storyline,i mean the whole vampire, werewolf thing is my thing, and the whole thing about how bella falls in luv wid a vamp is just amazing! i don't know how to say it but i just think its brilliant!!

okay i read the HP bks long ago and i don't remember it well, i read Twilight saga recently and am still crazy about it!! SO ALL AM SAYING IS THAT THEY ARE BOTH GREAT SERIES AND U SHLD READ THEM AND CHOOSE FOR UR SELF!!
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posted over a year ago 
Clois-destiny said:
I have personally read both the Harry Potter series and the Twilight Saga and I believe that they are both excellent series. You defintely finish reading the Harry Potter series.
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posted over a year ago 
Jacobs_girl_269 said:
I am a Twilight fan and I'm not really into Harry Potter (I just really like the films) The books are good but they aren't my cup of tea. It depends on what you mean by as good as. If you mean adventure, mystery and magic then they are both equally good. If you are into a good romance then don't bother with Harry Potter until the 5th book (but then it won't make much sense and the romance isn't that interesting anyway)and reread Twilight instead :) If you want a well written book (gramatically that is) then read Harry Potter.
If you have read the 1st book and you liked it, carry on reading, it can't do any harm.
Enjoy...I hope I helped :D
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posted over a year ago 
they are both probaly the best series of books ive ever read but you're right. i'm more into fantasy than romance and i like harry potter better
Evermore_Haven posted over a year ago
preula said:
is ok!
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posted over a year ago 
Faith-Rulz said:
I've read some of the comments made by other people and really its up to you whether you wanna read Twilight or Harry Potter or hell read the might like them both or hate em, that be up to you.

This is what i have to say:
I admit I have my own preferences in both of the series, ive read (own both series on dvd/books) and watched the dvds over a zillion times lol...but they are two very different stories and yeah ive compared them to see what similarities and differences...each author writes differently and we have to remember that...

J.K Rowling and Stephanie Meyer are two very differnt talented writers of storytelling: adventure, romance, drama, relationships between characters, good vs evil, wizards/witches, vampires/humans, magic, real life issues blended into the story, plus of course a new world to explore: both are different.

I do like twilight but i feel that the characters are just underdeveloped and i disagree with some aspects of it but other than that i dont have a problem with twilight. (im looking forward to see how they manage to renesmee on film tho) and i quite enjoy the romeo and juliet theme/jacob black and a new spin to werewolves and combining Native American vibe into the story which i think is a nice change.

Harry Potter, i like it for its magic, story and i find it very compelling to read as a whole series; you can see it in your head. I also love how in some ways there are issues that are brought up: prejudice against people/blood status, racism, abuse of power, corruption, family and love, political issues, normality, oppression and overcoming odds..i could go on but there are so many that has a touch of depth or well connection to real issues/themes that we go through while being in a totally different world and whatnot...

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posted over a year ago 
Aggie_Babee said:
I would say Harry Potter. Twilight is a'ight, but it gets too... Ick. And the characters are SOO annoying!!!

Harry Potter can tend to drag in places, but once you pull through the rough patches, it's really honestly good.
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posted over a year ago 
haha i had to literally skip nearly chapters of twilight cos it was so sickening.."I love you..Not as much as i love way i definitely love you more..etc etc"
electricelle posted over a year ago
Noooo I loved those parts!!!!!Romance is exactly for my age....but I still like HP more.....
nataliespn posted over a year ago
Yeah I loved those parts too!!!!!They're the most important parts of the book!!!!!!!But HP is better!!!!!!
BellaEdwardLife posted over a year ago
^ The most important parts? ... Oh. So that's why I don't like the books! XD
Aquamarina posted over a year ago
Theralex said:
I dont think, you can compare those 2 series.
But you really should read both and then you schoud decide which one you like better.

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posted over a year ago 
alexapetrelli said:
Twilight is absolutely rubbish!
I know many books that are better than Harry Potter but o boy Harry Potter beats Twilight by, ALOT! In my opinion.
You should definately read the rest of the Harry Potter books, they're very enjoyable =]
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posted over a year ago 
electricelle said:
ok i have read both Harry and the twilight books, and honestly there is no comparison at all Harry Potter is in a class of its own, who ever said it is as good as twilight is down playing jk rowlings books completely.
Don't get me wrong i really like the twilight saga but they are just a variation of so many other vampire related things such as Buffy, Angel,The Southern Vampire Mysteries which TRUE BLOOD is based on (the similarities between them and twilight is uncanny and they were published in 2001 and twilight was published in 2005!!!)and other books through the yrs
Jk Rowling however created a whole world for her wizarding community tieing in effortlessly with the real world making everything interlink creating a multitude of characters most of whom end up having a reson to exist within the world while making us connect on some level with them all.....twilight, not so much creativeness going on its just like an evolution of the vampire romances seen in so many other very pradictable......but enjoyable non the less.
Harry Potter is 1 of them one-off strokes of shear genius that comes about once in a blue moon..........Twilight is just a more well written vampire romance than some of the others, and there is bound to be many more vamp variations to come but there will never ever be another HARRY POTTER!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Now why do I believe that Stephenie Meyer got her idea from True Blood?????I've heard a lot about it and it has sooooooo many similarities.....
nataliespn posted over a year ago
it really does such as Sookie having 2 love interests...A VAMPIRE and Sam who is A SHAPESHIFTER........sounds so familiar where else could i have read something like that i wonder lol :)
electricelle posted over a year ago
nataliespn, j.k rowling actually got a lot of her ideas from LOTR.
mylotrlife posted over a year ago
irunwithcullens said:
I really love both of them but my loylaty will always lie with the Harry Potter books!
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posted over a year ago 
dane17 said:
my friend, I have read all Harry potter books and all the twilight saga books (twilight, New moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn)...In my opinion, even if I am a big Fan of twilight, Harry potter is better written book...Generally it doesn't focus on feelings for as much time as twilight does...Twilight is a very good book too, but I think Harry potter is a better organised book and if you start reading it you will see that you won't be able to stop...Personally I recomend you to read both series so that u can form your own opinion...If u don't have the money to buy every book u can download them in several websites...If you don't know any site just google "free download books" and you ll get lots of them...Hope I helped you...
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posted over a year ago 
... or you go in the library... ;)
Aquamarina posted over a year ago
countrysinger21 said:
I have read both the series and they are both AMAZING! i am pretty sure that if you like Twilight then you will like Harry potter. But if you are not into stuff like mythical creatures and magic and stuff like that, then don't waste your time.. I actually like harry potter better because you can relate to the characters better and it explains stuff so much more.. but twilight is my second fav..
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posted over a year ago 
Well I could relate to some Twilight characters too but in Breaking Dawn Stephenie changed her characters and that's one reason I don't like Twilight as much as I used to.....or at least I try to ignore Breaking Dawn.
nataliespn posted over a year ago
Yeahh. Breaking Dawn was my least favorite..
countrysinger21 posted over a year ago
@countrysinger21: Very often, books about magic, creatures and good vs evil makes me roll my eyes. Harry Potter is the exception :)
Aquamarina posted over a year ago
Izzy_Streling said:
I'm not going to lie I LOVE Harry Potter over Twilight just because in the Hp book in seems like it has more of a pot and the the Arthur of Twilight rushed sometimes and it wasn't the best of her work.But you should totally read both if nothing else you can say you gave HP a try,right. Both Wirters are awesome and both series are amazing in their own ways!
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posted over a year ago 
123hihihi said:
ok I love both and have read both but I can't chose cause I get caught up in them when I read them so it usually like the 1 I read last. this is a really hard decision 4 me 2 make but I think I like twilight better because I feel more emotion in it. I literally sit there with the book open and yell at the characters. I get more wraped into twilight one day it was sunny outside but I read twilight 4 about an hour and I steped outside and said where's the rain. but I sugest u read harry potter it is really gud and interesting. best 2 not compare it 2 twilight cause they have absolutley nothing in common

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posted over a year ago 
philharmonie said:
I'm sure Harry Potter is A LOT better than Twilight, and I'm not the only one who says that. HP has got amazing characters and J.k: rowling is a very writer; she knows what she's doing when she puts someone in danger, or whatever that happens in the books. Twilight cannot be compared with it, god.
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posted over a year ago 
nataliespn said:
I really can't say which one is better.Twilight was just amazing but Harry Potter was fantastic too.I've read both series and I loved them.Well I loved all the HP books but I didn't like Breaking Dawn (twilight 4).And although I'm a huge Twilight fan I think Harry Potter was slightly better for this very reason.I suggest you read it because you'll love it!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
I agree with you nataliespn.I liked Breaking Dawn a little bit but it is also the reason I don't like the Twilight saga as much as I used to
BellaEdwardLife posted over a year ago
jennalover77777 said:
Harry Potter is as good as the Twilight Saga(saga means 4.) You should read them.
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posted over a year ago 
kenzieiscool said:
Yeah, Harry Potter is WAY better. By the way, learn how to turn your caps lock button of it's really annoying
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posted over a year ago 
Mongoose09 said:
I'm gonna make this short and straight to the point:

Harry Potter >>>> Twilight

Harry Potter is much better.
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posted over a year ago 
abby_rose said:
i say everybody should read harry potter and twilight at least once. read it. there good books!!!
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posted over a year ago 
dialynn said:
I have read both, and Twilight is an excellent story, over the top. But, Harry Potter ranks with the classic stories, this is a LEGEND. It is outstanding, the movies do not touch the brilliance of this story. I would say it is a bit unfair to compare the two stories Twilight and Harry Potter - they are different and both are great, and both should be read...
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posted over a year ago 
ron_weasley_fan said:
well i have read both but me being a fan of both it is hard to say but if i had to choose it would be harry potter it is better but ive been a fan since i was 8. But you should still read twilight because they are good.
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posted over a year ago 
HarryPLover said:
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posted over a year ago 
Kayley_Lautner said:
Yes, they are both equally as amazing!! i couldn't pick my favourite between them- they are fantastic and i've read both series of books multiple times. but many people have different preferances. you might like harry potter or twilight better than the other one. everyone's different but i love them both equally! :)
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posted over a year ago 
dylin1 said:
Both of the series are great. The books are well written, have depth, and really stir up the imagination. As for movies, Twilight sucked. I'm hoping New Moon will be different, better. Twilight was the worst movie I have ever seen. Harry Potter movies, on the other hand, are brilliantly directed, wonderfully acted, and extremely believable. I often talk to people who aren't there (no, not schizophrenia, just fun fantasies) and I always imagine I'm either talking to people from Harry Potter Land, or from Twilight. In all fairness, Twilight is wonderful, but I stand loyal to Harry Potter.
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posted over a year ago 
DancerUSA said:
You should but still twiliglht is better you should also read kissed by and angle and the hunger games it is just like twilght but wight no vampires i mean the umm love triangle thing
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posted over a year ago 
Neytiri1045 said:
I have read both, Harry Potter and Twilight, and I have to say that Harry Potter is a lot better than Twilight! When I read Harry Potter I just get into the story and can't stop reading, the characters and plot are a lot more interesting. Twilight in the other is boring as hell. I have tried several times to read the complete series (I try to understan all the fangirls)....but I just can't! Every time I read it I get so bored that I get sleepy, and at the end I start reading something else. In my opinion, the Twilight story is totally absurd and without nothing special, I still can't figure out why is it so famous!!!

So, to make this shorter: Harry Potter is miles better than Twilight
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posted over a year ago 
Evermore_Haven said:
i have read both. they are both well written and there is something about them that makes you not want to put them down. i find other books may have a better story line but harry potter and twilight keep you hooked. I like harry potter better though because it is a more interesting story... vampires and humans in love just doesnt add up to all of the excitement happenin in the harry potter books.
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posted over a year ago 
kwlski4ever said:
*sigh* Here we go again. I'm really sick of these questions I will say just few things. If you liked Twilight you will fall in love with Harry Potter.Harry Potter is a UNIVERSE. Twilight is just another book. That's my opinion. And . .please . .PLEASE . .could you stop yelling about Twilight ? My ears hurt ,my brain hurt as well. Thanks.
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posted over a year ago 
DarrianPR said:
Harry Potter is way better.I love Twilight dount get me wrong but Harry potter has it all suspence,romance and theyres always something in the books that cant make you stop reading.When i was finished with the series i cried cuz i wanted it to keep going,i wantend another Harry Potter book.But i know theyres not going to be another book like this one.Twilight is not as good,but its not bad but you cant compare it to Harry Potter.
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posted over a year ago 
emilyroxx said:
Here's a tip: If you ask harry potter fans if they think the books are good, THEY'RE GOING TO SAY YES! Just a hint.
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posted over a year ago 
gypsievampiress said:
i have read both Harry potter is slightly less epic but just as good!
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posted over a year ago 
lovebaby said:
totally read it
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totally read it
posted over a year ago 
griffinsgirl said:
I have never read any of the books, but have seen all the movies, except of course Deathly Hallows I'm waiting to see that and then read the books. :) I like both Twilight and HP.

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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
Its better then Twilight
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posted over a year ago 
frostydragon said:
I have read both series and personally Harry Potter is the much better. To me the twilight series ran out of steam. It was as if she ran out of story idea. If you want a read that is action and keeps you thinking Harry Potter all the way.
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I have read both series and personally Harry Potter is the much better. To me the twilight series ran out of steam. It was as if she ran out of story idea. If you want a read that is action and keeps you thinking Harry Potter all the way.
posted over a year ago 
pinkrose19 said:
I love both.
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posted over a year ago 
CaliGrrl4ever said:
I used to love Twilight(always love Harry Potter), but one day i reread the book (Twilight) and couldn't finish it. I said to myself why did you ever read this.
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posted over a year ago 
maddiedudley14 said:
when i was younger I was a HUGE twilight series fan. I had all of the books, t-shirts, ear rings, ect. But then I read the Harry Potter Books and they BLEW MY MIND!! IT IS BY FAR THE BEST SERIES I HAVE READ! It is better then twilight in so many ways, but just to name a few. It has more depth and a much more develpoed storie line. jk rowling was able to create an entierly new world that is nothing any one has ever seen, but stphen mayer only added on to the world that we live in now. so i say read the books!! and trust me you will not regret it.
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posted over a year ago 
mossears133 said:
Someone brought Twilight up to Harry Potter standards?! Twilight does not compare to Harry Potter in any way shape or form! The only thing they share is Robert Patterson (cedric diggory/edward cullen) --- "Harry Potter is all about confronting fears, finding inner strength, and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend." - Stephen King
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posted over a year ago 
Gawgas said:
Twilight and Harry Potter are their own thing. they are very different so it is hard to decide which is better. Twilight is Vampires and Werewolves and Harry Potter is witches, wizards, brooms and other magical stuff. So i don't know. That's all i can say
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posted over a year ago 
Tunisha said:
look guys harry and edward both r very good while their stories both r just fantasies which actually dosent seems to exists
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look guys harry and edward both r very good  while their stories both r just fantasies which actually dosent seems to exists
posted over a year ago 
Charmedh2ogirl said:
Yes Harry Potter and Twilight are both very good but you can't compare them as each are good in different ways. When you read the first Harry Potter book did you like it? If you did then read it's sequels as the series gets better and better with each book.
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posted over a year ago 
StichxAngel4eva said:
Everyone has different opinions, but if u think about it; both series wouldn't be that famous for nothing would they? So if u like twilight i'm pretty sure u would like Harry Potter too. Although they're both very different stories.
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posted over a year ago 
tbooklover said:
It depends...
Do you want to fall in love with a series and be totally obsessed (Harry Potter) OR like a series cause it is really popular at the moment (Twilight)
That is as unbiased of an answer I can give...
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posted over a year ago 
Kitcatcmp said:
I think that both Twilight and Harry Potter are good in different ways. I personally prefer Harry Potter, just because I love the idea of magic. READ ON! :)
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posted over a year ago 
Hunnybee07 said:
The first book was O.K but the rest kinda sucked.:Y
Movies where worse this is just my opinion.
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posted over a year ago 
maymay12 said:
i have read alll the harry potter books and the twilight books and i think they are equally as awesome, i wouldnt compare them though because they are entirely different worlds, but ya i love them just the same and i defiantly recommend both the series!
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i have read alll the harry potter books and the twilight books and i think they are equally as awesome, i wouldnt compare them though because they are entirely different worlds, but ya i love them just the same and i defiantly  recommend both the series!
posted over a year ago 
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