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Harry Potter Question

Should J. K. Rowling write a new series based on Harry and Ron's children?

No not about Harry and Ron's children but maybe the Mauraders!!
loonylovegood7 posted over a year ago
edwardsangel198 posted over a year ago
 Taylor_Grace posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter  best answer

bri-marie said:

Harry Potter is over with. The villain was defeated and the series itself ended spectacularly. It would be extremely difficult to make it better, or even as good as Harry's story. Personally, I have seen too many authors try and keep their story going long past it's prime and run it into the ground. I love HP far too much to chance that.

I don't even know if I'd want a Marauder's Era story . . . although I think it would be best if she went that route. That route would be expanding upon history and characters we already know, instead of adding new ones -if she did a "new generation" she'd have to completely rebuild Hogwarts from the ground up, whereas, we know about many teachers and students from the Marauder era.
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posted over a year ago 
Agreed : )
Aubreykarew posted over a year ago
I'm not saying I disagree with you, but the villain was defeated in Percy Jackson, and Rick Riordan was still able to write a new series (Heroes of Olympus) that's so much better. Don't underestimate authors. I think if she came up with an amazing new idea, she should totally go for it.
Leos_girl posted over a year ago
Except Percy Jackson wasn't centered solely around Percy defeating Kronos. There were plenty of plot points that came up that had nothing at all to do with Kronos. But the same can't be said of HP. With the exception of going to Hogwarts, every thing Harry did was tied to Voldemort.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
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RandomOne said:
she'll try to hard ad ruin it
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posted over a year ago 
lies4theliars posted over a year ago
Ruin it? No way. She created the Harry Potter world, I don't understand how she can ruin it.
justliveitlive posted over a year ago
randon one shut up
jaymanjames posted over a year ago
lakota_spirit said:
I think it would be great if she did. Please do it Jk plz plz plz
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posted over a year ago 
Hellohoudini said:
Ron and Harry have children?? I didnt even know they liked each other that way! :)
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posted over a year ago 
RandomOne posted over a year ago
:))) Yeah dude, it's Mpreg. =))) Bet'cha didn't know JK was into that. XD
ViciousVendetta posted over a year ago
madisynn4 said:
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posted over a year ago 
justliveitlive said:
No thank you, I would rather have a book about the Marauder's Era. :]
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posted over a year ago 
tellymaster said:
Anything by J.K. Rowling will be wonderful! But yes, I think she should. I would prefer her to write a story about the Maraurders more than a sequel thing. I really want that story.
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posted over a year ago 
Ash24 said:
Not Really, though if she would write another i hope it would be bout Snape in his teen years :)
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posted over a year ago 
Bella_Lestrange said:
I would rather read something about Marauder's era, but series about new generation would be great too! :D
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posted over a year ago 
grace246 said:
YES!!! I think she should contact people that are into Albus Potter fanfiction and them write more books if she doesn't want to do it.
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posted over a year ago 
Ginevraaa said:
Yes, it would be awesome *sun*
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posted over a year ago 
greendayjenny said:
soundz like a good idea 2 me =D i can't wait 2 read what she's got planned next :) <3
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posted over a year ago 
ArcticWolf said:
I guess so, but only if she wants to and already has the whole series planned, like she did with Harry Potter. I wouldn't want her to write it just for the fans. Trust me, coming from a teen "writer", you can't write well when your heart's not in it.
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posted over a year ago 
boolander25 said:
To be honest, no. I think she should just stick with being done with Harry Potter. It would kind of just ruin the whole magic of everything.
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posted over a year ago 
ilyBlanket said:
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posted over a year ago 
popo6 said:
No i don't think soo cuz she already wrote about Harry but for Ron no thank you she will ruined it sorry but she could try to write a new series of novel xD ;)
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posted over a year ago 
frostydragon said:
No doubt and in this one the new head Master would have to deal with both Dumblebor and Snape over their shoulder harassing them. LOL
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posted over a year ago 
timpy posted over a year ago
they shud make a book on the lifes of the headmaster ecspecially Phineas
GreekRULES515 posted over a year ago
lepetitsouris said:
No. There's a reason why Disney sequals suck. When a story is done with, then it's done. Taking it further would only ruin the book.
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posted over a year ago 
ViciousVendetta said:
No, absolutely.
I think she'd just be over-exploiting the series. 7 books are enough, don't you think?
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posted over a year ago 
No, I think she should make a series on them
PuppyLovex6 posted over a year ago
timpy said:
Well i think that would be great but what I would like to see is her write a book in severus snape's point of view! Now That i would spend every peny i had to read that! And i would read in over and over and over again!! HA!
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posted over a year ago 
GreekRULES515 said:
It woulod b a Long time ppl hav come to her house and yelled make a second series like STRIKE an stuff also we'd ALL want a 2nd series but thts not happening when they interviewed her she said she's done with writing for good which started the strikes
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posted over a year ago 
ScottishChic said:
No. I don't think it will be the same or as good as Harry Potter. Maybe it will, maybe not. I mean, unless another Voldemort or she uses Draco as the bad guy out for revenge?
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posted over a year ago 
lotr said:

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posted over a year ago 
LadyNottingham said:
And do not forget Draco's boy either. Honestly, what could she say more ? I mean, another Dark Lord rising ? Dunno.

Now it's time to leave some room for other writers (like me ?!) to have their fair share of fame and wealth (I need some cash and fast !) LOL

More seriously, I'd rather hope JKR will put her talent into other writing avenues. That would be interesting to see.

Leave prequels and sequels to us, fanfic writers, please. Leave the HP magic where it is now, in our imaginations.
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posted over a year ago 
cosgrovefan1 said:
yes i think she should because after the last part of the deathly hallows is released in the cinema she might be forgotten as the harry potter franchise will be finished so plz keep writing jk i dont want to see you forgotten
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posted over a year ago 
PuppyLovex6 said:

it would be so exciting.

the people that said no, obviously don't know what they're talking about.


she can't ruin it, if she made the whole series!

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posted over a year ago 
I'm fairly certain we know what we're talking about, considering we've given legitimate reasons as to why she shouldn't.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
ParinLove15 said:
Yes, i think J.K. Rowling should write a new series based on Harry and Ron's children because it would be great if she did because we want to know if Harry and Ron's children are Slither-an, Hufflepuff, Grifindow, or Ravenclaw. Also they could solve mystery's like how Harry, Ron, and Hermione did in all 7 movies please J.K. Rowling make a new series based on Harry and Ron's children pretty please i beg you please. I am a big fan of your books and the movies they made based on the book please write a new series based on Harry and Ron's children please, please, please.
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posted over a year ago 
andromeda01 said:
To be fair i'd love to see one of their children growing up and to see how hogwarts has changed after the battle, But if J.k Made another book i'd like it to be about Tom Riddle, He's such an interesting character but you dont know much about him
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posted over a year ago 
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