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Harry Potter Question

How can ppl like Twilight more than Harry Potter???

To me twilight is nothing compared to Harry potter

Man iv read Harry potter so much times and i never get bored

I read the twilight series once and its too boring to read again
u know why cuz so many ppl are silly and like twilight just bcuz it sells sex
BellaLovett posted over a year ago
It sells SEX?! SEX?!?! Oh, no... There's no sex in Twilight... I looked forward to the so called 'sex scene' in Twilight, but there wasn't any! I was like.. 'Shit... I read four books for THIS?'
Monrose posted over a year ago
Even though there's, techinically, no sex, doesn't mean they're not selling it. I mean, it's about a young girl and a guy who lusts after her, essentially. It definitely sells the promise of sex.
DancePetunia posted over a year ago
 Crazy_NarutoKid posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter  best answer

bri-marie said:
Everyone has different tastes. Some people like Harry Potter, some people don't, some people like Twilight, some people don't. It's the way of the world.
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posted over a year ago 
There's no point saying this over and over again. So, thisis my answer.
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
u should have said visa virsa
percyjrulez posted over a year ago
I could have said vise versa, I didn't have to, and I didn't want to.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
Kadaj posted over a year ago
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GemonkDruid said:
Well, everyone's got different taste, but I think lately humans have gotten dumber and dumber. Back in like thousands of years ago, we built a couple of pyramids precisely... without any computers or anything, just string and wood and whatever. Then of course came brilliant books like HP and Lord of the Rings. Now people are obsessing over fairies and cross-dressers.
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posted over a year ago 
bed rock ,rope, wood and just plain dirt
percyjrulez posted over a year ago
BellaCullen96 said:
Because people have different opinions, and even though I believe that Twilight is a terribly written book, some people do enjoy it. And, sadly, some people don't like Harry Potter so much, but that's their own opinion of it.
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posted over a year ago 
_FredWeasly_ said:
yeah.. i dont know it either.. i like twilight.. but harry potter is 1.000.000 times better... i dont get those people.. :S
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posted over a year ago 
Love_Stefan said:
well I love both I've read all of the books for both series and seen the movies released so far for both movies and I could never pick between them, both series have their pros and cons I guess it's just what people are into and also the whole vampire thing is quite popular now and when harry potter first came out the whole wizard thing was popular just times changing if that makes sense lol
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posted over a year ago 
KishuandIchigo said:
If your talking about how many people like it, Harry Potter wins. Why? Because they sold OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND copies more than Twilight.
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posted over a year ago 
MSFanClub said:
I like both. Maybe there is 2 vry hot guys? The movie is kinda good. Vampires vs Werewolves which a lot of people like.It doesn't matter who sold more coppies of the books, this is based on what people like.
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posted over a year ago 
PotterForever said:
um...they dont
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posted over a year ago 
Misharrypotter said:
It's in right now in about three years no one will like it the only reson is it's a movie and it's got two hot guys in it want more could a girl want oh and they can say the are cuter then bella
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posted over a year ago 
emilykuru said:
becoz they dont understand the real quality of a story.hap is far better than twilight.i've read twilight many times becoz i own it, but hp only each book once from the library.but i still love it.there cannot be any level which twilight can be compared to hp. i think each one has a diferent opinion and in mine hp is the best.
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posted over a year ago 
LunaShay said:
Idk why,but really,the real quetion is,

How could they like Twilight period?
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posted over a year ago 
ShadowQueen013 said:
I ask myself that question alot too. Those people could never hope to grasp the source of our(HP lovers)power.(see icon)*evil grin*
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I ask myself that question alot too. Those people could never hope to grasp the source of our(HP lovers)power.(see icon)*evil grin*
posted over a year ago 
umbreonfan said:
I sooo agree, twighlight i yawned my head off all the way through it and im just like 'wat th HELL was that all about?!?!?!' and 4 harry potter its just so tense and im like sittin on the edge of my seet goin 'OMG wats gunna happn next????!!!!' even if ive already seen it! so stuff u twilight!
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I sooo agree, twighlight i yawned my head off all the way through it and im just like 'wat th HELL was that all about?!?!?!' and 4 harry potter its just so tense and im like sittin on the edge of my seet goin 'OMG wats gunna happn next????!!!!' even if ive already seen it! so stuff u twilight!
posted over a year ago 
Drisina said:
Okay so i am speaking now as a fan of both.It's about tastes because Twilight and Harry Potter are very very different.Harry Potter is this kick-ass adventure fantasy story while Twilight is an epic love story about a vampire and a normal girl so it has nothing to do with adventure.The only thing i see these to have in common(except that Rob played in both)is that they are fantasy.To me , even tho i like both, Harry Potter might win to me with a bit cause i am not such a sucker for to cheesy books/movies but i still love it but not as much as Harry Potter.I might also love Harry Potter cause i have seen every movie at least 5 times since i was 6(when the first movie came on cinema) so i am more attached to it and it was more of a movie for children and for teenagers and adults , as Twilight can't be classified as a children's movie , i sure as hell couldn't have watch it when i was 6 , there are let's say sexual content and others.I couldn't have seen at 10 years old Breaking Dawn how they make love and she gets pregnant and all the others , these are already content of 13+(in my book) , but in Harry Potter there is no age restriction since it's for children,teenagers and adults.
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posted over a year ago 
Lonnie213 said:
Twilight is more romanticish. If that's a word at all.
But HP is good old fashion character driven story, with a bit of everything. Pain, love, loss, victory, defeat, fear and joy. HP has it all.
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posted over a year ago 
Renarimae said:
I sorta' like Twilight, but Harry Potter is SO much better. And I'm a teen girl.
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posted over a year ago 
TeamB_Forever said:
I love both!
I love the HP books more bc they are 1000 times better written and I like the whole story more!But if we talk about the movies, I like Twilight more!I can't never really decide if I like Twilight or HP more, both have good and bad sights
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posted over a year ago 
DracoLuver said:

I don't know why, really. Many of them haven't read Harry Potter yet besides the page number. Most people have not read the Twilight series , and are basing their opinion on the hot *barfs* actors in the movies.
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posted over a year ago 
azn_kiddo said:
I hate those who compare Harry Potter to just CAN'T do that..
Harry Potter is written a lot better and has a better storyline. Whereas Twilight..first of all vampires do NOT sparkle..
I could probably re-read all the Harry Potter books again and never get tired of it, but with Twilight I can't even pass the first chapter.
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posted over a year ago 
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