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Harry Potter Question

Are there any two people that you think should have been/were a couple even if they weren't explicitly mentioned in the series?

Because I totally think Umbridge had something going on with Cornelius Fudge.
EDIT: Please, *please* don't all say the same thing! I don't want to get a billion updates for everybody saying 'Neville and Luna'. Thanks.
lucius_malloy posted over a year ago
Okay I DID NOT want to picture that at all. *off to scrub out brain*
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
Oh yeah, about about Umbridge and Fudge, I thought they were going to be paired for a while too.
LinaHarrow posted over a year ago
I wanted to see luna and neville
Lalla121 posted over a year ago
 lucius_malloy posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

Mrs-Grint said:
I would have soooooo loved Harry and Luna getting married and having kids. In OOTP, Harry felt like no one understood him, and it was like being with Luna made all his anger and worry and angst go away. She was almost like a haven. With Harry and Ginny, it seemed as if they were forced together... not a good look.

PS. I hate Neville/Luna, if you haven't already guessed by looking round the HP spot. They. Did. Not. Have. Any. Chemistry.


PPS. I also love Dramione, that would've been awesome as well...
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I would have [i]soooooo[/i] loved Harry and Luna getting married and having kids. In OOTP, Harry felt like no one understood him, and it was like being with Luna made all his anger and worry and angst go away. She was almost like a haven. With Harry and Ginny, it seemed as if they were forced together... not a good look.

PS. I hate Neville/Luna, if you haven't already guessed by looking round the HP spot. They. Did. Not. Have. Any. Chemistry.


PPS. I also love Dramione, that would've been awesome as well...
posted over a year ago 
i totally agree:D
louvreangel posted over a year ago
So true. THEY WERE SO FREAKING CUTE IN THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX! Damn, why did Ginny have to come along and ruin it all. Luna Potter FTW!
Angel-Trix posted over a year ago
it was very clear Harry suddenly being "calm" or calming down with Ginny was bullcrap. Harry would have yelled at her too when she got involved. Instead he just lets it go because it's Ginny? But he had NO issue rounding on his ex crush/girlfriend Cho Chang who he liked since his third year? Again, bullcrap. It's a forced attempt to make it look like Ginny can handle him when she can't. Harry is the type who feels when people are angry, he'll just let them be and when they're ready they'll talk. I get that vibe from Luna. With Ginny, she just gets mad. That's not chemistry from an emotional standing. And mental/emotionally, Harry/Luna fit because of their sad backgrounds. Although Harry can be uncomfortable around Luna's "truth telling" that's exactly what he needs. Someone who will give it to him straight WITHOUT being a bossy know-it-all [hermione] or being snappy [ginny]. I dunno.
Realistic_dove posted over a year ago
Buffygirl1988 said:
Dean and Luna! I love them XD
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Dean and Luna! I love them XD
posted over a year ago 
WAY better than Neville/Luna. While N/L have absolutely NO chemistry, Dean/Luna actually DO. Dean isn't afraid of Luna like Neville was. His initial reaction to Luna was astonishment at her beliefs, but he didn't shy away like she had some kind of disease, but instead he listened to her, [unlike, sadly, Harry], and although he clearly wasn't sure if what she spoke of was real, he was gentleman enough to lend an ear anyways, always. He took her hand like a kind gentleman, he and her are both artistic. They each lost a parent [Dean lost his dad, Luna lost her mom], they both are loyal and stand up for what is right, they're both naturally nice people who have a backbone but it's more subtle than gryffindor arrogance. Just a few reasons why I think they definately fit.
Realistic_dove posted over a year ago
Also, I heard that J.k considered them to be together and would have had them together too, but then Rolf popped up. ><; So I'd say D/L was PRACTICALLY canon anywaya. If not Harry/Luna, LUNA THOMAS FTW PLZ.
Realistic_dove posted over a year ago
Kassaremidylynn said:
Okay, seeming as you very obviously said enough of Neville and Luna (who were the people I thought of right after I saw the question) I'll say more than just Neville and Luna, although I am saying them and I think they would have been amazing.
Draco and Hermione. It's random and I don't like admitting it, but I liked them. Maybe in some other universe, they could have wound up together.
Umbridge and Fudge is gross but yes, I totally thought they had a thing going on. Completely.
I was also a bit of a shipper for Harry/Luna. Someone else actually mentioned how they were really close in the fifth one because no one really understood him like she did, which I agree with.
Percy and Penelope. I thought they were cute even though they mentioned her like twice in the entire series. This is definitely me getting carried away, but I pictured her as a very loving and trusting and spiritual person and the complete opposite of Percy that way he has someone to balance his stupid git like side.
That's all I can think of so far...
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Okay, seeming as you very obviously said enough of Neville and Luna (who were the people I thought of right after I saw the question) I'll say more than just Neville and Luna, although I am saying them and I think they would have been amazing. 
Draco and Hermione. It's random and I don't like admitting it, but I liked them. Maybe in some other universe, they could have wound up together.
Umbridge and Fudge is gross but yes, I totally thought they had a thing going on. Completely.
I was also a bit of a shipper for Harry/Luna. Someone else actually mentioned how they were really close in the fifth one because no one really understood him like she did, which I agree with. 
Percy and Penelope. I thought they were cute even though they mentioned her like twice in the entire series. This is definitely me getting carried away, but I pictured her as a very loving and trusting and spiritual person and the complete opposite of Percy that way he has someone to balance his stupid git like side. 
That's all I can think of so far...
posted over a year ago 
Percy and Penelope, nice one!
HecateA posted over a year ago
bri-marie said:
I think Tonks and Bill should have gotten together. I never really go the Fleur/Bill match-up. She was the type of girl who wanted to live richly, something Bill couldn't have provided for her.

And, I love Remus, but him and Tonks was just . . . random and weird.

I think Harry should have gotten together with either Luna, or Hermione.
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posted over a year ago 
OMG! Totally agree with your entire response. Plus, I always had a vibe off Sirius and Remus that they might've been "together" or they wanted to be.
AnnaKay19 posted over a year ago
*squee* I love Remus/Sirius!
Mrs-Grint posted over a year ago
bri-marie posted over a year ago
bessmarvin1 said:
I think,maybe Neville and Luna.I can't think of anybody else.And Umbridge and Fudge is so gross,but it seems true,now that I think of it.
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posted over a year ago 
ginny_potter_97 said:
i really like the idea of neville and luna togherher
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i really like the idea of neville and luna togherher
posted over a year ago 
yeah, me too...
lucius_malloy posted over a year ago
HecateA said:
Neville and Luna, they're so right for each other! Both are strong, and have something about them that makes me love them and the wizarding world think of them a s"weird".

Charlie should've gotten maried. I wanted more Charlie! :(

Malfoy should've married a muggle or muggle-born, just to ruin everyhting he previously blieved in :)
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posted over a year ago 
Nah, Draco wouldn't do that... he's too inbred.
lucius_malloy posted over a year ago
Agreed. Even if Draco wasn't totally evil and didn't agree with what his parents believed in he cared too much about his family to get disowned. Charlie is amazing, I wanted more Charlie too! He's my 3rd fave Weasley after the twins of course!
slytherinangel posted over a year ago
Love makes everyone loopy, even Draco.
HecateA posted over a year ago
rkcapger048 said:
I would've liked to see Dudley with a witch. That would have been an interesting concept.
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posted over a year ago 
OMG yes! Or his kids are wizards!
HecateA posted over a year ago
slytherinangel said:
Definitely Neville and Luna. Ginny and Colin or Luna and Colin could have been a couple too.
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posted over a year ago 
but Colin RIP :( Why was he even at the battle, he doesn't go to the school, muggleborn, right?
HecateA posted over a year ago
He went back Hogwarts to help out the rest of the DA members I think.
slytherinangel posted over a year ago
Shepard14 said:
N and said not to put Neville and Luna! So I put N and L
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posted over a year ago 
LoveDraco123 said:
:D Neville and Luna.
Draco and Hermione- unusual, but I'll dream. But, I think Romoine is better. :)
Dumbledore and McGonnagall- before we came to find out that Dumblyyydoreee was gay.
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posted over a year ago 
edaa said:
harry and lavender

hermione and draco!

harry and lavender might not be an amazing couple but hermione and draco rock! :P
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posted over a year ago 
Britotheanne said:
I think that Luna/Neville would be good (yeah I know everyone's saying it, but don't tell me what I can't say), but also Neville/Lavender would've been interesting. Otherwise, I think that all of the couples were perfect. :)
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posted over a year ago 
HannahLupin said:
i really thought harry and hermione were going to end up together after ron left in dh.
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posted over a year ago 
Ash24 posted over a year ago
simpleplan said:
Neville and Luna or Harry and Luna
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posted over a year ago 
LinaHarrow said:
I know you said not too, but you asked the question whether you like our answers or not:
So adorably perfect!!!
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posted over a year ago 
JavaJoker said:
Neville and Draco!
*Actually not really, but I wanted to put that image in your brain. Enjoy.
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Neville and Draco!
*Actually not really, but I wanted to put that image in your brain. Enjoy.
posted over a year ago 
thanks :P
HecateA posted over a year ago
Oh ew. That's just...ew. Thanks a lot for that one. Appreciate it. :)
Kassaremidylynn posted over a year ago
EW!!! heck no! xDDDDD
Realistic_dove posted over a year ago
Ash24 said:
harry and hermione, i no im going to get so much heat for this, but i think they are great couple material if you read the books u can see, not the movies as much
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harry and hermione, i no im going to get so much heat for this, but i think they are great couple material if you read the books u can see, not the movies as much
posted over a year ago 
actually, it's clear in the books that H/HR DON'T make a good couple at all. What they exibit is pure friendship. Harry treats Hermione like she's his mother than any kind of girlfriend material. He hides stuff from her, he ignores her, he doesn't like to admit he's wrong to her, he makes her cry because she can't handle his explosive temper, he doesn't find her attractive [not to say he thinks she's ugly he just doesn't obviously think so with his descriptions of her], he prefers rons company over hers and in fact always looks to ron for help when hermione goes on a tangent on him, he does the opposite of what she tells him, he's really the little brother or child to her mother or older sibling. She's sweet, caring and loving and very loyal and harry's the same, but they'd never be equal in their relationship. especially in arguments, harry clearly can bully hermione into following him if he gets angry enough and she'll follow to calm him down because she can't do it herself. hermione is argumentative and confrontational, and harry really dislikes arguments, I know people like it because they dislike r/hr and they think harmony works, but really, you look at it very carefully and you'll realize they would be horrible together.
Realistic_dove posted over a year ago
flight815 said:
For some crazy reason, I really like the idea of Ginny and Draco getting together. More so as an affair really (which I know no one wants to believe would ever happen to any of the characters, as do I), but I think that both of them could drive each other mad enough to where they have to choice except to fall in love with each other. Think about it: both are so very stubborn and prideful. It may be more like a Ron and Hermione pairing where they are always bickering, but I think Ginny and Draco would be very passionate together.
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posted over a year ago 
delamico said:
Now all the Harry Potter couples and singles are running through my head, so let's see... I'd swear that Filch had a crush on Umbridge and Myrtle would have looked nice as the bride of Professor Binns. Okay, seriously now...I just keep wondering, IS Lord Voldemort a virgin? Sigmund Freud would agree. But then poor Bellatrix. Okay, seriously, I feel really bad for Sirius. JK Rowling simply doesn't like him. Don't laugh at me, I can tell. From interviews, from Sirius's fate. No woman for him. If JK brought Nymphadora Tonks together with Remus Lupin, it'd have been the least to give Sirius Professor McGonagall or the Fat Lady ("I'm to rebellious for you, hon!"/"What'd your painter say if you married a beast like me? I'm too dangerous for you!"). Besides, what actually intrigues me is Lucius and Narcissa (I know, I know, but no, I'm not THAT fanatic about them). Really...that'd be so much fun: "Private and Public Life of a Death Eater" by Rita Skeeter, bestselling author of Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore ("Contrary to fandom rumors Master Malfoy evidentially does not apply domestic violence on Mistress Cissy -his pure-blood wife-, tells me the family's previous house elf, but then the question remains what brings about the behavior problems of young Draco - or to use an earthier phrase: why is he nutty as squirrel poo?"). And again, Freud would agree with me, revealing Lucius and Narcissa's relationship would be the map to Draco's character's background, which HP readers are to know, aren't they? If Sirius couldn't get a girl, at least we could have got more of the Malfoy Manor.
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posted over a year ago 
No kid named for Sirius... James Sirius Potter?
lucius_malloy posted over a year ago
My mistake. But where exactly is that mentioned?
delamico posted over a year ago
Persephone713 said:
Bellatrix and Lord Voldy. Sorry I cant help it. I just think they would make a wonderful husband and wife pair. I can just see them being evil together. Sharing evil plans. Making little death eaters! LOL all before their ending fates of course
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Bellatrix and Lord Voldy. Sorry I cant help it. I just think they would make a wonderful husband and wife pair. I can just see them being evil together. Sharing evil plans. Making little death eaters! LOL all before their ending fates of course
posted over a year ago 
A child with Voldemort and Bellatrix as parents? Oh God help us all. We're all screwed.
Angel-Trix posted over a year ago
Angel-Trix is right :o *goest to build fort*
Roxyrose007 posted over a year ago
That poor child! :/ then again, trained by bella and voldy, that kid will be the most powerful dark witch/wizard of their time. xD
Realistic_dove posted over a year ago
Yes pls. @Angel-Trix I have some new lol. Cursed Child.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Angel-Trix said:
I know this doesn't really count, but I know everyone knows that Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley are going to be together in the end. I personally don't like Victoire(even though there isn't much said about her). I just like Dominique (as you can tell from my fanfiction stories with the username 'Lovinging-er') because she seems like someone who is always compared to her olcer sister. I want Dominique to be the happy one. Victoire is always described in other fanfics as being perfect and beautiful.

So to end it all, I would have liked Dominique Weasley to be with Teddy Lupin.

I would have also liked Harry and Luna to be together. They both know each other's pain and are there for each other in the Order of the Phoenix. I would have liked Harry to be with Luna more than Ginny.

I also kind of thought that something would go on between Dumbledore and McGonagall. LOL, two old professors mixing it up (waggles eyebrows). LMAO

Ginny and Colin Creevy would have been nice, along with Tonks/Charlie, Fred (why did he have to go *sob*)/Angelina, George/Katie Bell, Ron/Lavender (I HATE the thought of Ron/Hermione. Plus, Lavender kind of seems nice if you get past the clingy-ness), Dobby/Twinky (LOL), Snape/Lily (I hate James. Well, I strongly dislike him because if it weren't for him, there would be no Harry. But he bullied Severus and messed up his childhood, just for being a Slytherin), and maybe even Romilda Vane/Harry (Just because she gave him a love potion and kind of tease Luna and Neville doesn't make her an entirely evil person. I think she's kind of nice on the inside. Beautiful, smart and athletic. And just because of a couple of actions people hate her. I think Romilda deserves more dignity and doesn't deserve the hate she's getting just because she likes Harry).
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posted over a year ago 
Oh, and I totally agree with the whole Penelope/Percy thing.
Angel-Trix posted over a year ago
Percy/Penelope definitely... Like I said earlier, I just can't see Harry/Luna happening. In my opinion, Harry/Ginny was perfect, as was Ron/Hermione. JKR was building up to it since PS or CoS... and Lavender's and idiot.
lucius_malloy posted over a year ago
Agree with Dobby/Wink and Harry/Romilda and Ginny/ agree with almost everything..
Roxyrose007 posted over a year ago
I just don't think Ginny did a godda*n thing to be with Harry in the end. She really didn't.
Realistic_dove posted over a year ago
Roxyrose007 said:
Here I am giving you a list of the best uncanon ships ever though of:


Please don't kill me.
Yours truly,Roxy
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posted over a year ago 
I won't kill you :) now that you mention it, Luna/Draco is kinda cool... and Voldy totally did Bella, but I doubt there was any emotion involved. And I always thought Neville was gay.
lucius_malloy posted over a year ago
Bellamort <3
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said:
Not me shipping Bellatrix and Scabior because I can.
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posted over a year ago 
Genevievebarbie said:
Dudley Dursley and Cho Chang....
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posted over a year ago 
LowriLorenza89 said:
I know you've added a comment to your question asking people not to all repeat Neville/Luna, but they're the only non-canon HP couple I ship :) I mostly go with the flow regarding the canon couples, but I did assume that they'd be together post-story. I was surprised when I read that they'd marry different people.

I also previously assumed that Pansy/Draco were a couple, but now days I think that works better as a one-sided crush - Pansy liking Draco.

One non-canon couple that I never shipped myself, but I've seen other people ship, which hasn't been mentioned yet is Dumbledore/McGonagall. I saw a lot of people commenting in surprise that they'd shipped them when Dumbledore's sexuality was first revealed.

I never considered Umbridge/Fudge, but now you say it.... it's a really cringey idea, but it also kind of fits....
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posted over a year ago 
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