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Harry Potter Question

If you found out that the Death Eaters wanted you to join them, how would you react? And why would you react this way?

 ShadowQueen013 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

Matsy23 said:
first my face would be like this: O.O
then i would freak out
then i would start to scream really loudly
then i would start throwing random objects at them(while screaming)
then i would run off to the order of the phoenix or the DA to tell them about it

then i would eat pie :3

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posted over a year ago 
love this xD
ShadowQueen013 posted over a year ago
Any particular kind of pie?
JavaJoker posted over a year ago
@^: apple pie o3o
Matsy23 posted over a year ago
Maddy64 posted over a year ago
RukiaSaixPuppy said:
I would probably try to sneak away as fast as possible to Hogwarts for protection. (yes, I'm a wimp)
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posted over a year ago 
boolander25 said:
Well, at least they don't want to kill me.
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posted over a year ago 
Kadaj said:
I would say 'count me in' just so I could annoy Voldemort.
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posted over a year ago 
Yay! >:D
KishuandIchigo posted over a year ago
sweet and then they wont want to kill u beacuse ur apart of them
Maddy64 posted over a year ago
Actually. They can still kill you. But, hey, bugging him will be worth it. xD
Kadaj posted over a year ago
simpleplan said:
i would just so i can say to the dark lord he keep missing the potty
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posted over a year ago 
Mrs-X said:
I think I might join them... I think they're very cool and all but the reason why I'd join them would probably be because I'm too scared of them ^^'
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
Well i always wanted to meet Bellatrix, but I dont want to be a murder so I'd probably try to get them off topic I'm really good at that then I'd run off and join DA.
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Well i always wanted to meet Bellatrix, but I dont want to be a murder so I'd probably try to get them off topic I'm really good at that then I'd run off and join DA.
posted over a year ago 
yea i always wanted to meet bellatrix avoid being a murderer though i would stay in the backround like try not to get involved with the murders. lol I would just be "there" i wouldnt be a good death eater i dont think but i would love to be one.
ShadowQueen013 posted over a year ago
oh thats a good idea i should 've thought of that.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
XD so do I and thanks.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
harrypotterbest said:
Well, first of all, i'd be really shocked and a little grateful. The things in my mind would probably be: OMG!! Am i really that evil? But they only pick the top wizards...
And then, i'd be freaked out and tell the Order of the Phoenix and the DA what happened... then i'd probably go into hiding! :O

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posted over a year ago 
lunalovegood115 said:
i would join them so i can get inside information (like snape) and then i would secretly be a member of DA. :D
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posted over a year ago 
zorida232 said:
if i had to say i would totaly freak out.
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posted over a year ago 
Vixie79 said:
I agree with some. I would be very surprised that I was THAT damn evil. I mean I'm evil, but not THAT sort of
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posted over a year ago 
ShadowQueen013 posted over a year ago
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
ivan1lucy2 said:
i would probably try to use the imperius curse on them and make them kill themselves hahaha!! i would do it cause they deserve it for being so manipulated by the dark lord.
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posted over a year ago 
hahahahahahah LOL
Maddy64 posted over a year ago
emilyroxx said:
They wouldn't want me, I'm a mudblood. ;)
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posted over a year ago 
lol i would be sneaky i would say Mudblood? where did you get that ridiculous idea!? hey as I told zanhar I solve issues but I also create them xD
ShadowQueen013 posted over a year ago
bh90210fan said:
I would join them and pretend I was on their side and get all their info. But if they made me take that promise thing that Snape and Narcissa took in the 6th book I would just run away? Hahah idk. I would react this way because I'm not being a death eater!
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posted over a year ago 
sevendeadlysins said:
I am shocked no one would be like me and say "Hells yeah, when do I start?" I may look all sweet and innocent on the outside, but, um, I'll be honest, there are some people I would like to kill using my Death Eater powers, and I'd be able to do it a hell of a lot easier if I Voldie and friends on my side. So, YEAH I would.
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posted over a year ago 
yay! see i would probably be a suckish death eater but if they asked me I would jump up and down and dance and be like oh yeah! so you got me on your side there xD
ShadowQueen013 posted over a year ago
XxHeartzxX said:
I would join, For the cool Tattoo, Nah i'm just kidding. I would be really scared. lol
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posted over a year ago 
dragonrider said:
Personally I think the death eaters are cool but I wouldn't want to join them. I don't like hurting people. If they forced me to join them I would.
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posted over a year ago 
JavaJoker said:
Of course I would join. I am always willing to lend a helping hand. I would make sure to appear very enthusiastic although at some point I might try to screw them over. I'm random. Take after my namesake.
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posted over a year ago 
JadeyTot said:
Before they wld even ask me I'd b gone I am sooooo scared of them!!! lol :D
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posted over a year ago 
shmowjow1029 said:
i would run away and go to hogwarts and tell dumbledore
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posted over a year ago 
snapeislove said:
No reactions. Nod.. then, ask them if I could meet Severus and Bella.. yay!
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posted over a year ago 
slytherinangel said:
I would join them because the bad guys are awesome and mostly because I want a dark mark tattoo, oh and I would want to meet Lucius and Bellatrix XD.
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I would join them because the bad guys are awesome and mostly because I want a dark mark tattoo, oh and I would want to meet Lucius and Bellatrix XD.
posted over a year ago 
LoopyLuna96 said:
I'd tell the order. Death Eaters are nasty people! But I'd be flattered they'd want me. :D
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posted over a year ago 
2ki8jess2ki8 said:
Id be one, it would be better if draco was one too :D xx
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posted over a year ago 
Draco became a Death Eater when he was sixteen. :)
Narcissa-Malfoy posted over a year ago
KishuandIchigo said:
I would say no, slam the door in their face, and if Voldemort was there, I would yell, "MY MAGIC BRINGS VOLDEMORT TO THE YARD, AND I'M LIKE THATS HURTIN MY SCAR!" Then I would become a ninja and climb through the air vents and use crucio on him just for fun. Then I would use sectum sempra for fun. >:D
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posted over a year ago 
Maddy64 said:
I would say,"Look theres a little boy over there who wants to join death eaters!" If they look around I will dart up to Hogwarts Castle and tell Dumbledore all about it. If the Death eaters dont look around i will keep looking behind them until sll of them look.Then I would do the running to Hogwarts thing......or i would say,"Maddy64 is not here right now plz leave a message beeep!"Then i would run to Hogwart. Or I would say,"NO THANK YOU." Then run to Hogwarts.
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posted over a year ago 
Angel-Trix said:
I would say yes so my family and me won't get killed. But then I'll practise Occulemcy and be a spy for Dumbledore so that I know that I'm doing something good.
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posted over a year ago 
HecateA said:
I'd get a wand :P

Okay, I'm not brave or such. I like to make myself believe that I'd learn oclumency and be a spy for the Order. Or I'd join, and sabotage missions and kill the death eaters there and say "I was unconcient". But i'd eiter have to get my brain whipped by an order member or have oclumency.
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posted over a year ago 
Fairy8346 said:
say yes and work as a spy 4 someone
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posted over a year ago 
Arkanois21 said:
I'll absolutely join them after I graduate or drop out of Hogwarts because if Lord Voldemort died, I would carry on his army later on and resurrect him back to life.
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posted over a year ago 
seekergal101 said:
Ask Dumbledore for help. I would do this because he can protect me and my family.
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posted over a year ago 
peppergirl30 said:
Me: "No way!! I would never want to join you people!"
Then I would run out of the room screaming my head off, because
1. NEVER want to join the Death Eaters
2. They're evil, (in my opinion) and I don't wanna be evil :p
3. Don't think I would fit in, im a Gryffindor
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posted over a year ago 
NightFrog said:
I would accept in fear of my life, then find my own time to seek out Dumbledore (hopefully he's still alive) for help. I would learn occlumency and become a spy.

Much easier than it sounds, but if Voldemort and his army want you to join them, I'm not sure that they'll give you fair options- unless they would allow me to be an ally instead.
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posted over a year ago 
Exactly voldemort wouldn't give you choices
Alchemistlover posted over a year ago
bellatrix114 said:
I'd say HELL YEAH! of course. after all, it is my life long dream to become a death eater >:D
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posted over a year ago 
MissChicky97 said:
I would probably apparate. I just don't like confrontations with dark wizards!!
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posted over a year ago 
JMFrederick said:
Why would I ever be near a Death Eater?
If I was I would say I'll think about it. Then I would go report it and then fight at Hogwarts.
No, Lol! I would be too chicken to fight Voldemort, but then again I think I would.
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posted over a year ago 
NellieLovett14 said:
I would join, because I believe that muggles are a disgrace and I don't believe in house elf rights. I believe in the Dark Lord's cause and I am loyal and would not betray him because I'm not a coward.... >.<
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posted over a year ago 
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