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Gay Rights Question

What Are Some Gay Stereotypes That Bother You The Most?

We all know that Stereotypes overall are wrong. Some are more offensive than others. But we all have one or two in particular that gets on our nerves the most. It doesn't have to be a negative stereotype, hell it can even be complementary (Ex. All gays are nice).

Post yours in the comments. Feel free to make a top five or ten list.

Here are some of mine:
1)Gay men are wimpy
2)Bisexuals think everyone is hot
3)All lesbians are easily convertible
4)Pansexuality is bisexuality for hipsters
5)Bisexuals are greedy and just one to have sex with everyone
 Part_of_the_sky posted over a year ago
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Gay Rights Answers

Katastrophe said:
Ugh. Lesbians are easily convertible? Really? -.-

Well I don't like these ones:

1. All gay guys are feminine and all lesbians are butches.
2. Gays have crushes on all the boys they know, and lesbians have crushes on all the girls they know.
3. Lesbians hate men
4. People are gay because they want to be the opposite gender
5. Bisexuals just can't make up their mind about who they want.
6. Bisexuals are fake and just want attention
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posted over a year ago 
It's a real stereotype, I know -_-, I noticed that bisexuals get a lot of bashing too
Part_of_the_sky posted over a year ago
Well..i actually KNOW some people who faked of fake being BI for attention..but because of people like them people think all of them are fake. As for the Lesbians..i'm sure i am a lesbian and i'm really femi.
missdada15 posted over a year ago
Most of them are dumb.
missdada15 posted over a year ago
SamNotSammy said:
Bisexuals sleep around with everyone.
Because, you know, I'm such a whore. -_____-
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posted over a year ago 
YoYoLover4Ever said:
NUMBERS 1, 2, 3, AND 5.
Also; not all those men that are bi are feminine and not all bi woman are butch! >=/
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posted over a year ago 
jester616 said:
The one I hate the most is that all gay guys are pedophiles. I mean really.

Another stupid one is that lesbians are lesbians because they're too ugly to get a man.
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posted over a year ago 
XanteR said:
(These are in response to the examples.)
1. First of all, most of my friends that are gay play soccer, football, or box. 2. I'm bisexual and NO I don't think everyone is hot.
3. You can't assume that a lesbian will be so easily manipulated by things like the status quo.
4. WTF????? So not true.
5. I'm bisexual and I definately don't want to have sex with everyone....I'm not a man-slut >:(
(This is what I think.)
6. People also tend to assume that flirting with bisexuals makes them err more to one gender (my experience).
7. One thing that has become a stereotype more and more over the years is that gay people are overexcited and really, really happy people. They are just trying to stay positive. Besides, they get bullied a lot, so they aren't as happy as people like to assume.
8. This isn't very common, but some people assume that all bisexuals are girls. I'm bisexual, and I'm a guy :)
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posted over a year ago 
kissthespider26 said:
gay stereotypes that bother me are
1. You have to have sex before you know or decide your sexual orientation (my sister used this one on me).
2. That lesbians are just straight women who have sex with other women for the hell of it (a lot of people believe this, mostly men. My sister's boyfriend is one of them.)
3. That if you're gay you want to have sex with every guy you see, if you're a lesbian you want to have sex with every woman you see and that if you're bi you want to have sex with everyone or just need all the choices you can get.
4. That if a same sex couple have children or adopt etc that they'll 'convert' the child into a homosexual or abuse it.
5. That if you're gay or bi you're evil, confused or trying to get attention.

I hate narrow minded, ignorant people.
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posted over a year ago 
coriann said:
what's the difference between bisexuality and pansexuality?
and...why would anyone think all gays r nice? X.X

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posted over a year ago 
I the difference is that Bi is being attracted to both male and female, but Pan is being attracted to someone through that person's personality. And yeah... not all gays are nice. I know a few douchebags that are gay.
KJBiggestFan posted over a year ago
* I think
KJBiggestFan posted over a year ago
Pansexuallity is bi exept you are attracted to transexuals too.
misscrazel posted over a year ago
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