Fantasy If you could recomand one fantasy book what would it be? (besides LOTR and Harry Potter)

Shandy posted on Jan 02, 2008 at 04:13PM
I decided to post this to see what everyone else thought would be a great fantasy read besides the most popular of choices.

My reconmendation is "Wizard's First Rule" by Terry Goodkind. this book is the begining of "the Sowrd of Truth" series and in my opinion is better then harry potter.

Fantasy 42 replies

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over a year ago rosalinasnape08 said…
ok. I strongly sugest the twilight serise by stephenie meyer. That are filled with really wonerful imagry and it is a great story.
over a year ago twilightlover13 said…
Twilight series would be my first pick lol but someone has already said it so i'm gonna say wicked lovely by melissa marr. It has a wonderful look on the fey world.
over a year ago doonis said…
I'd recommend Abarat by Clive Barker. It's pretty long, but it's filled with pictures and its awesome.
over a year ago Cara09 said…
anything by tamora peirce
over a year ago CharmedFan4eva_ said…
i really like the series Charmed u guys should cheack it out
over a year ago dazl said…
David Eddings. The Belgariad and the Mallorean series are both really good.

His series on the Elenium and the Tamuli are good too.
over a year ago UltimatePennys said…
The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett, its hilarious and has got good plots.

Also the Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan, they are long books but have great characterisation and imagery
over a year ago Pucca_Pink said…
Percy and The Olympians Books 1-3 by Rick Riordan
I'll admit there short but an awesome series it combines Mythology and the modern world!
over a year ago Gabitha said…
ANYTHING by David Eddings!
over a year ago officefreak1225 said…
I'd have to go with The Sword of Truth Series by Terry Goodkind too. The books are amazing, I grew up with Harry Potter but I now that I'm older I think The Sword of Truth Series is at the top.
over a year ago poisonfang said…
the ink-trilogy by cornelia funke
the inheritance trilogy by christopher paolini (don't EVER watch the movie though)
over a year ago harold said…
Eh, I had a hard time with "Wizard's First Rule", though I have to admit that the endless descriptions of all the character's meals inspired me to pack better snacks to take to work for a while. But in general I prefer my fantasy to have a bit less S&M in it. I was put off by that element of "Wizard's First Rule" so much that it overwhelmed my appreciation of some of the things I liked, and it has kept me from reading any of the rest of the series.

Recommending a single book rather than a series is difficult, since most modern fantasy is written as part of a series. In addition, there's the distinction between high fantasy and low fantasy. I slightly favor high fantasy, so I'll recommend "Magician" by Raymond Feist (if you read paperbacks, you'll find that they've split the book into two volumes for mass market) - there's no beating that for high fantasy.

If I could recommend a second book as a top low fantasy novel, I could do no better than George R.R. Martin's "A Game of Thrones".
over a year ago dazl said…
'Sabriel', 'Lireal' and 'Abhorsen', by Garth Nix. My friend introduced me to them a while back, and now I'm hooked.

Also, "The Redemption of Althalus" by David Eddings.
over a year ago Thima said…
The Pellinor Series by Alison Croggon is really good.I'm pretty much obbssed with these books.
over a year ago emma-jeff said…
Twilight because that is the best book I have ever read !
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over a year ago Edwards_Heroin said…
Ok, well since someone already said both of my first and second choices, which were Twilight and Wicked Lovely, I guess I'll use my third favorite which is the Blue Bloods series by Melissa de la Cruz. It's about vampires and it's really good!!!
over a year ago fanfly said…
Farseer series by Robin Hobb
over a year ago babybell said…
definitely " the Belgariad and The Mallorean" by David Eddings. THey are truly amazing.
over a year ago jammyjamjam said…
"The Alchemyst" and "The Magician" by Michael Scott
over a year ago timbitzk said…
The Night Watch series by Sergei Lukyanenko is really good. I think it's four books in total (I could be wrong), but I'm not quite done the third yet. Also, if you like The Night Watch, but you don't really want to continue, each book can hold it's own. That being said, the second and third books are still related to the first. So if I were you, I would start at The Night Watch (like a normal person).
over a year ago RainbowGeek819 said…
Well I STRONGLY Recommend Stardust =D

And Peter pan=D
over a year ago SG1-090 said…
The demonata series by Darren Shan starting with "Lord Loss"!
over a year ago Dearheart said…
The Dark Is Rising series by Susan Cooper. She writes like Beethoven composes... *drools over her incredible writing*

...And then of course, there's NARNIA!! Woot! :D
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over a year ago shona said…
Well I would recommend Eragon by Christopher Paolini.
over a year ago tooch said…
Anything by Enid Blyton. She was a fantastic author.
And of course TWILIGHT!!

over a year ago huggies said…
All of my favs have already been said (Twilight, Eragon and The Alchemyst), but I would definitely recommend The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks. In fact all his books in the Shannara universe are brilliant!
over a year ago becca85 said…
I second the recommendation of "Magician" by Raymond E. Feist. He IS my favorite fantasy author. My favorite series by him is the Riftwar Legacy, because it centers around my favorite character, James/Jimmy.
over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
You mean I can't say Harry Potter? Dang. Well then 'The Blue Sword' and it's prequel 'The Hero and the Crown' by Robin McKinley.

over a year ago emmaterry said…
I love the inheritince cycle.(eragon,eldest,brisingr)

LORD of the rings is fun.

INK heart is brillint.
over a year ago FlightofFantasy said…
Well, if the Harry Potter series didn't exist (God forbid!), my favorite book of all time would have to be Lilith by George MacDonald. It's a dark fantasy written in the 1800s, and it is the most beautiful book I have ever read in my life. I cannot recommend it highly enough. I'd also have to say The Chronicles of Narnia, The Prydain Chronicles, The Darkangel Trilogy by Meredith Ann Pierce, The Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix and The Belgariad and The Mallorean by David Eddings. But Lilith for sure. It's dark, beautiful, heartbreaking, heartwarming, thought-provoking, basically a perfect novel, by one of the forefathers of the literary fantasy genre. MacDonald is my favorite author.
over a year ago Someone14 said…
Well, this isn't my favorite series, but I think skulduggery pleasant by Derek landy is definitely worth checking out.
over a year ago MJangellover said…
city of bones
over a year ago marauders101 said…
Anything by Brain Jacques and the inheritance series(Eragon etc.)
over a year ago nmanicole said…
Please don't think of twilight when I say this but The Host. I decided to read this book because Stephanie Meyer also wrote this book, but it is nothing like Twilight. It is fantastic book that is a lot more mature than The Host (it is a young adult book) I'm not saying I don't like twilight, I love it. But this book kept me up all night making me read more! Keep note that the beginning is a little slow, but overall it is fantastic afterwards. :D
over a year ago MCF2000 said…
INKHEART!!!!! :P (Get ready to read, for a while its long but good)

Really!? no HP!!!????

PS DONT READ TWILIGHT!!!!! ugh it sucks

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over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Ummm Percy Jackson
over a year ago ivoryphills said…
I read this book called "Grimmpow". Apparently, it's about a young boy who found the Philosopher's Stone on some Knight's dead body, and this stone allowed him to gain knowledge magically, and to be able to see what isn't normally seen by humans. Itms set in medival times, which made it a sort of weird read for me.
over a year ago Belatrix said…
big smile
"Inkheart" is really good, It's a kind of book you read at once, "Sabriel" is also great, but both of this books are a bit complex which makes them even more interesting.
Although, both stories do get weird sometimes. Just for the record.
over a year ago elifsila said…
Of course Peter Pan....

With lost boys, fighting with pirates ..
And Also Peter Pan ...
Oh My God it is amazing..
over a year ago dark_vanyar said…
Read the Inheritance Cycle!! It's amazing!link. The last book is fantastic... I'm looking forward to possible sequels. If not, read "Memory, Sorrow and Thorn", from Tad Williams. It's hard at first, but then you can't take your eyes off of it!!
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
inheritance cycle. startng with eragon
over a year ago prim17luvr101 said…
The Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead if you like vamps.
The Shiver series by Maggie Stiefvater if you like werewolves.
The Hex Hall series by Rachel Hawkins if you like witches/wizards and/or demons.
The Fallen series by Lauren Kate if you like angels.
The Wings series by Aprilynne Pike if you like faeries.
....that's all I can come up with :P
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