Fantasy The Fallen Mist

makorra327 posted on Jul 25, 2012 at 07:39AM
Chapter One

They tried to catch her. They tried to kill her. But they all failed...they all were buried, by her. In the town of Eros Forumis, the sister city of love, was hero who was misunderstood and hated by her fellow villagers. She was to be forever banished into the Everwood Forest. Nymphs were her only conpanians. But she never really had contact with town she was imortaly a Mist Sprite. They were rare and only female spirits. usually known for being gentle hunting sprites of Artemis, they had used small knife and bows and arrows. They could turn into mist and read the emotions of animals and mortals but the gods were off limits. Nobody knows what happened to the sprite named Dannitera. One legend was that she fell in love with a young man and Artemis rejected her. Dannitera was outraged and took revenge on the gods by no longer praying to them. They called her The Dark Mist, The Darkness and the most common of all: Nightmare Minerva or in other words War of Night *Minerva-roman goddess of war* This is her tru story. But is really like the legends? Only time could find out.

Fantasy 135 replies

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over a year ago makorra327 said…
I woke up to dizziness. A throbing head. Ringing ears. And a numbe left arm.

When my vision whent from double to single I sat. Bad idea. I could see spots of bright light cross against my eyes. My head pounded even more. I wimpered a little and sighed trying to catch my breath. The wind hsd been knocked out of me.
"You awake?" A voice said. It was the boy's.
He leaned against the chair in his sister's room. All the bright pink hurt my eyes. But I still found the strength to to make a comback at him.
"What? Aren't you gonna kill me, or should I kill you first...brat,"I replied.
It wasn't my best work but it was enough for him to look a little scared.
"I dont think your in a safe place to talk like that,"he said.
Damn it he was right, in fact they were both right since I saw two of him. There was still something off about him. I tried to see his weak spot. What made him so awkward at the moment.

Finally I saw it. It wasnt his eyes. Or the way he tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair. It was his knees. He wasn't just leaning against the chair he was trying to support himself. He was terrified. I smirked.
"Your not gonna kill me,"I declared as I stood up trying not to let my eyes go back and forth in my eye sockets.
"You can barely stand. Your scared," I stepped closer and he flinched,"you sure you not gonna pee your pants?"
I drew my knife with my right hand and held it too his neck. He was speechless and closed his eyes.
"Please...don't ...I I'm the one who healed your arm..." he plwaded.
While I held the knife to his neck I glanced at my arm.

over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
And an exploding arrow comes out of nowhere. Thomas Olympia has entered the story....DUH DUH DUH! Nah, just playing. Nice chap, post soon please. Here's your cake.
over a year ago makorra327 said…
I couldn't believe it my arm was healed. It wasnt bleeding or throbing. There was a massive scar but it was numb.

"What did..." I trailed off in my amazement," if I let go of the knife will you please not kill me?"

He nodded as much as he could without getting cut. I was still on defense mode. I didn't trust him yet. 'He did fix your arm' I thought. But the other side of me still said 'He was trying to kill you in the first place!'

Sorry its so short I gotta go eat

over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
It's okay. I'll await your next post.
over a year ago makorra327 said…
Sorry it took so long

I couldn't stand there all day. Me and shadow had job to do:Save Alvin. I removed the knife from his neck. He took a bunch deep gasping breathes. I thought I heard him swearing under his breathe as I looked at the window. It was already dark. I didn't have time fpr this, I needed to get the clothes and go. Shadow was probably having a heart attack.

"Well this has been nice and all but I really need some clothes and shoes. Do you mind if I borrow some of your sister's?"I ventured. I didn't really think he would say yes.

He staggered over to sit in the chair,"wait. What?"

"Its like I'm talking to a god damn wall,"I muttered," I'm in a very time sensitive mission here. I'm need some clothes for a friend and I."

His eyes seemed to turn back to normal," yeah I geuss. But why didn't you just knock on the door?"

Was he seroius? If I had knocked on the door...

"What kind of city is this? Where people knock pn doord asked for siblings belongings and then people just give them away?" I demanded.

over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Lol. That must have sucked.
over a year ago makorra327 said…
As I was about to go insane there was a faint noise. Almost like someone knocking.

"Crap! He's already here,"the boy gasped. He quickly shot up from the chair,"you need to hide somewhere!"

He took my shoulders and threw me into the closset. I winced as I fell on my right arm. Aparently it did still have some feeling in it.

Sorry for a really short post. I'm technecly on phone shut down. They are gonna womder why I've been in the bathroom so long. Might be able to post foe awhile.
over a year ago makorra327 said…
Fuck I ment her left arm damn it
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
It's okay. Calm down.
over a year ago makorra327 said…
He closed the door behind him and locked it. Dont ask me this girl had a closet that locked. I realized this was as good time to find some clothes. I stood up and ran my hands against the wall to find the light switch.

"Found it," I covered my mouth as I said it. Someone was here and they could've heard me!

I could here the kid talkinh to someone. It was faint but I couldn't tell if they comong up the stairs. I flipped on the light and began searching. Luckily not everything was pink. I found a black long sleeve shirt that I wore under a red t-shirt. I found a pair of black tights and jean shorts. I searched around for shoes. I found some boots with a bit of faux fur at the seams. They nice and slightly healed. They looked like a cross between winter boots and combat boots. I put them as I staryed searching for clothes for shadow. I found a longsleave search for her with a vest that had a belt attached. Then a pair of jeans with some sneakers that were hopefully all in her size.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…

Awesome chapter...Need some help?
over a year ago makorra327 said…
What do u have in mind?
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
over a year ago makorra327 said…
Well anyway...

I gathered the clothes in my arms anf moved over to the door. I took out my knife and picking at the lock. After a few attempts I finally got it open. I cracked the door open to look if it wad safeto come out. I dodnt see anyone so I used my old dress to bundle up the clothes.

I made my way down the stairs to the boys door. Keahi or something. I stopped to listen and put my ear to the door.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I don't know. Maybe he's locked in a hotel, locked in a room, fully painted pink. You have to sneak pass Aphrodite's countless guards and then stay away from her watchful eye to free him.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Or, he could break himself out. Let me explain his powers Aura View and Remote View.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Aura View allows him to see Aura and see through walls, solids, and sense people's energies. However, during this he can't see what's right in front of him. He also allows him to pinpoint everything in lock it with information.
Remote View is Alvin leaving his body, he's entirely invisible, but he can't control his regular body, and is very vulnerable against attack. However, he can Cause things to happen. And, nudge victory in his favor. And, he can use Remote View and teleport his body to where he is. That's how he's evaded the gods so long.
over a year ago makorra327 said…
Thats some cool stuff bro. I would explain nightmare minerva but I think I want to keep it a secret ;)

I could hear two voices. One of an older sounding guy. Maybe late 20s or so. The other was Keahi. I couldn't make out what they were saying. But as soon as I heard them talking they stopped. I heard them walking towards the door. I quickly moved away from the door and looked for a hallway closet. But before I even got that far the door opened.

I laughed nervously and hid the bundle of clothes behind my back and smiled,"H hi."

Shadow pov

"Ugh. Its been an hour, did she take a bath or something," I whined.

I had been in the most uncomfortable bush in the world for an hour. I getting restless and bored but maybe it was good she was taking a bath. She stinks to high hell of rotten peaches and pine trees. I sighed as I stood up and stretched. I went to the front of the house. No cars. It amazed me how just a few hundred miles in the other direction were slums who didn't even have running water.

I went to continue waliking and something poked my back. I went to what it was and it was the statue of Danni. Of course it wasnt really Danni...was it? I stopped to really look at for the first time. It had Danni's face but it was in a hysterical laugh with angry looking eyebrows. Her naturally wavy hair was bone straight with one braid to the side. She wore an unbuttoned vest that seemed to extend at the back. Her shirt was a nice long sleeved button down. She also had an ascot kind of thing going on around her neck. She ha high wsisted skirt with thigh socks. Her boots were heeled with little roses on the ankles. But that wasn't what scared me. At her right side she held a long scythe. The blade was not made out of gold but out of blood red gem.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Alvin has one more ability, although he doesn't know how to use it. He calls it Requiem. He can increase it about 4x. (Sorta like Super Sayian.) It's like a green hue around him. It increases everything for him. By the time he hits Level 4, he can be about as fast as Hermes, but this is going to be very power-consuming until he masters it. So far, he can only go to the Level 3.
over a year ago makorra327 said…
You have no idea how hard I laughed at super sayian

Still shadow pov

I clutched the satue and kept walking. Surely if Danni was gonna make me wait I might as do something. I went to the next house that didn't have cars and knocked, just in case someone was home.As soon as I knocked I dashed tothe back yard and jumped the fence. It was huge with a pool and deck. The house was practically a flat wall in the back with just 2 windows. That was a good thing and s bad thing I thought as moved towards the door. Few windows is good because that means little to no people could have seen you sneaking in. Very few windows in the back is bad because it means if needd there are limited escape routes if something goes wrong.

The sliding door was unlocked.
Alvin2442 commented…
DUH DUH DUHHHHH! over a year ago
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Can you do something in Alvin's POV, that would be a nice switch-up.
over a year ago makorra327 said…
I just about to
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Coolio. You Only Lack Originality! YOLO!
over a year ago makorra327 said…
Alvin pov

Its was huge. It was pink. It was fucking terrifying. It was a hotel room.

I groaned as I rubbed my head. It was pounding. The room made me feel like haveing a seizure. There were neon pink walls with hot pink trim around the door and windows. As my eyes ajusted to frilly hell I looked at the windows. They seemed oddly reflectIve. The more he looked the light wasn't coming through it it was bouncing off of it.

"You gotta be kidding me..." the were mirrors. The hopes of majesticly breaking through the window to freedom wasshattered not only by the mirrors but by the chains binding my hands to the back of the bed. I looked at the shacles around my wrists. There weren't any key holes so he couldn't pick the lock.

" it had to be one of those days today didn't it?"
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Hey, missed that guy.
over a year ago makorra327 said…
I looked over at the door. Guards were probably on the other side just waiting for me to break out. Even if I could take them down without water or any weapons I still had to figure out how to get these shackles off.

I know that's just 2 sentences but my phone is gonna die. SORRY!!!
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Don't forget about Remote View and Aura View. I'm thinking he could use Aura View to see if there was another way out. And Remote View to see how many guards, maybe make a chandelier fall on them.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Makorra, you can't leave! COME BACK! POST PLEASE!
over a year ago makorra327 said…
Ok I thought focus. Just leave your body. And relax...

I opened my eyes and saw everything a little blurrier.

Its gonna have to be in short spurts bro
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Alright, just post.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Alvin left his body and walked out the door. After seeing only two guards there, he laughed. He then went back into the room, checking out the chains from a better view. Although, there was no reason to, the chains were unbreakable, but didn't have a good anchor.
over a year ago makorra327 said…
o sweet jesus its gonna be hard getting back into this

over a year ago makorra327 said…
((yep well its been awhile and to just make things easier I'm switching to third person just because its become easier to write and I'm more familiar with it. Bare with me))

Alvin pov

Alvin floated back into the room. He groaned as he looked at himself. He knew he was skinny but it was getting out of hand. He really needed to work out or something.

He floated down to the chains around his wrists. 'Damn' he thought. He sorta recognized the model, but the maker had enchanted it. The cuffs were now unbreakable and Alvin didn't know enough magic to be able to break the spell. He swore again. It really would be just one of those fucking days.

He sighed,"I guess there is only one choice."

He would have to take a chance with Requiem. Alvin would just have to trust in himself and in level 3 to get him out. And then hope Aphrodite herself wasn't outside her door. She was even scarier than when he last saw her. Before she was just psycologically scary, but now she was just all around terrifying. She seemed to be infected with whatever curse Danni thought was cursing the gods. The love goddess's skin was soon ripping in places above her eyebrows and around her lips.

He shivered and tried to focus on returning to his body. His vision blurred once again and suddenly he felt more solid. He opened his eyes and finally took another short look at the shackles. Slowly he focused on Requiem and felt the bright green light's warmth touch him through his jacket.

Shadow pov

She hopped through the sliding door and closed it behind her. She made sure her weapons didn't clank together while walking. She had popped in the living room and was searching for something valuable. The t.v looked nice enough, it wasn't like she could actually take it with her. Although it was tempting to try.

She couldn't smell any of the humans near by, then again this was their house so it would be natural not be able to smell them near by. Or anywhere specific. That's what made home invasion so dangerous. Anyone could catch you at anytime.

Oh well. What's an adventure if there isn't risk?

((hope someone will read))
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(MAKORRA! YOUR POSTING! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­)
over a year ago makorra327 said…
im a fraud,,,a mess. a true heathen. i spent so much time trying to write this and then on two platforms,,,,uuuuuugh