Doctor Who 32 Day Doctor Who Challenge!

KusoAkuma posted on Oct 29, 2011 at 05:33PM
You start by answering question 1 and then come back each day and answer the next one until you're done. You don't have to do it for 30 days in a row you may take breaks. Also you can post pictures if you want.

Day 1: Favourite male character?
Day 2: Favourite female character?
Day 3: Favourite guest star?
DAY 4: Favourite couple?
Day 5: Best Kiss?
Day 6: Favorite Doctor?
Day 7: Favorite Companion?
Day 8: Favorite Group of Companions with the Doctor?
Day 9: A Scene that made you cry?
Day 10: A scene that made you angry?
Day 11: A scene that made you happy?
Day 12: A scene that made you laugh?
Day 13: A scene you wish never happened?
Day 14: Favorite episode from season 1? (2005)
Day 15: Favorite episode from season 2? (2006)
Day 16: Favorite episode from season 3? (2007)
Day 17: Favorite episode from season 4? (2008)
Day 18: Favorite episode from season 5? (2010)
Day 19: Favorite episode from season 6? (2011)
Day 20: Favorite friendship?
Day 21: Favorite doctor/companion relationship?
Day 22: Your favorite season?
Day 23: Your least favorite season?
Day 24: The most overrated character?
Day 25: The most underreated character?
Day 26: Your favorite actor?
Day 27: Your favorite actress?
Day 28: A couple you want to happen?
Day 29: A character you want to come back?
Day 30: A character you wish was gone?
Day 31: Funniest character?
Day 32: Your overall favorite thing about Doctor Who?
last edited on Nov 22, 2011 at 08:08AM

Doctor Who 153 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 153

over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 3: Favourite guest star?

Michelle Ryan as Christina de Souza, Georgia Moffett as Jenny
and Bernard Cribbins as Wilfred Mott.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DW_girl said…
I'll do them all now because I need to kill some time:
Day 1- The Tenth Doctor
Day 2- Rose Tyler
Day 3- Sally Sparrow, Blink
Day 4- Nine and Rose
Day 5- Nine and Rose, The Parting of the Ways
Day 6- The Tenth Doctor
Day 7- Rose Tyler
Day 8- Eleven, Amy and Rory
Day 9- Rose's departure in Doomsday
Day 10- When Rory wasn't given a proper goodbye
Day 11- When we didn't have to say goodbye to Ten in Journey's End
Day 12- "Pockets!"
Day 13- Clara kissing The Doctor in The Snowmen
Day 14- Father's Day
Day 15- School Reunion
Day 16- Blink
Day 17- Midnight
Day 18- Vincent and the Doctor
Day 19- The Doctor's Wife
Day 20- Ten and Donna
Day 21- Ten and Donna
Day 22- Series 4
Day 23- Series 6
Day 24- River Song
Day 25- Martha Jones
Day 26- David Tennant
Day 27- Karen Gillan
Day 28- River and Captain Jack
Day 29- Jenny, The Doctor's Daughter
Day 30- River Song
Day 31- The Eleventh Doctor
Day 32- The Doctor and his companions!
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 4: Favourite couple?

Tenth Doctor and Rose
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 5: Best Kiss?

Tenth Doctor and Rose
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 6: Favorite Doctor?

Tenth Doctor
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 7: Favorite Companion?

Martha Jones
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 8: Favorite Group of Companions with the Doctor?

Tenth Doctor, Rose, Micky and Martha
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 9: A Scene that made you cry?

Farewell of Rose
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 10: A scene that made you angry?

Every scene with the master
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 11: A scene that made you happy?

When Vincent van Gogh was traveling in his future and saw his works.
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 12: A scene that made you laugh?

River fights with a banana.
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 13: A scene you wish never happened?

The master stole the youth of Dr. Who and locked him in a cage.
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 14: Favorite episode from season 1? (2005)

Bad Wolf
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 15: Favorite episode from season 2? (2006)

Army of Ghosts
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 16: Favorite episode from season 3? (2007)

Smith and Jones
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 17: Favorite episode from season 4? (2008)

The Doctor's Daughter
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 18: Favorite episode from season 5? (2010)

Vincent and the Doctor
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 19: Favorite episode from season 6? (2011)

Demons Run
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 20: Favorite friendship?

Ten and Martha
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 21: Favorite doctor/companion relationship?

Ten and Martha
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 22: Your favorite season?

Season 6
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 23: Your least favorite season?

Season 2
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 24: The most overrated character?

Rose Tyler
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 25: The most underreated character?

Rory Williams
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 26: Your favorite actor?

Bernard Cribbins - Donna's grandfather
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 27: Your favorite actress?

Georgia Moffett - Jenny
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 28: A couple you want to happen?

River Song and Tenth Doctor
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 29: A character you want to come back?

RIver Song
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 30: A character you wish was gone?

The Master
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 31: Funniest character?

The Doctor
over a year ago Sirea said…
Day 32: Your overall favorite thing about Doctor Who?

The Doctor and Tardis
over a year ago SherlockStark said…
Day 1: Favorite male character?

The Doctor
Day 1: Favorite male character?

The Doctor
over a year ago SherlockStark said…
Day 2: Favorite female character?

A toss up between Donna (pictured) and Clara - I can't decide.
Day 2: Favorite female character?

A toss up between Donna (pictured) and Clara - I can't decide.
over a year ago SherlockStark said…
Day 3: Favorite guest star?

Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith
Day 3: Favorite guest star? 

Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith
over a year ago SherlockStark said…
DAY 4: Favorite couple?

Either Amy/Rory or Clara/the Doctor (pictured) - I can't decide.
DAY 4: Favorite couple?

Either Amy/Rory or Clara/the Doctor (pictured) - I can't decide.
over a year ago SherlockStark said…
Day 5: Best Kiss?

This Amy/Rory one.
Day 5: Best Kiss? 

This Amy/Rory one.
over a year ago SherlockStark said…
Day 6: Favorite Doctor?

Peter Capaldi / the 12th Doctor
Day 6: Favorite Doctor?

Peter Capaldi / the 12th Doctor
over a year ago Missymoo19 said…
I've already done something like this on my Twitter but these are different questions so I'll do this as well. :)

Day 1: Favorite male character

Any of the Doctor's could count, I guess. I mean Nine was sassy and funny while still having a vulnerable side. Ten was funny, charming and happy-go-lucky while still being serious and dark. Eleven was the same as Ten except more funny. And as for Twelve...

I must say that his pragmatic attitude during Series 8 REALLY threw me for a loop, as I wasn't used to it yet. As a result, I considered him my least favorite Doctor! But eventually, I changed my mind about him and even though I did/do disagree with some things he does/says (namely about Danny Pink... I mean seriously? Calling him PE even though it's been stated several times that he's a Math teacher, always insulting him and never giving him any credit JUST because he used to be a soldier? That's so stupid and unfair!), I've grown to love him. He's flawed, he questions himself and his actions and yet he still cares and has compassion, not to mention a sense of humor that really shines in Series 9.

And so, I guess I could say in short for the Doctor's, Twelve's my favorite with Ten being a close second. :)

As for the other men in the show, Mickey, Rory and Seb (from "The Caretaker) are all awesome. Mickey because he goes from a totally weird geek who's (understandably) jealous of the Doctor, to someone who helps out Ten and Rose battle aliens - like in "School Reunion" - and even becomes a total badass, battling Cybermen, Daleks and even helps best Davros himself! Rory is basically the same, except with more screen time. XD But to go further in depth, even after Amy (kind of) cheats on him with the Doctor, he's thrown into all kinds of dangerous and perilous situations and not liking the Doctor too much as a result of what he's like and what he's kind of "made" Amy into (i.e. reckless and always trying to impress the Doctor), he grows to platonically love and respect the Doctor, though he still gets angry with him.

Also, he loved Amy so much that he actually went TWO THOUSAND years straight without sleeping, thus staying conscious and pretty much alone the entire time, in order to protect Amy who was stuck in the Pandorica during those two millennium and actually STAYED SANE! THAT is a true badass!

Also, he punched the Doctor aka the Oncoming Storm aka the Bringer of Darkness in the FACE as he was bad mouthing Amy.

And as for Seb, I thought he was funny, charming, polite and very entertaining to watch. :) It's a shame - although still funny - that Missy vaporized him because he squee'd! XD

Special mention goes to Danny Pink, too. He had plenty of depth, funny moments, sad moments and although he wasn't perfect he was still a cool guy. I don't understand why some people consider him a bad character...

Okay, that's enough of a wall of text for now so I'll end it now. XD

See you tomorrow! :)
over a year ago Missymoo19 said…
Day 2: Favorite female character

If you guys want to see my top fifteen favorite Doctor Who women, go here:


But the women I'd most like to talk about today are Osgood, River Song, Clara Oswald and Missy (as evidenced by my username and avatar :P).

Osgood originally debuted in "The Day of the Doctor" as a Doctor fangirl who enjoyed cosplaying as him. She sounds stupid, I know. But she has surprising depth and is actually a very interesting character! She's interesting, smart, funny and just overall a total pleasure to watch. :)

River Song is a total badass and I really enjoyed her character despite her arguably being a Mary Sue and cliched. I agree that she can be too "perfect" sometimes and her backstory IS rather cliche, but I still like her. :) Also, she's cute with Eleven and Twelve. :)

Clara Oswald, despite all of her flaws, quirks and the completely illogical way she died, is an AWESOME character! Nag me all you want for having an opinion, but I really liked her. And she's adorable with Danny Pink and Twelve! :D

And as for Missy, she's subtle, over-the-top, dangerous, funny, mean, cruel, intelligent, has an awesome accent and is drop dead gorgeous! :D

And someone I forgot to mention yesterday was the War Doctor. He's just such a tragic and solemn figure that I enjoyed watching in Day of the Doctor. :)

Well, that's it for now. See you tomorrow. :)
over a year ago Missymoo19 said…
Sorry I missed a few days. I'm not always the best at daily challenges. ^^;

Day 3: Favorite guest star

I don't remember too many guest stars, but Carey Mulligan as Sally Sparrow (Blink), Zawe Ashton as Journey blue (Into the Dalek), Frank Skinner as Perkins (Mummy on Orient Express) and Chris Addison as Seb (The Caretaker, Dark Water/Death in Heaven) were pretty good in their episodes and as their characters. :)
over a year ago Missymoo19 said…
Day 4: Favorite couple

Some of my favorites that aren't in any particular order are Missy/Clara, Twelve/Missy, Twelve/Clara, Madame Vastra/Jenny Flint and Danny/Clara. :)
over a year ago Missymoo19 said…
Day 5: Best kiss

Funniest kiss was Missy snogging the crap out of Twelve in Dark Water. Not to mention Eleven giving Rory a big smacker on the lips in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. XD

Cutest kiss was maybe Vastra's and Jenny "kiss of life" in Deep Breath or any of Danny's and Clara's kisses. I also liked Twelve kissing Missy in Death in Heaven. ^_^

Saddest kiss was Twelve kissing Clara's hand before she faces the Raven. :'(

So in short, I'm not sure what the "best kiss" is. XD These are just some of my favorites. :)
over a year ago SherlockStark said…
Day 7: Favorite Companion?

Clara Oswald (but Donna was a close second).
Day 7: Favorite Companion?

Clara Oswald (but Donna was a close second).
over a year ago SherlockStark said…
Day 8: Favorite Group of Companions with the Doctor?

Nine, Rose & Jack
Day 8: Favorite Group of Companions with the Doctor?

Nine, Rose & Jack
over a year ago simpleplan said…
Day 1: Favourite male character?

The Doctor
over a year ago simpleplan said…
Day 2: Favourite female character?

over a year ago simpleplan said…
Day 3: Favourite guest star?

Mark Sheppard
over a year ago simpleplan said…
DAY 4: Favourite couple?

over a year ago simpleplan said…
Day 5: Best Kiss?

Day 5: Best Kiss?

over a year ago SherlockStark said…
Day 9: A Scene that made you cry?

"I don't want to go"
Day 9: A Scene that made you cry?

"I don't want to go"