Doctor Who Turn Left, The Stolen Earth and Journey's End.

Gabitha posted on Jun 17, 2008 at 08:11AM
Ok so i thought that before we see these eps, we might pool all we know about them and have a little talk about what we want to happen, or what will - how about that? :D


Turn Left:

Donna’s entire world collapses, then The Doctor dies. Instead, she finds help from a mysterious blond woman – a traveller from a parallel universe. But, as Donna and Rose Tyler combine forces, are they too late to save the whole of creation from the approaching darkness? And what is on Donna's back?

Will feature
Donna Noble
Rose Tyler

The Stolen Earth:

Earth's greatest heroes assemble in a time of dire need, but can the Doctor's secret army defeat the might of the new Dalek Empire?

With battles on the streets and in the skies, the Doctor and Donna must brave the Shadow Proclamation to find out the truth. However, a fearsome old enemy waits in the shadows...

Will Feature
Donna Noble
Rose Tyler
Martha Jones

Journey's end:

[edit]The entire universe is in danger as the Daleks activate their masterplan, in the concluding episode of Russell T Davies's Bafta Award-winning time-travelling drama. The Doctor is helpless, and even the TARDIS faces destruction. The only hope lies with the Doctor's secret army of companions– but as they join forces to battle Davros himself, the prophecy declares that one of them will die.

This is the final story of Series 4 and will feature at least seven of the Doctor's companions.
Donna Noble
Martha Jones
Rose Tyler
Captain Jack Harkness
Sarah Jane Smith
Mickey Smith

last edited on Jun 22, 2008 at 09:22AM

Doctor Who 35 replies

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over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
Can't wait, sounds like it is gunna be a great ending to the series. You Pretty much put everything down that i no but i read somewhere that in one episode the doctor has to leave one of his companions to die and its not donna.
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
Also for any info on coming episodes and seasons click on this link.

MAJOR SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

beware: link
over a year ago DalekSec said…
So... supposedly Harriet Jones is a Dalek, Caan gets chained up somewhere, Donna loses her memory, and somebody dies.
over a year ago DWLoverTBCEDT said…
and the Doctor gets shot by Dalek, err something like that
over a year ago DalekSec said…
In the Radio Times, RTD says Martha's phone is very important in the finale.
over a year ago Gabitha said…
With that link, i already started a whole fourm on the spoilers that could hold link in April lol :D anywho...
over a year ago Gabitha said…
- Rose is head of parallel Torchwood
- Rose doesn't immediately trust Donna
- The episode ends with Rose coming back into our world through some Torchwoody stuff, just as a Dalek/Davros attack begins. Hence RTD saying they would "top" the Master's reveal at the end of "Utopia".

And a new set of rumors that all tie into the idea that the Doctor was never there to save the world:

The Doctor dies destroying the empress of racnoss
Sarah Jane and Martha die when the Judoon take the hospital
Torchwood team die fighting Sontarans (Captain Jack is shipped off to their home world)
The Titanic causes an nuclear explosion wiping out the south of england – Donna is evacuated to Leeds
America is wiped out by the Adipose
And then the stars start to go out… it’s the end of the universe
"And that’s before I mention Rose or the return of Bad Wolf…
…or what’s on Donnas back"
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
SERIOUSLY CAN NOT WAIT!!!!! everything is coming back for one final showdown well excited:D:D:D:D:D:D
over a year ago Legendary1337 said…
I had a great idea for the episode turn left, what if the two parrelel earths combined like in the comic relief episode time crash?
over a year ago Gabitha said…
Yeah! That could be cool! lol :D

wait, i have a question, if there is a parrelel world and stuff, does that mean there is a parrelel doctor as well?
[edit] and does that mean that there other time lords and stuff in this other world?

Just a thought! :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Legendary1337 said…
thats what i was thinking because i saw a post on another forum that said that in the next season something happens causing our doctor to travel to a parrelel universe where Gallifrey isn't destroyed!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Gabitha said…
Now THAT would be really cool!! Though would he be there already?
over a year ago Legendary1337 said…
I am not sure but he would probably be on the 'other' earth and then he might scan the universe? or meet another time lord!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Gabitha said…
OMG Thoughts on Turn Left? Was it hated or loved?
over a year ago blind_moon said…
looooooooved!! I have to say the second best episode (after forest of the dead) just love this!! and the cliffhanger... come oooooooooon its just the best one!! Bad wolf again... End of the universe, cannot wait =D
over a year ago Gabitha said…
I know! I was like WOWO and at the end when with teh Bad Wolf! lol I loved it!
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
My internet's decided it won't show any videos - at ALL! I'm dying here! What happened??? WHAT HAPPENED!?!
over a year ago Gabitha said…

On the planet Shan Shen, the Doctor and Donna are walking through the stalls. Donna wanders off by herself and comes across a fortune teller. Reluctant at first, Donna eventually decides to have her fortune told by her.

In the fortune teller's hut, Donna recalls the moment she was forced to make a choice when wanting to continue at H.C. Clements, rather than apply for the post as Jival Chowdry's personal assistant, she finally decided to Turn left, meanwhile something comes into the room and climbs up Donna's back while the fortune teller holds her hands away from her back and tells her to "turn right" instead. Back at the deciding moment in she decides to turn right instead.

During a Christmas party, Donna's friend keeps looking at her back, when the Webstar attacks London. Because Donna doesn't help the Doctor escape from fighting the Empress of the Racnoss, he dies too quickly to regenerate. Donna then discovers that the Doctor was killed and meets Rose; but when Donna checks her back Rose disappears.

Donna's boss then tries to fire her, but is interupted by large grey clouds. Then a nearby hospital disappears (this also happens in Smith and Jones). The hospital soon returns and one medical student survives. Martha, Sarah Jane Smith and Luke Smith die by running out of oxygen trying to save everyone, along with Maria Jackson and Clyde Langer. Donna then meets Rose again and she remarks that people are constantly looking at her back. Rose then tries to persuade Donna to leave London at Christmas. Donna and her family take a holiday (away from London), when on Christmas Day, a replica of the RMS Titanic falls towards Buckingham Palace (as seen in the 2007 Christmas Special Voyage of the Damned) and it destroys London and the rest of Southern England is flooded with radiation. After London's destruction, many of the residents of South Eastern England and Donna and her family are moved to Leeds, whey they are forced to share a house with many other families. The Americans tried to help England by sending them £50 billion of financial aid, but millions of Americans were killed by being transformed into Adipose, (as seen in Partners in Crime).

Outside, the house gunshots are heard, as all of the ATMOS equiped cars are releasing poisonous gases. The Torchwood team (named as Ianto Jones and Gwen Cooper) are reported dead defeating the Sontarans and Jack Harkness has been permanently transported to Sontar. Donna then meets Rose again and they discuss The Doctor (although Donna doesn't know he exists). Rose then reveals that Donna will die. One of the families living with Donna, are told they are going to be moved to a labour camp, because they were immigrants and Donna's grandfather comments how this is similar to World War II. Three weeks later, Donna and her grandfather are stargazing, when he comments that the constellation Orion has disappeared, when all of the other stars start to "go out".

Donna is then taken to a UNIT base by Rose, where Donna discovers that she has a giant beetle on her back. Then UNIT use the dying TARDIS, to transport Donna back in time to four minutes and half a mile from when she decides to "turn right". The process destroyed the TARDIS. Donna stops herself turning right by getting run over by a truck causing a traffic jam going right, because the truck has stopped blocking the road, the other Donna sees the jam and decides to go left so they will not be stuck in traffic. Rose then appears and whispers two words (Bad Wolf) into Donna's ear. Seconds later, Donna dies.

Back on Shan Shen, she wakes out of her trance and shakes off the beetle and scares off the Forture Teller just as the Doctor enters the tent. They talk about what happen and Donna vaugely describes Rose and tells the Doctor what Rose whispered into her ear. The Doctor then runs out of the tent and discovers that the word Bad Wolf is written on all of the hanging banners that formerly displayed Chinese-inspired symbols. He then turns to the TARDIS, and discovers that both the "Police Public Call Box" sign above the doors and the "Free for Use of Public" phone panel have also changed to display the phrase.

He and Donna run into the TARDIS and discover that the whole console room glowing with red light, while the Cloister Bell begins to ring ominously (this resembles the state of the interior in The Sound of Drums after the Master had transformed it into a paradox machine). Donna asks what "Bad Wolf" means and the Doctor answers: "It's the end of the universe."

from link
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
Oh. My. Gosh.
That sounds like SUCH an intense episode! And I can't see it! I might cry...

Thanks so much Gab!! It helps a LOT!
over a year ago Donnahater said…
So Gald That Donna Is Going to Die In Journey's End And As You Can see By My Name I hate Her (Donna is confirmed By RTD TO die
over a year ago Donnahater said…
Here is Something Else You Might Want To Know About Episode 13

Doctor David Tennant (Tenth Doctor)
Companions Catherine Tate (Donna Noble)
Billie Piper (Rose Tyler)[1]
Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones)[2]
John Barrowman (Jack Harkness)
Guest stars
Elisabeth Sladen - Sarah Jane Smith
Camille Coduri – Jackie Tyler
Noel Clarke – Mickey Smith
Penelope Wilton – Harriet Jones[1]
Julian Bleach - Davros[3]
Eve Myles - Gwen Cooper[4]
Gareth David-Lloyd - Ianto Jones[4]
Michael Brandon – General Sanchez
Andrea Harris – Suzanne
Marcus Cunningham – Drunk Man
Kelly Hunter – Shadow Architect
Amy Beth Hayes – Albino Servant
Gary Milner – Scared Man
Shobu Kapoor – TBA[5]

over a year ago Legendary1337 said…
Are you stupid? she dies in turn left in order to correct the timeline!
over a year ago torchwood said…

there is nothing stoping them all from deing
because ive heard that this is a crash and burn story, that means RTD is leaving a clean slate for the new producer

ps sorry for spelling
over a year ago Legendary1337 said…
that is true it would make sense to leave moffat a clean slate.
over a year ago torchwood said…
i might be rigth but what sad way to leave it all
over a year ago phix said…
This is gonna be an incredible episode, i dont think donna will actually die as this is still doctor who. I heard theyre taking words and ideas from across the season and using them too, like the planets dissappearing (the nursing planets in the first episode get lost etc), then theres the bees disappearing and anyone notice in midnight that when Sky was backing away she said 'she said she'd come and get me' Who was that? These next two episodes are gonna be good.
over a year ago DalekSec said…
phix, I had the same question about Midnight. I think maybe she means her ex-girlfriend??
over a year ago Gabitha said…
The Stolen Earth:

The Doctor and Donna Noble arrive on Earth in the TARDIS immediately following the events of "Turn Left". They re-enter the TARDIS after finding nothing wrong, to search for any possible threats to the universe. Moments later the Earth, along with twenty-six other planets, is teleported to an unknown location. The Doctor turns to the Shadow Proclamation, a universal police force manned by Judoon, for help. Together, they determine that the missing planets, when placed in the same region of space, optimise their orbits like cogs in a giant machine for some unknown purpose. While searching for warning signs that could have preceded the teleport, Donna mentions the disappearance of the bees; the Doctor explains that some bees are actually aliens, and must have fled the Earth after detecting a transmat signal on the tandoka frequencies they use to communicate. This leads them to the edge of the Medusa Cascade, a rift in time and space near a gas nebula. However, it is empty, and without further information the path to Earth is hidden from them.

On Earth, a fleet of Dalek saucers descends upon the planet, obliterating all resistance in their path. Once the population is subdued, they begin rounding up humans. The Daleks are commanded by a red Supreme Dalek, which is confident that the Doctor cannot track them. However, another voice warns the Supreme Dalek about its pride, and reminds him that Dalek Caan has predicted that the Doctor will come. He claims, "Dalek Caan speaks only the truth". Caan, now an insane, gibbering beast, cackles madly of "the threefold man" and predicts that "the Doctor is coming" and that there will be "everlasting death for the most faithful companion."

Martha Jones, working with UNIT in New York City, is given the "Osterhagen Key" and told to escape using Project Indigo, an experimental teleportation device created from Sontaran technology. She safely arrives back at her home in England. The members of Torchwood — Captain Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, and Gwen Cooper — try to work out ways to contact the Doctor, as well as Sarah Jane Smith and her son Luke. Amid the chaos, Rose Tyler appears and meets up with Donna's family, Wilfred and Sylvia, keeping them safe as the Daleks round up the human population. They are all contacted by former Prime Minister Harriet Jones, using the sub-wave network, a sentient piece of software that uses an untraceable sub-wave signal to contact all those who know the Doctor (the "Children of Time", as the Daleks refer to them). Rose, though able to watch the transmission, cannot join in because she has no webcam. When asked about the Osterhagen Key, Harriet dismisses its use, though she refuses to explain why. She decides the best plan is to amplify the signal of Martha's superphone through the sub-wave signal, aided by the Cardiff Rift and Mr Smith. Though this will reveal Harriet's position to the Daleks, she willingly sacrifices her life, handing over control of the signal to Torchwood Three at the last moment.

The amplified signal allows the Doctor to find the planets, which are one second out of phase with the rest of the universe. He taps into the sub-wave network and learns further details of the situation. However, the signal is interrupted by another voice; Davros, the creator of the Daleks. The Doctor claims that he saw (and tried to save him from) his death in the first engagement of the Time War, but Davros reveals that he was saved from the Time War by Dalek Caan, whose emergency temporal shift broke through the time-locked barrier on the War, albeit at the cost of his sanity.

Davros then reveals his own mutilated body — much of the flesh of his chest is gone, exposing his internal organs — and explains that he created his new Dalek army from cells of his own body. The Doctor breaks communication and lands on Earth to reunite with his friends. Rose and Jack both use teleportation devices to reach the Doctor's location, while Sarah Jane drives there by car. Rose reaches him first. As they rush to embrace each other, the Doctor is shot by a lone Dalek, which is subsequently destroyed by Jack. Rose, Jack, and Donna carry the Doctor back to the TARDIS. Both Jack and Rose understand that the Doctor will soon regenerate, and keep Donna from trying to help. The episode ends in a cliffhanger as the Doctor's regeneration begins, while Gwen, Ianto, and Sarah Jane are facing Daleks bent on exterminating them.
over a year ago ladolcevita said…
I Think They will use The Doctor Detector to make ten David Again.
David signed up till the end of series five and the 4 Specials Next Year!

over a year ago Falco95 said…
i think it is a crash and burn story
but whats this about the docor splitting in to 2 when he regenerates keeping his old boady and creating a new one
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
YH he does he creates like a clone of himsel but in a blue suit wel thts wat i herd anyway. And the clone is human.
over a year ago Gabitha said…
I dont want him to go! lol DT that is!
over a year ago thecon said…
If he cloned himself then that would make a lot of sense, because in a lot of ways 2 versions of him might be the only way to save the day... like two Doctor team captains of either half of the companions.

Not long till we find out though!
over a year ago DalekSec said…
Rumour is...

Donna's a Time Lady.

I'm not sure I believe it myself, but that's the word.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Gabitha said…
Journeys End:

Following on immediately from the end of "The Stolen Earth", The Doctor is regenerating inside the TARDIS while Donna Noble, Captain Jack Harkness and Rose Tyler watch in horror. However, the Doctor transfers his regenerative energy into the container which carries his severed hand. He has healed himself, but chosen not to change his appearance. The TARDIS is transported by the Daleks to the Crucible and rendered powerless. The Doctor, Jack, and Rose leave it, but Donna is distracted and as she looks back, the TARDIS door slams closed. Before the Doctor can free her, the Daleks dump the TARDIS into a waste chute where it will be destroyed. As the TARDIS interior explodes around her, Donna collapses near the severed hand, and energy flows between it and her. The hand bursts out of the container, and forms as a new Doctor, although this Doctor has only one heart and has picked up some of Donna's mannerisms. With his help, the TARDIS escapes destruction, giving the new Doctor and Donna time to come with a plan.

In Torchwood Three, Gwen Cooper and Ianto Jones find themselves safely in a time lock created by Toshiko Sato, preventing the Daleks from entering but also preventing them leaving. Sarah Jane Smith is saved by Mickey Smith and Jackie Tyler, but in order to follow the Doctor, has them allow themselves to be captured and taken to the Crucible. Martha Jones says her goodbyes to her mother and teleports to an abandoned German schloss near Nuremberg which holds one of five Osterhagen stations, and waits for contact from the other bases.

Aboard the Crucible, Jack creates a distraction but is shot by the Daleks; as the Doctor and Rose are taken to the Vault where Davros is held, Jack's immortality allows him to escape. With the Doctor and Rose contained, Davros explains that the 27 planets form an energy pattern that is then amplified into a "reality bomb", a wave of destruction that will wipe out all matter in every universe through the rifts in the Medusa Cascade. Mickey, Jackie, and Sarah Jane escape a test chamber where this effect is shown to the Doctor just in time. Jack finds his way to the three, and with a locket from Sarah Jane, creates a device that will implode the Crucible. Meanwhile, Martha makes contact with two other bases and broadcasts a signal to the Crucible, promising to use the Osterhagen key to detonate 25 nuclear warheads under the Earth's crust to destroy it and disable the reality bomb. However, the Daleks are able to lock onto their positions and beams all five to the Vault.

The Daleks prepare to activate the reality bomb, but the new Doctor and Donna arrive in the TARDIS. Both, however, are stunned by shots from Davros. The reality bomb countdown reaches zero, but nothing happens; Donna has manipulated the controls to disable it. The Doctor recognizes that the creation of the new Doctor has had an unintended side effect: Donna is now half Time Lord herself, sharing the Doctor's intellect. Donna and the new Doctor free the others, and with the help of the original Doctor, disable the Daleks and start to send the planets back to their proper time and space. Before Earth can be sent, the machinery is destroyed, and the original Doctor races into the TARDIS to replace the functionality of the broken machine. Realising that Dalek Caan has seen the end of the Dalek race and has been manipulating time to achieve this, the new Doctor uses the remaining machinery to destroy all of the Daleks and their fleet. The rest of the companions flee to the TARDIS. The Doctor offers to save Davros, but he refuses, calling the Doctor the "Destroyer of Worlds". The Crucible is destroyed.

The Doctor enlists the help of the other companions, making contact with the base Torchwood and with Luke Smith, Mr. Smith, and K-9, to help use the TARDIS return the Earth to its proper place. Sarah Jane says her goodbyes, as well as Jack, Martha, and Mickey, who has decided to stay in this universe. Using a retroactively closing rift, the Doctor returns Rose and Jackie to the alternate dimension and leaves the new Doctor with her, as he will now grow old with Rose, no longer able to regenerate due to the human influence.

Returning to their universe, the Time Lord knowledge in Donna's mind begins to overwhelm her. To save her, the Doctor wipes her mind of all her encounters with him, returning her home and explaining to her family, Sylvia Noble and Wilfred Mott, that she must never be reminded of her time with the Doctor or else she will die. As Donna recovers consciousness, she shows no interest in the Doctor; he leaves, though Wilfred promises that he will remember the Doctor whenever he looks into the sky. The Doctor returns to the TARDIS, and stands at the console deep in thought, alone.