Doctor Who Series 4 Spoilers!

polkadotty posted on Apr 23, 2008 at 05:06PM
Taken from bbc's h2g2 ( I didn't write this! )

Doctor Who Rumours and Things

Disclaimer: the contents of this page are not definitive. They are mostly a mixture of rumour, speculation, fan gossip and the idle musings of people with a lot of time on their hands, though there is some more official information from the BBC Doctor Who website and press releases.

Note: THis is an exact copy of the text referred to at the above site, and so there will be some curious referenced to things that are only clear when you go to the original which includes images and links to other pages.


Series 4 Ep 01: "Partners in Crime"

Written By: Russell T. Davies

Directed By: James Strong

Location / Setting: Earth

Monster / Villain(s): ---


David Tennant (The Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna), Sarah Lancashire (Miss Foster), Claudio Laurini (Miss Fosters Guard), Jacqueline King (Mrs Noble), Howard Attfield (Mr Noble), Bernard Cribbins (Wilf), Verona Joseph (TBA), Chandra Ruegg (TBA), Jessica Gunning (TBA), Martin Ball (TBA)


Donna is trying to track down The Doctor during an alien emergency in modern-day London.

Trailer snippets (and click here for montage.)

* The Doctor peers over a office cubicle grinning
* Miss Foster, holding a red and white pill: "This is the spark of life"
* Miss Foster looks into the sky, and smiles as she raises her hands upwards.
* Miss Foster with something like looks like a sonic screwdriver (with a black handle so not the Doctors)
* The Doctor holds two sonic screwdrivers together, both are on and whirring.

The start of the new series will see Donna tracking down the Doctor during an alien emergency in modern-day London.

The episode involves a group of aliens, the Adipose, disguised as a weight loss drug, that grow inside human fat tissue (Blue Peter/Newsround). "The first episode has the most unusual monsters we've ever created. The special effects guys are so excited by it, they keep phoning me up going 'wait til you see them, wait til you see them!' It's the sort of creature we've never tried before. It's thrilling, it's really thrilling. It's fun, and it's darker than ever in some places. It's a cracking series, I can't wait for it to start." (RTD - CBBC News)

Miss Foster is part of an alien plan to take over the Earth, but Phil won't confirm if she's an alien or not (Phil Collinson interview, TV Times).

Adipose basically means "fatty tissue" and is also one of the e ntries on the SFX blog (see below).

One fan witnessed filming at what looked like some training (weight loss) clinic/academy, with lots of people running about in red work-out tracksuits.

Miss Foster is seen at one point raising her arms, looking up at the sky and saying words to the effect of: "Go, my children... out into the Galaxy, rise up and meet your new mummies and daddies!".

Filming has taken place in abandoned offices (for Donna's workplace?), suburban streets (Donna's house?) and at Tiger-Tiger in Cardiff (suggesting a restaurant scene). A black van with flashing purple lights containing two men in security-style uniforms and wearing large metal badges, has also been sighted and photographed.

This episode involves a bomb in a cinema and characters called "Penny" and "Clare" .

Ms Foster "will prove to be one of the Doctor's most evil enemies" , and is "armed with her own sonic screwdriver". (The Sun).


Howard Attfield, the actor playing Geoff, Donna's Dad, died in November, quite early on in the production. His name seems to have been dropped from recent cast listings leading to speculation that his part may have been written out and the scripts rewritten to accomodate Bernard Cribbins as Donna's Grandad.

Series 4 Ep 02: The Fires of Pompeii

Written By: James Moran

Directed By: Colin Teague

Location / Setting: Pompeii; Rome; Italy; Earth

Monster / Villain(s): Pyroviles


David Tennant (The Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna), Phil Davis (Lucius), Peter Capaldi (Caecillius), Tracey Childs (Metella), Francesca Fowler (TBA), Francois Pandolfo (TBA), Sasha Behar (TBA), Victoria Wicks (TBA), Karen Gillan (TBA)


The Doctor & Donna arrive in Pompeii in 79 AD, on the eve of the historic eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

The Time Lord and his companion are posed with an immediate dilemma – should they warn the residents of Pompeii of the forthcoming catastrophe or leave them to fend for themselves?

Trailer snippets (and click here for montage.)

* The Tardis interior glows as ash falls down in a Roman city - the Doctor says "Come with me"
* Lucius (Phil Davis) looks down and whispers "Show yourself."
* The Doctor in a forest looks sternly at a man with white hair (Lucius?).
* The Doctor grips a Roman man's hand.
* A temple - women in red robes (priestesses?) perform a cultic ritual.
* A temple - The culmination of the ritual - Donna is tied to an altar about to be sacrificed
* A temple (priestesses and Donna in background) - the Doctor says "I demand you tell me who you are!" to a ancient withered looking creature. The creature replies - the consensus view on what he says is "Pyrovile!" (Pyrovillia is one of the planets RTD mentioned).


The Doctor and Donna arrive in Pompeii in AD 79, on the eve of the historic eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Should they warn the residents of Pompeii of the forthcoming catastrophe or leave them to fend for themselves?

Vesuvius "explosion" is due to aliens. Lucius (Phil Davis) is a villain being manipulated by the aliens; Caecillius (Peter Capaldi) is a business man with suspicions about Lucius. (Phil Collinson interview, TV Times)

Filming of the episode took place at Cinecitta studios in Rome, which the Doctor Who team expertly transformed into Pompeii. The episode is apparently epic in style. RTD claims James Moran spent all the budget on this episode (DWM October 2007)

An alien craft lands on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius according to the newsletter of a cement company that owned the quarry the scene was filmed in. One fan saw the filming of what appears to be the same scene and provided photos. Monk-like figures in black robes were seen on "the slopes". Nuggets he unearthed (besides the new console room and early episode running order) were that the volcano definately erupts and that "alien spray" was required.

Early set reports revealed that the Temple of Peace in Cardiff had been converted into some kind of temple with a bed behind a veil and a large eye symbol above it. Actors dressed as priestesses in elaborate make up were on site. One or two also were made-up with stony-marbley skin, suggesting living statues (but not of the Weeping Angel variety!). Trailers on set outside the Temple of Peace for "Soothsayer", "Priestess" and "Sisters 4 and 5".

RTD in an interview with the New Statesman says "I control the mothership. I say: 'I want Pompeii, with rock monsters!' How great is that?" - ties in with the description of "living statues" above? The Rock Monsters were confirmed by David Tennant in a Blue Peter/Newsround interview.

Series 4 Ep 03: "Planet of the Ood"

Written By: Keith Temple

Directed By: Graeme Harper

Location / Setting: The Planet of the Ood

Monster / Villain(s): The Ood


David Tennant (The Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna), Tim McInnery (TBA), Paul Kasey (The Ood), Silas Carson (Ood Voices), Paul Clayton (TBA), Ayesha Dharker (TBA), Adrian Rawlins (TBA), Roger Griffiths (TBA), Tariq Jordan (TBA)


The episode will be set on the Ood's home planet, a "weird and wonderful world".

News / Rumours:

The episode will be set before the events of 2.8: The Impossible Planet / 2.9: The Satan Pit.

The episode is set before TIP/TSP and features the Ood hive mind being destroyed by humans, creating the subservient race we saw previously; and takes place on the Ood-Sphere, confirmed by Keith Temple as the much-rumoured Ice Planet we'd get this series (DWM Jan '08).

"Doctor get me out!" screams Donna Noble from inside a giant, bl ue, metal container....
"If you don't do what she says," the Doctor barks at some men with guns, "you're really in trouble. Not from me, from her!" (DWM 387)

Trailer Snippets (and click here for montage.)

* Gunfire and fighting, there is an Ood in the foreground.
* More images of Ood with fire, it is snowing (looks like this is our ice planet)
* Shot of an Ood chained up to the ceiling
* Ood: "I don't understand, Miss" Donna: "Why do you say Miss? Do I look like I'm single?"
* A man in a blue suit and purple tie (Tim McInnerny) following an Ood pauses and looks at someone.

Features the return of the Ood, and their origin. It is set on a "w eird and wonderful alien world" (BBC website).


It may contain a character played by one of the Sawahla sisters, who plays a major part in the episode, and may possibly be an Ood!

Series 4 Ep 04/Series 4 Ep 05: "The Sontaran Stratagem"/TBA (The Sontaran Two Parter)

Written By: Helen Raynor

Directed By: Douglas Mackinnon

Location / Setting: Earth

Monster / Villain(s): The Sontarans


David Tennant (The Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna), Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones), Christopher Ryan (Sontaran Leader Staal), Dan Starkey (Sontaran Storr), David Sullivan (Sontaran), Ryan Sampson (TBA), Eleanor Matsuura (TBA), Rad Kaim (TBA), Rupert Holiday-Evans (TBA), Clive Standen (TBA), Bridget Hodson (TBA), Mark Lord (UNIT Soldier), Wesley Theobald (TBA), Meryl Fernandes (TBA), Leeshon Alexander (TBA), Christian Cooke (Ross Jenkins)


This episode will feature The Sontaran's latest attempt to invade Earth.

Trailer snippets (and click here for montage.)

* An image of a futuristic looking shooting range. Figures on a raised platform with their backs to the camera, holding guns. People on the lower level run away.
* Unit officers open what looks like a futuristic tomb.
* Images of combat - the Doctor, Donna and Martha running from gunfire in a warehouse, the Doctor runs alone, Doctor and Donna jump away from an explosion, the Doctor runs down steps followed by a UNIT officer.
* Bernard Cribbins holds his hands to his mouth.
* Martha (in the Doctor's coat?), Donna, the Doctor and a young man gaze into the sky.
* Martha looks helpless as she is held back by armed guards
* A gun is lowered and a pair of evil, alien eyes stare out at camera.

The Sontarans return! (BBC) The Doctor's Blue Suit returns! Martha Jones returns!

UNIT will be prominent (DWM Dec '07).

"There's an invasion and lots of action with the Sontarans." Apparently it is also better than DiM/EotD which was plagued by problems not of her making and "has a light touch with plenty of humour' .

The first part will contain the words "chimney", "pod" , "hurricane" and the sentence "Our campaign is progressing slowly." doh!.

Story is set around a Tudor Gothic mansion (Margam Castle) which seems to be an Academy called Rattigan House. Does this tie in with "Mrs Rattigan" mentioned i n the SFX list below?

Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman) is in this episode, and is working with UNIT after a transfer from Torchwood (John Barrowman, Radio Times, photo).

Martha "still has her interest in alien life, but wants to keep her feet firmly on planet Earth" (Sunday Telegraph)

Freema laughs as she recalls her first encounter with the squat race of aliens: “When I first saw the guys in prosthetics I couldn’t stop giggling – I found them really cute and quite funny! Er, that’s probably not the desired reaction, is it? Russell sent me a text saying, ‘It’ll be the first time you’ve towered over a baddie’ Ha ha! And I did. I felt quite tall.” (DWM392)


The story may be set in Scotland. One sequence involved a Sontaran emerging from his sphere.

Bernard Cribbins to reappear. Report of Bernard Cribbins to be in a scene with Donna Noble, where she calls him "Grandad" . Also see trailer.

Lt Skree, one of SFX's entries, sounds like a potential potato-headed warmonger.

Series 4 Ep 06: TBA (one of many episodes competing for this title)

Written By: Stephen Greenhorn

Directed By: Alice Troughton

Location / Setting: ---

Monster / Villain(s): ---


David Tennant (The Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna), Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones), Georgia Moffatt (TBA), Nigel Terry (TBA), Joe Dempsie (TBA), Olalekan Lawal Jr (TBA)



Stephen Greenhorn's episode has the Doctor facing a dilemma unlike anything before, and it is wildly different to The Lazarus Experiment.

On 13th December RTD said filming was going on at the "Haf" or "Haffling" encampment, Julie Gardner confirmed this filming was for episode 6. Phil Collinson is worried about the evening's filming because they is a 'mechanical bit of them which is not working properly'. He also said that 'tonight we have got hundreds of them'. (VotD Podcast)

The Haff don't speak but "blow bubbles through a tube in their face". (Phil Collinson, New for 2008, Radio 1)

Stephen Greenhorn says that his episode was designed by Russell to "change the Doctor" in a big episode that will have "a real impact on him" and that in terms of the series continuity the episode will have a "lasting impact". (DWM#392)


The Doctor gets a massive shock when meets a girl who claims to be his daughter. It later transpires that she has been created from his stolen DNA by aliens as part of a trap. (Daily Star)

Russell T. Davies has said that Georgia Moffat's role in this episode will be an important one.

It is rumoured that Georgia Moffat's character will appear to be the Doctor's daughter.

Series 4 Ep 07: "The Unicorn & the Wasp"

Written By: Gareth Roberts

Directed By: Graeme Harper

Location / Setting: ---

Monster / Villain(s): ---


David Tennant (The Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna), Fenella Woolgar (Agatha Christie), Christopher Benjamin (TBA), Felicity Jones (TBA), Tom Goodman-Hill (TBA), Ian Barritt (TBA), David Quilter (TBA), Adam Rayner (TBA), Daniel King (TBA), Charlotte Eaton (TBA), Daphne Oxenford (TBA), Leena Dhingra (TBA), Natalie Barrett (TBA), Felicity Kendall (Lady Clemency Eddison)



Trailer Snippets (and click here for montage)

* Agatha Christie: "The thrill is in the chase, never the capture."
* A giant wasp smashes through a window.
* An old house, wood panelled walls. The Doctor is running, with Agatha and Donna following. The Doctor says "There's nowhere to run!"
* Old kitchen, with dead birds hanging up and kitchen staff in background. Donna grabs the Doctor and kisses him. (See montage)
* Donna runs alone on a street at night, stops and looks worried.
* Vicar: "This has certainly been a most entertaining evening."

A Whodunnit where the Doctor and Donna meet Agatha Christie.

Contains the words "peach", "sting", "unicorn" and the sentence "The poor little child".

Lady Clemency Eddison (Felicity Kendal) is a woman with secrets. She is lady of the manor where the murders begin (Phil Collinson interview, TV Times)

Julie Gardner, VotD podcast recorded 13th Dec 07: they have just been in the final edit for episode 7. Phil Collinson lets slip that 'there is a pivotal moment in episode 7 where the Doctor eats anchovies as a remedy for something.


"Unicorn" is one of the entries from the SFX blog. "Sting" may be related to another: "Vespiform" (meaning wasp-like). According to one report the filming that took place at Cefn Mably Lakes involved "a giant wasp-like creature emerging from one of the lakes". "Giant wasps" confirmed by DT on the Blue Peter/Newsround interview, and the trailer.

The episode features a murder and a jewel thief (Clive Bank's website)

Series 4 Ep 08/Series 4 Ep 09: "Silence in the Library"/TBA (The Steven Moffat Two Parter)

Written By: Steven Moffat

Directed By: Euros Lyn

Location / Setting: ---

Monster / Villain(s): ---


David Tennant (The Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna), Alex Kingston (River Song), Jason Pitt (Lee), Talulah Riley (TBA), Steve Pemberton (TBA), Colin Salmon (TBA), Mark Dexter (TBA), Jessika Williams (Anita), Harry Peacock (Proper Dave), O-T Fagbenle (Other Dave)



Steven Moffat will be using an idea he first came up with after writingThe Empty Child. It will contain the word "node" and the phrase 'Count the shadows'. (DWM, Nov 2007). These scripts are to be delivered "late"(DWM Nov 2007)

In an interview for this month's Moviescope magazine, Steven Moffat reveals a bit more of a line originally leaked by RTD in his production notes... In full, it's: "If you want to live, count the shadows."

"River Song" is a mysterious character who meets The Doctor on an expedition to uncover the secrets of an abandoned library. (BBC Press Release)

Donna has been back in her wedding dress (See photo below). This time she seems to get married to a character called Lee - there is a scene of him carrying Donna over the threshold...

In a scene shot at Dyffryn House - Donna is taken out of an ambulance on a stretcher...

A set report reports a scene being shot where a little girl called Ella was bundled into a car. The names "Dad", "Joshua", "Doctor Moon" and "Miss Evangelista" were spotted on trailer doors.

In a set report of filming in Victoria Park, Donna was seen talking to a figure dressed in widow's weeds - Miss Evangelista. Meanwhile 6 children, 3 boys and 3 girls, all dressed identically were playing inthe playground. Donna is heard to say "Stop talking about MY children, like that" and "What are you wearing that stupid veil for".

The story may take place in a twisted alternate future/timeline/parallel universe, and Donna's kids are not real...

During the live commentary on Blink at Gallifrey One, Steven Moffat semi-accidentally revealed that the title of his episode for season 4 will be "Silence in the Library".

River Song apparently has her own sonic screwdriver....and the Doctor finds 'the fossilised remains of Miss Evangelista in the library.


Stephen Moffat's two parter is set not just in a library but a library in space. The premise of the story is that the library contains every word ever written in the entire universe, however before it could actually open, it had to be shut due to the mysterious "shadowy" creatures already known about.

Series 4 Ep 10: Midnight

Written By: Russell T. Davies

Directed By: Alice Troughton

Location / Setting: ---

Monster / Villain(s): ---


David Tennant (The Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna), David Troughton (Professor Hobbs), Lesley Sharp (TBA), Lindsey Coulson (TBA), Daniel Ryan (TBA), Rakie Ayola (TBA), Ayesha Antoine (TBA), Duane Henry (TBA), Colin Morgan (TBA)



Features the line "Chicken or beef" (DWM Nov 2007 RTD Production Notes).

The Doctor and Donna arrive on an alien leisure planet ("an intergalactic spa"). Lesley Sharp plays a woman on holiday there. The Doctor and Donna end up stranded there with an alien threat all around. Lesley is described as "brilliant" and "terrifying". (Phil Collinson interview, TV Times).

Series 4 Ep 11: Hurricane (The Doctor-lite)

Written By: Russell T. Davies

Directed By: Graeme Harper

Location / Setting: ---

Monster / Villain(s): ---


David Tennant (The Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna), Billie Piper (Rose Tyler),

Bernard Cribbins (Wilf), Bhasker Patel (Jival Chowdry), Catherine York (TBA),

Lawrence Stevenson (TBA), Neil Clench (TBA), Richard Biggin (TBA), Terri-Ann Brumby (TBA), Sanchia McCormack (TBA), Loraine Velez (TBA), Natalie Walter (TBA), Marcia Lecky (TBA), Suzann McLean (TBA), Noma Dumezweni (TBA), Joseph Long (TBA)



Contains the words, "Leeds", "photocopy", "Spanish", "telescope" and "raffle ticket" along with the line "Don't get chippy with me Vera Duckworth" (DWM Dec '07 Production Notes). Also the word "labour"

The order in which the follosing is presented IS mainly speculation at the moment...

Night-time, Donna and Christmas party revellers are outside a pub. They look up into the sky and see the Racnoss Starship raining death and destruction down upon the Earth! All Donna's friends ran for their lives, apart from one who is staring at her. Donna asks what she is staring at and the friend replies "There is something on your back" .

Leeds at "the end of the world": Houses are boarded up with corrugated iron, with posters about refugee housing, and use of water for drinking only. The population appears to be being evacuated from the south - . Donna shouts and calls someone "Vera Duckworth" and is told off, "it may be the end of the world but shouting at it won't help". There are ordinary soldiers and UNIT soldiers present.

A soldier organises refugee quarters for the Donna's family. A balding Asian man welcomes them, saying he has plenty of room. Later he is dragged to an army lorry and taken away with others. Donna: "where are you taking them?"

Soldiers open fire with machine guns. A family including Bernard Cribbins confront them, BC shouts "Don't! Put them down" ; "Turn the gas off, don't be stupid". Donna then comes out, a soldier points his gun at her and screams "Show me your back!! Show me your back!!!" Donna's mum pleads with her to comply. BC says tells them in his day they would be court-marshalled. She then just turned away and walked off down the street, at which point her mum called out not to wander off, "it's dangerous on the streets at night." (Brian_Damage).

A bright light shines and Rose appears. Donna walks around the corner and sees Rose. She does not look surprised. Both say hello to each other, they both seem down, browbeaten, almost defeated....

Rose seems to appear from a lightning flash right in front of Donna. CT asks if that was a firework and if Rose is OK. Rose comes and faces CT. Donna is wearing smarter, more contemporary clothes than in the earlier shots. Rose asks her what she'd seen or heard, Donna answers, Rose's response was "Oh my God he's dead..." at which she looks distraught. Another scene - Donna (a bit crossly) accuses Rose of looking at her in a funny way "again", and asks if someone had put something on her back, at which point Rose runs out of shot, leaving Donna looking confused... ".

Donna runs down a street wearing a coat covered in wires, and what looks like a vortex manipulator. She gets hit by a van. Rose appears and kneels next to Donna's (lifeless?) body. The clapper board says this is scene 52, probably late in the episode.

Video: Here and here.

Press: The Sun, The Mirror story) and BBC NEWS STORY

Episode 11 has just finished filming (13th Dec 2007) and RTD states about Catherine Tate, in pretty basic terms, that she does some brilliant acting in that episode.

Pick-ups were filmed for episode 11 on 24th January 2008.


There is a suggestion that Rose is to find out something sinister about Donna.

There is something on your back? A soldier screams to look at Donna's back, during her first meeting with Rose Donna asks if someone put something on her back and watching the Racnoss Donna's friend notices something on Donna's back. According to one report, it is an animatronic insect.

It is rumoured that Sarah-Jane will appear in this episode. A set report from DigitalSpy claimed that Donna and Sarah-Jane were filmed together in his street. However, we have an interview from late October where ES is asked if she is in the finale and says she'd "probably be the last to hear" but that it's news to her. (I wonder if it is now?)

David Tennant has no scenes with Billie Piper, according to the Blue Peter/Newsround interview. It is, however, slightly unclear as to whether he is scripted to and has simply not filmed them yet, or whether he will not have any.

There are rumours of the phrase 'Bad Wolf' appearing in the Doctor Lite episode.

News reports that DW are making a completely Doctor-less episode, leaving Rose, Donna and Martha to save civilisation and the Doctor. "The chemistry between the companions is electric", "[They] are all competing for his attention in different ways, and all want to be the best. But it's a question of whether they can work together?"

Daily Star reported in, with substantially the same story in the Sun, which also mentions that the Doctor is "lost in space" and the threat is "an alien invasion".

In one report, the Doctor has not been injured in an explosion, but has been removed from time altogether. What we will witness is Rose, Sarah-Jane etc. going through their lives without ever having met the Doctor.

This episode is called Hurricane (TV Rage)

So, who will it be in the finale?

Series 4 Ep 12/Series 4 Ep 13: TBA (Finale)

Written By: Russell T. Davies

Directed By: Graeme Harper

Location / Setting: ---

Monster / Villain(s): ---


David Tennant (The Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna), Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones), Billie Piper (Rose Tyler), Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith), John Barrowman (Captain Jack)



The deadline for the episode 13 script was January 7th (RTD, DWM Dec '07).

One OG fan reports that he bumped into RTD and asked him about the finale. RTD's response:"Ooooh well you'll get none of that out of me sonny jim, but it's certainly going to be rather....(looks at friend with him, looks back) ...fanwanky". In RTD's commentary for Utopia he suggests that there is going to be something in series 4 which tops the last 15 minutes of Utopia for excitement.

In an interview with the Nottingham Post, John Barrowman said that he will be filming "Doctor Who" in January. Jack's panto runs up to January 28th. JB said he was in the finale and he will be in South Africa at the end of February. JB confirms he is in series 4 in his book "Anything Goes" (SFX).
Update on JB: he's in South Africa now (29th Jan) for a 10 day holiday, but will be back by 11th Feb for book signing.

Confirmed? for the finale - Sarah Jane Smith, Captain Jack, Rose, Martha (along with the Doctor and Donna) (SFX interview with Lis Sladen)

Captain Jack Harkness, is to be brought back for an amazing end-of-series climax. The Doctor will be seriously hurt in an explosion and he will have to rely on Jack and Sarah Jane Smith to come to his rescue. They will also be helped by Rose Tyler. John Barrowman: "Let's just say there is always the possibility that when the Doctor needs help to fight off someone or something, he calls on Jack... He is the muscle and guns man. I can't say too much – wait and see." Elizabeth Sladen: "I've just heard I'm coming back. I'm so excited." (Daily Star)

Jack is allegedly the last of the companions to be introduced to the plot. He's brought in as they realise that they need more muscle. Jack is very much in "Save the Day" mode for the finale.


The Doctor will travel with Donna, with Martha then joining them and reuniting with Rose for the finale. A "source" said: "With Donna, Martha and Rose competing to assist him, Dr Who is going to be spoilt for choice." (Daily Mirror)

Any talk about numbers of episodes Rose is in is "pure speculation" (BBC Doctor Who News).

Rose is to return for the finale and the specials. "She is much more grown up and in fact is in a relationship with somebody from Pete's world, somebody other than Mickey"

The series finale involves Dalek Caan being used by Davros to create a new dalek army but this is the series cliffhanger that will lead in to the Christmas Special.

Character Options are releasing new 5" and 12" Davros toys not listed in "Classic section".

Broadcast Schedule Speculation:

UK: Series 4 will begin in April (The Guardian)
US: Visitors to the Gallifrey convention were told Series 4 would start weekend of 13 April 2008.

However, Sci Fi's schedule shows it starting on 18 April. Note that this episode will be Voyage of the Damned and so Partners in Crime won't air until 25 April.

Series 4 has to premiere on the BBC. Therefore it will have to start before 25 April. Given such gaps are usually about two weeks, 12 April 2008 looks increasingly likely as this will also avoid the FA Cup.

Other Information

On the new cinema trailer for Season 4: "Theres alot of Donna talking to Gramps (Bernard C), and somw fantastic action shots of the Rome episode, Planet of the Ood, the Sontarans, and finishes with solo clips of Donna, a V wet and slimy Martha, and a clip of Rose..."

It begins with Donna talking to her Grandfather Wilf, intercut with shots of the Doctor in the Tardis, Donna: "I'm Wandering... waiting". Wilf: "What for?" Donna: "The right man... I've seen him, I've met him, just once! And then... I let him fly away... If you ever see a little blue box high up there in the sky, you shout for me Gramps - you just shout...".

We cut to Doctor on the streets with scanning the area with a tracking device. Donna spots the Doctor through a round window and excitedly mouths "DOCTOR!" He looks confused and points to himself. "It's me!" Donna mouths in response.

There's then a speedy montage of quick clips: Donna and Doctor in the Tardis, a beautiful ice world, shots of Pompeii, the red robed priestesses, the Doctor putting his spex on. A casket opens, a hand rises from sludge (is it Martha?), and a wasp bumbles (comically) around Donna. The Doctor and Donna look up at the Pompeii sky looking shocked, soldiers aiming guns. a posessed Ood roars and dangles his tentacles. The Doctor and Donna run down Blue lighted Corridor, Donna on ground, looking shocked, Sontarans march into view and do battle with soldiers. A Huge metal claws drops from the ceiling, the Doctor narrowly escapes, a car crashes into a river, and the Doctor exhales smoke. Doctor is running between Crates, a possessed Ood walks towards us, more running, more guns with Doc and Donna dodging the bullets. Doc and Donna look up and turn around (snow or ash?), the Doctor looking up in shock/grief with tears in his eyes, Donna behind bars, a rather evil looking Martha glares defiantly at the camera, and Rose looks a bit speechless.

Back to Donna and Gramps. Donna: "I mean, he's still out ther e... somewhere... and I'll find him Gramps... I'll find him."

Pick-ups were filmed (Mark St, Riverside) by Alice Troughton (so for episodes 6 or 8) featuring DT, Catherine and Freema (photos).

Filming was going on "recently" in a disused fac tory near Margam Park - the filming involved Martha (idrenniel - related to Martha pick-ups above?)

Testing is going on for a modified version of a prosthetic previously used before. Davros? Sontaran masks? or the return of the Bandril Ambassador?

Phil Collinson, in an interview, stated that Donna will be in all 13 episodes as the main "guest star". Because she is closer in age to Tennant, there will be a different dynamic between the Doctor and the companion - it will be less paternalistic and more like Katherine Hepburn/Spencer Tracy. Collinson described the relationship as "knockabout" and said that Donna "gives as good as she gets". The storytelling will also be "slightly older". Freema is to appear in five episodes and "Billie does make a bit of a surprise appearance in series 4, but I don't want to give too much away as that is further down the series". He also mentioned that new enemies this series include the Haff who don't speak but "blow bubbles through a tube in their face". There are also the Adipose who are described as "little". (New for 2008, Radio 1)

According to RTD there are clues to the story arc for series 4 in something that the Master said in "The Last of the Time Lords". This is highly speculated to be the "Cruciform". However according to RTD in his Production Notes in there are 'no plans to show a cruciform at work' (DWM Oct 2007). OG Poster seanoone also stated that this element was also hinted at in an episode earlier in Series 3. Given that one of his previous predictions was that "a significant character from Dr Who will make an appearance in Torchwood" (prior to any hint of Martha turning up) it's worth treating seriously.

We will visit 5 alien planets next year. 6 get mentioned in DWM Dec' 07: The Ood Sphere, Messaline, Midnight, Shan Shen (possibly the home of the Chinese Flea Market?), Pyrovillia (home of the Pompeii monster?) and the lost moon of Poosh. Four of these are of the five we will visit onscreen, meaning one is yet to be revealed. Apparently one will redefine the definition of an alien planet. RTD says that there will be a visit to an icy planet (Box set "Utopia" commentary) - Planet of the Ood (see above)?

Cast & crew from DW filmed into the early hours of Thursday 13th at Kenfig Hills opencast site. Most of the filming was from Wed 7.30pm. There were stunt doubles and a couple of aliens, and they shot a couple of scenes on the tips in Cefn Cribbwr. Only Martha was there no DT. Referring to this filming on the VotD commentary (recorded the next day), RTD says it was a big night for Freema. JG adds 'in huge danger' - No mention of episode number (Tenth-Doctor-Fan07)).

On Newsround (20th Dec) DT mentioned at the moment he was filming an alien planet where the people "knock lumps out of each other" and that in the new series there was a planet in the far future where everyone kills each other.

Tom MacRae's episode is now being held over for Series 5 after it turned out to be too similar in tone to another episode (RTD DWM Jan '08).

In one of these episodes there is a scene set in a Chinese flea market on an alien world. Catherine Tate was there a bit, but mostly David Tennant. Photo of DT at the market?

Stephen Greenhorn's episode has the Doctor facing a dilemma unlike anything before, and it is wildly different to The Lazarus Experiment.

RTD confirms that 10 Downing Street makes an appearance in series 4 (Podcast for ep 12 or 13). RTD has something planned for Series 4 revolving around Egypt.(DWM, Nov 2007)

The TARDIS console room will be slightly different - more golden and with a larger console (StewieGriffinRocks - who saw an image on location).

New Daleks being built for Series 4 according to the Studio tour on the DVD. (APZonerunner).

Dr Who Props team have been trying to source some "old" mobile phones (i.e. the early 80's brick type affairs).

Unattributed trailer bits:

* Doctor:"I just want a mate" Donna:"Well you're not mating with ME sunshine"
* Donna: "Being with you I can’t t ell what’s right and what’s wrong anymore" Doctor: "It's better that way"

SFX's blog published a list of entries allegedly related to Series 4 from Gary Russell's forthcoming Doctor Who Encyclopedia:

Adipose, Bannakaffalatta, Enid Blyton, Daniel Caravaggio, Century House, Miss Chandrakala, Foss Street, Private Gray, ICAPS, Major Domo, Noble Corporation PLC Limited - Intergalactic, Passenger 57, Astrid Peth, Mrs Rattigan, Red-Eye, The Red Widow, Mr Scoles, Sense-Sphere, Sibylline Oracles, Silicon Valley, Lt Skree, Spartacus, Spectre Inspectre, Sto, Unicorn, Vespiform.

Torchwood cross-over? At the end of "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" in Torchwood Captain John cryptically says "Oh, by the way, I found Gray" just before he disappears into the rift. We learn more about Gray in Torchwood episode "Adam". Could this have anything to do with "Private Gray" in the list above? It is also reported in various sources that there might be more casting crossovers.

Casting News:

"Alex Kingston, best known for roles in ER and Moll Flanders will appear in a Steven Moffat penned two-parter as River Song – a mysterious character who meets The Doctor on an expedition to uncover the secrets of an abandoned library. She is joined by James Bond regular, Colin Salmon who also stars in the two episodes" (BBC Press Release).

DWM Dec '07 reports Georgia Moffett (daughter of Peter Davison) has been cast in an episode, "playing a role no-one will ever forget". This role will not be Romana or the Rani. Some speculation that it might be the Doctor's daughter.

David Jason was forced to turn down a role on Doctor Who because it violates his £5million ITV contract. (The Sun)

David Troughton is playing a character called Professor Hobbs in Stephen Green Horn's episode. He may also appear later in Series Four, possibly the last episode. (DWO).

Chipo Chung will return in a new role (ie. not Chantho).

Lesley Sharpe and Lindsey Coulson are also cast.

Sam Kelly ('Allo 'Allo) has had to drop out after breaking his leg (DWO).

Jessika Williams to appear in a future episode (See above).

According to his agents, Gavin Barker Associates, Bernard Cribbins will be appearing in 5 episodes in the new series after his cameo in the Christmas Special.

Keith Chegwin says that he's making a cameo appearance. (ITV)

Newsreader Kirsty Wark is making a cameo appearance as herself.

The Sun has reported (here) that Steve Pemberton (League of Gentlerman) will be in a double episode of Doctor Who.

Akin Gazi is playing a character called "Carter" in one of Alice Troughton's episodes (Casting Call Pro)

Daniel King is to play a character called "Davenport" in one of Graeme Harper's episodes (Casting Call Pro)

Filming Schedule:

In the Can: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Currently Filming: Block 9, The Finale - episodes 12 and 13, director Graeme Harper, writer RTD.

It has been reported that the BBC had increased its contracted security presence around the studios where the TARDIS set is and other key filming locations from January until the end of filming (this was an "above average" increase").

Update - something "big" going on at the main studios during the second and possibly third weeks in February. Security very tight.

The three 1 hour specials for Doctor Who starts filming in January 2009 according to an interview with David Tennant for the Radio Times party.


DNA is the key to the series.

As well as his trusty sonic, the Doctor has a new toy in series 4, a pen which can do all manner of nifty things.

Doctor Who bosses are trying to lure Billie and her new husband, Laurence Fox into the new series. A mole told Neil "usually talks b*llocks" Sean: "They're a hot couple and basically they would make it hot on screen." (Sky Showbiz)

Donna and Sarah Jane in finale? Donna, Sarah Jane, Martha and Rose in the finale (The Sun). Donna, Sarah Jane, K9, Rose, Captain Jack, Martha, Mickey and Jackie in the finale (Daily Star). Jack, Rose and Sarah-Jane to return (The Sun).

Supreme Dalek in the finale, Coloured red, three 'ear' lamps, different gun to the regular daleks, and the return of Harriet Jones who it turns out is in league with the Daleks.

Cut and paste (or the real deal?)

James Nesbitt is rumoured to be lined up for a bit part in series four.

RTD eats with Nigel Harmann (ex of Eastenders) causing immediate speculation about him appearing in a guest role on Doctor Who (Daily Star)

When I first read this report, I didn't see the with.

Apparently an entire Doctor Who episode was written especially for Madonna, entitled 'The Last Cassandra'. Madonna showed interest and even bothered to get someone else to read her script. However, she soon decided that it wasn't for her... The rumour was later pinched by The Sun who had their art department mock up a visual.

Kylie to return? Apparently Ms Minogue is putting the final touches on a deal with the BBC... After her appearance in VotD producers were allegedly "rushing" to secure her as a series "regular".

The Hand returns? On the Last of the Time Lords podcast commentary, it is suggested that from now on the hand will only bubble when Time Lord-y stuff is going on, suggesting it is in series 4.

The Fob Watch will make a reappearance

Someone (believed one of the main companions) makes a terrible mistake in episode 11, 12 or 13...

A companion will die and the Doctor will have to decide who it is... This could be Donna (after all CT has confirmed she's only doing one series).

Davros Watch

Davros to return this series. Reiterated by "What's On TV" Magazine.

RTD makes some vague hints about Davros, saying that he'll "see what he can do", in response to a child's question after the VotD screening (BBC News).

A source (who has given reliable information before) says that, during production on series 2, the Mill were asked to create and actually delivered designs for an entirely CGI Davros.

Davros & the Daleks are in the 2008 Christmas special.

A particular character, who isn't The Doctor, has a face off with Davros in the finale.

Doctor Who will face his evil enemy Davros when the character returns for the first time in 20 years. (Mirror)

"I haven't been involved in it. I haven't done anything for the fourth series. They are still filming though, so hopefully there will be a phone call." (Nicholas Briggs, Voice of the Daleks)

The Return of the Master?

John Simm has apparently signed up to do two week's filming for Doctor Who in November.

The reason John Simm was brought in to film during November was to shoot scenes relating to the history of the Gallifreyian ring we see at the end of LotTL. Simm was allegedly brought in at this time due to his own commitments, and due to a desire to get the shooting out of the way as soon as possible.

RTD, in questions after VotD screening, said "We are not bringing him [the Master] back at all" (Off the Telly). On the other other hand we have a critic on BBC News 24 suggesting Simm will be busy floating around the DW set in the future. Simm back and not the Master?

The 3 specials star David Tennant and are interlinked with The Master & the Sea Devils.

DT recently accepted an award on behalf of Doctor Who, an award given by the viewers of Uned 5 (a welsh speaking programme at S4C). He gave a brief interview and was asked: Is the Master back? DT says (with as much twinkle in his eye as he ever had): "Not initially. Never say never. Once these people are out there... We did see his ring getting picked up by a mysterious hand...". (PolyG)


DT to leave after the four specials "and a movie" (The Sun).

In an interview with Mark Lawson RTD said that he "knows when David is leaving". However he then went on to say that he blatantly lies about the future of Doctor Who... (BBC4)

There are rumours circulating that there will be a closed casting session in the next two months to cast a new Doctor and companion for 2010 .

A rumour from "a fairly good source" that Andy Pryor has cast DT's replacement. There was a short list of names - including one woman. Rumour also suggested DT would not be in all specials.

The Next Doctor Who is...

Harry Lloyd: New Doctor for 2010 with Georgia Moffett vying with Felicity Jones to be the new assistant (Daily Star, Digital Spy)

Harold Lloyd giving a new meaning to time travel.

Jennifer Saunders is set to star in one of the 2009 specials as The Doctor after David Tennant leaves the series. (The Sun). RTD says "That is b*llocks. They sit there and make things up. I can tell you it's pure invention. We have never approached her, never spoken to her, never met her." (Daily Mirror)

Daniel Radcliffe (DigitalSpy) - Although probably not!

David Thewlis: Announcement...imminent... (as at 19th November - so clearly not). He will not take over until series 5. Thewlis had previously said he wasn't interested.

John Simm is the Doctor in Rose's alternate universe.

John Simm: Regeneration at the end of last 2009 special. (News of the World and Blackpool Gazette). Denied by the BBC (DigitalSpy). "It's just newspaper blurb as far as I know" (John Barrowman)

John Simm or Rhys Ifans with Lily Allen as his assistant! (The Sun).

John Simm and Harry Lloyd: DT will regenerate into Good and Evil Timelords. DT's future is unknown and these are contingency plans. (Daily Star)

John Simm and David Tennant: Simm to body-swap with DT at end of 2009 special, resulting in series 5 featuring Simm as the Tenth Doctor and DT as the Master, with the body-swap undone at the end of the series .

David Tennant: In response to Catherine Tate telling Jonathan Ross that series 4 was to be his last, David Tennant said that it's "a load of old nonsense"(Blackpool Gazette) and "Catherine Tate stitched me up good and proper. Unbeknownst to me, she thinks I've made a decision — she'd clearly had too much coffee that morning. She said I was leaving, which was a decision I haven't made yet … I'm going to keep people guessing for as long as possible." (David Tennant, VotD Screening, Video)

RTD to Quit? Yet more speculation on the matter can be found here.

BILL NIGHY is a big fan of hit British TV series DOCTOR WHO and would jump at the chance to play the lead role. ...

Tish & Tosh

David Bowie is to appear as an alien abductor (The Sun). Mr Bowie says "It's tish and tosh".

The Rani may return, and is rumoured to be played by Joan Collins (TV Scoop), or by Zoe Lucker ( Rumour revived by talk in DWM (Nov 2007) of RTD filming with Joan Collins on a plane (when, where or why open to question).

Davros may appear in the Series 4 finale played by Ben Kingsley (DigitalSpy). When asked about the rumour in a Guardian interview Kingsley said "I've never heard about this..."

"Tinseltown invasion?" - Doctor Who producers reportedly targeting Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Natalie Portman and Madonna to appear in the three 2009 specials (Daily Star, the Metro and a host of others)

"Who snubbed by Hollywood" - BBC bosses fail to recruit stars such as Ben Kingsley, Denis Hopper and Gary Oldman. An "insider" said: “Sir Ian McKellen and David Thewlis have also been mentioned, but no one has yet been signed." (Daily Express)

Rose is NEVER going to return: "Did you see that ending? That was a goodbye! And check Billie Piper's schedule - she's filming all over the country on other dramas, not us. She's never, ever going to come back. It's really annoying when people report that, because I think it spoils that ending. That was a farewell." (Russell T Davies)

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