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Doctor Who Question

What's your favorite Doctor Who episode and why? (new series and old series)

I absolutely loved david tennant, but i really like "The Lodger" because it reminded you just how alien the doctor really is. Sometimes you forget and the doctor becomes to human and that sucks.
lerickson28 posted over a year ago
 lerickson28 posted over a year ago
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Doctor Who Answers

diademrocks said:
i dont really have one......anything with david tennant is awsome!
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posted over a year ago 
ladychazabc said:
I can't choose between 5x05 (flesh & stone) and 5x10 (vincent and the doctor) because it shows the doctors affections for amy and they are just amazing together
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I can't choose between 5x05 (flesh & stone) and 5x10 (vincent and the doctor) because it shows the doctors affections for amy and they are just amazing together
posted over a year ago 
juniper427 said:
Blink and Vincent and the Doctor. Blink because it's ingenious and Vincent and the Doctor because it's stunning. My favourite old doctor who episode is The Pirate Planet because it is written by Douglas Adams and he's a freaking genius.
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posted over a year ago 
SpikeVamp said:
I think it would have to be journeys end because rose and all of the companions were back together.
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I think it would have to be journeys end because rose and all of the companions were back together.
posted over a year ago 
iliveingallifey said:
It's hard to say I like Matt smith so one of he's I liked amy's choice and The time of the angles followed by flesh and stone
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posted over a year ago 
scarxtardis said:
I loved "The end of time" part 1 and 2, and I also loves the time of angels and flesh and stone. Midnight was just so cool though!
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posted over a year ago 
sehdt said:
This probably is not the answer you are looking for but I have three with Rose its the Girl in the Fireplace because of that kiss with Maddam De Pompador. With Martha its the Shakespeare one for that moment with them lying on the bed as we all know what we wish could have happened and with Donna its the Agatha Christie one just because I think it was one of the best written as for choosing one on its own probably Martha and Shakespeare as I am not a big fan of Rose or Donna.
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posted over a year ago 
writer67 said:
oh , he was dr with curly hair, and he had jelly beans to share as he was a diabetic under control, and a brown long scarf,woolen
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posted over a year ago 
CherryCrush100 said:
I can't choose between 'The eleventh hour' and 'The big bang' They are both hilarious!!!
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I can't choose between 'The eleventh hour' and 'The big bang' They are both hilarious!!!
posted over a year ago 
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