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Doctor Who Question

Concerning Rory (after "The Big Bang") SPOILERS

OK so the Doctor flew the Pandorica into the TARDIS explosion and basically rebooted the universe, including Amy's parents who were swallowed by the void.

We know that the Rory in "The Pandorica Opens" was an Auton, with Rory's "soul" so to speak, if you know what I mean. But he's not really Rory. He walks, talks, acts and thinks like Rory, but he's still just plastic, right?

So here's my question. After the universe rebooted, Amy's memories were able to bring back those she'd lost like her parents and, presumably, Rory. So at the end of "The Big Bang", when Rory is with Amy and the Doctor on the TARDIS, does he remember everything that auton-Rory went through? Because they were technically two different incarnations of Rory.

Are you confused yet? I hope you know what I'm trying to ask. That whole waiting 2000 years guarding the Pandorica was terribly romantic and made me really love the Rory/Amy relationship all the more. I'll be sad if "reincarnated" Rory doesn't remember all that. But if he does, I'll be disappointed because (unless it's explained) I'll feel like it's a plot hole. You know what I mean?
Or (and here's another scenario to confuse you further), was Rory "reincarnated" at all, or is he still just Auton-Rory? Which would be super cool because he'd have a gun concealed in his hand! LOL!
Cinders posted over a year ago
ok. Remember when the Doctor (on the beach after the angels) informed Amy that she remembered everything that had been wiped from time and existence because she had traveled in time and was somehow exempt from the effects of the Tardis explosion cracks? Well, Rory (including auton Rory) had also traveled in time so was presumably immune to the memory loss. What, too simple?
dennybird posted over a year ago
gothling14 posted over a year ago
 Cinders posted over a year ago
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Doctor Who Answers

euhura said:
At the wedding reception, just after the Tardis appears, Rory says "It's the Doctor! How did we forget the Doctor?" And as Amy climbs over the table, you can just hear him say "I was plastic!"
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posted over a year ago 
juniper427 said:
How i see it is everything that exists in Amy's new world is what she remembers it to be. So since real Rory and auton Rory were both her Rory the Rory in her new world retains the memory of both. Does that make sense?
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posted over a year ago 
It's very philosophical, at least. I kind of like it... not sure I'm ready to accept it, but if it became an official explanation, I might. It's logical enough.
Cinders posted over a year ago
Roxas_X_Roy said:
Well no, because since the doctor was never born, Rory and Amy never had the adventures and whatnot, so he never turned into auton-Rory.

However, he did forget it all until Amy remembered the Doctor, which in turn brought the Doctor back, which made Rory remember everything.
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posted over a year ago 
But how could he remember being Auton Rory if it was, for all intents and purposes, a completely different person?
Cinders posted over a year ago
snoznoodle said:
I'd say he wouldn't because it was technically a different Rory. The real Rory would have still been lost in the crack, Auton-Rory has all Real-Rory's memories but... he was... still a creation of Amy's. I don't think it would have worked vice-versa if you think about it logically. Which is a little sad. But as lovely as that romantic gesture is I think I'd feel quite old after guarding a box for 2000 years. BUT most importantly Amy would remember and she would know he did that for her and I'm sure it would make her appreciate him even more, even if it wasn't technically him. Oh now everything's mixing up in my head... it wasn't him but if it WAS him he would in fact do that? Confusing!
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posted over a year ago 
I totally understand what you're trying to say. That was my theory, too. Auton Rory WASNT Rory and since Auton Rory is gone and real Rory is back, Real Rory shouldn't remember the things Auton Rory did.
Cinders posted over a year ago
heeeresjoyce said:
I'm not certain, but think that reincarnated Rory remembers everything that happened when he was Auton Rory. At the wedding (or reception, I guess), once Amy and Rory remembered everything, they talked about things that happened in the museum. Rory was still an Auton in the museum. Unless I'm remembering wrong and they didn't reference those other events. But I'm pretty sure.
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posted over a year ago 
Did they reference the museum? That makes me even more confused!
Cinders posted over a year ago
I think. I'm not sure. I need to re-watch the episode again. :p
heeeresjoyce posted over a year ago
Here is my feeling. Rory is not the auton Rory. Amie had dreams about her imaginary friend, the Doctor. Though nobody believed her, Rory must have heard about the dreams from Amie. Once the Doctor appears, Rory remembers him, hence the comment about how could they have forgotten him. I think at that point he beleived Amie's dreams about the Auton Rory. Besides, we don't know what may have discussed durning the reception.
dreamfields posted over a year ago
EalasaidWooster said:
You know, I was just wondering this myself!! XD

I'm not sure........Auton-Rory said he had slipped through the crack and woken up as a Roman, but that didn't actually happen, because didn't the Daleks and all that crowd take him from Amy's mind??

But he was just a copy. And, anyway, they were all supposed to forget what happened when the world ended, except for Amy.

So, no, I don't think he'll remember. Perhaps it's better that way. He would probably hate himself for shooting Amy, even though she survived, and he would worry that he might hurt her again.
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posted over a year ago 
That seems logical to me.
Cinders posted over a year ago
EalasaidWooster posted over a year ago
ellie_bellie135 said:
I'm pretty sure he does. If you go back and watch the last ep, and listen VERY carefully, when Anmy walk up to the TARDIS at the wedding, Rory is in the background and you can KINDA hear with say somewthing about how he was platsic. how that helped :) I wasn't sure about that either.
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posted over a year ago 
I was hoping he would stay plastic so they're all special. The Doctor - well duh, Amy - Universe Juice, and Rory - Gun hand and plastic ears.
ellie_bellie135 posted over a year ago
Shadowpuff said:
Rory does remember everything. When Amy in climbing over the table, after she brought the Doctor back, we hear Rory tell his mother-in-law, "I was plastic" Also the Doctor comments as he watches them dances "2000 years...the boy who waited...." So we can assume that he does remember everything.
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posted over a year ago 
gothling14 said:
the soul is the essence of who you are, I gess christions could call it the spirt. So auton Rory IS Rory, not just a copy.
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posted over a year ago 
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