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Is it a sin to be christian because you fear hell?

I read recently that people who try to accept christ for this reason will not be saved, but I can't help it sometimes. The thought of hell scares me to death. I want to be saved and go to heaven and I believe, but I also have this terrible fear of hell and I fear that it may keep me out of heaven. PLEASE HELP!!!
 ghost1 posted over a year ago
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Christianity Answers

southern-belle said:
well try this. Assume that there is no hell, do you still believe there is God? Christ? The holy spirit? if the answer is yes then you're golden. but if you do not truly believe and you only say you do in fear of hell then thats where the sin comes in.
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posted over a year ago 
but i believe and fear hell, I don't understand where I am.
ghost1 posted over a year ago
you shuldnt fear hell you more powerful than its just the devil tricking you
scar_two posted over a year ago
i know you do but just for a moment consider the possibility that there is no hell. would you still believe in god if that were the case?
southern-belle posted over a year ago
@scar/ i agree, and really if Jesus died for us so we wouldn't be damned to hell, why should you be frightened of it? Jesus loves you and he wouldn't want you there
southern-belle posted over a year ago
tellymaster said:
Have you ever heard of fearing God? The fear of Hell, I believe is part of the fear of the Lord. But do you truly believe in God? Have you been baptized and have entered into His covenant? Do you go to church? Do you pray? Do you confess your sins? Do you read your Bible? All these things are very important. It is perfectly acceptable to fear hell. I fear hell, but I trust God. It's all part of the fear of the Lord.
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posted over a year ago 
i agree with most of what you're saying, but i don't think going to Church every sunday(and wednesday if your baptist) matters as much to god as acting and living as a christian, neither does a baptizim i think. by confess your sins do you mean to God or to a preist? i don't believe in confessing to a preist, you should tell god what you've done and ask for forgiveness without a middle man
southern-belle posted over a year ago
I believe that you are supposed to go to church every Sunday. You go to church to worship God, right? I'm not saying that you'll go to hell if you don't attend Sunday every week, but I do believe in going to church every week. By confess your sins, I mean to God. I don't particularly like the idea of confessing your sins to a priest all the time. Your sins are between you and God.
tellymaster posted over a year ago
dreamfields said:
The fear of Hell is a reason to turn to God. To be honest, if hell doesn't scare you, you don'truely understand what's at stake. That does not mean that you live life in constant fear of it. Being a Christian, you should be growing in your faith. The more we feel the love of God, the more we can love him in return. His love casts out all fear. The Holy Spirit tells Christians that we are God's children. If we truely are in God's family, no one can be against us. Pray each day that God reveals more of himself to you, and changes your heart to be more like him. Because of what Christ did on the cross, we do not have to live in fear. The Bible tells us that we are more than conquerors. Fill your heart and mind with God's promises and they will drown out the lies of the devil.
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you, this is very well typed and god bless you for giving your opinion
ghost1 posted over a year ago
Best Answer and all well said & totally scripturally based. Good answers - source: Bible :)
Sinna_Hime_chan posted over a year ago
Wow I thought your a pasture! Im voting yours as best answer! ^^
charissajayna posted over a year ago
Lahunken said:
The fear of Hell, "argumentum ad bacculum", is the bottom line of Christianity. But, there is a way out: Do you let threats of eternal torment in Hell dominate your life? There is a way out. God is a just God. What did God take away from you that He didn't give you, therefore, being a just God, that He owes you back? He owes you back your previous eternal nonexistence. At your Judgement before Him, if you want it, ask for your eternal nonexistence back. God, being a just God, will give you your eternal nonexistence back. Then, you will never suffer again.
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posted over a year ago 
1012jackson said:
I need help myself. I feel so confused. I want to be and stay one of God's children therefore I don't want to be one of saten's demons. There's some stuff in my life that's going on about me that I'm not proud of. I always ask myself or God,"Am I good or bad,? Sometimes I feel like a good person and sometimes I feel like a bad person. Oh my god, really don't know. Am I being one of his people just to stay away from hell or am I being with him because I really mean it? There's a lot of issues like this going on in my life. I don't know what to do I'm so lost. I mean, I really want to be on God's side and I mean that and I don't want to be one of those rough kids. Please help me out of this.
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posted over a year ago 
The amazing thing about God is His unfailing mercy. Instead of dwelling on your errors, repent for them and pray that God shape and mold you from the inside out. Allow yourself to be vulnerable with Him as you pray this. I am a living example that God WILL change you if you seek Him daily for it. Don't let your past sins or the things you struggle with be a hindrance in your walk with God. Instead put them on the feet of Christ and humble yourself to His will and He will change and transform you I guarantee it. If you fear that your love for God is outweighed by your fear of hell, PRAY about that too. I have to ask God daily to strengthen our bond. I ask Him to help me know Him more and LOVE Him more cause it's easy to stray from that love with all life's distractions.
abs07 posted over a year ago
Chaann94 said:
I believe that only the "evil" people will go to hell. So that'd be psychopaths, pedophiles, murderers, rapists, etc. Let's just say people who have really hurt other people. Thinking you go to hell because you fear it is like thinking you can get hiv from kissing(i think). So don't worry ;)
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posted over a year ago 
A child can believe he won't be punished for something he did, but it doesn't change the reality of what the parent will do to reprimand the child. Same goes for us. We can decide what we believe all we want, but the scripture holds the truth as to what our fate will be. Criminal of the system or not, if we are not saved and love the Lord our God will all our heart, soul and mind, we will not enter the kingdom of heaven, friend. However it isn't fear that should be driving us, but love. The pharisees let religion drive them and look how they ended up. Being a christian is more than going to church and obeying the rules. If you don't personally know the Lord (and personally knowing Him leads to that undeniable love) then you're just as lost as the rest of them in the end. See Matthew 7:21-23
abs07 posted over a year ago
Perfect love casts out fear,
dreamfields posted over a year ago
That's true but I don't think you'll kiss someone if your mouth is cut and bleeding...
Chaann94 posted over a year ago
POPclogger216 said:
If you do truly believe, then you shouldn't be scared. Yeah, I don't want to go to Hell either, but I know I won't because I have asked Jesus into my heart and Believe God. It should be the same for you.
You shouldn't believe out of fear, but Love, just as God loves you. No matter what you do, after you're saved, you won't go to Hell. Now, this doesn't mean you can go murder 10 people for no reason, then ask for forgiveness, and all's well, you're forgived, so forgive and forget. It doesn't work that way. I'm not saying that's how you think, but, whatever.
What I'm trying to say is it's okay to be a little scared, but it shouldn't be the main reason of your belief.
If you have Christ in your heart and you truly believe, then you can relax in the comfort of Jesus, because he surpasses Hell. There's nothing to worry about if you believe.
Hope that helps! :)
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posted over a year ago 
Drell said:
No, it is not a sin to be a Christian because you believe in hell. It is a terrible sin, however, to try to make children follow a religion by frightening them with the idea of hell. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a former Muslim, was constantly subjected to terrifying visions of hell by her teachers. I strongly suggest you read her book "Infidel" to see how she escaped from her indoctrination and fears.
I very much consider anyone who tries to make another person fear hell a abuser of the worst stripe.
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posted over a year ago 
charissajayna said:
Being a Christian means to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and believe that He died for you. So if you are a Christian because your afraid of hell, no, that isn't a sin,because the Bible says that whoever does not have their name in the Book of Life will be thrown into the Lake of Burning Fire, so it will be all organized. So its your choice whether to be a Christian or not. Someday soon there will be the end of the earth. If you are living at that point, Jesus will seperate believers and unbelievers. Jesus knows the future, and He loves you VERY much. Nothing can seperate His love between us. Do you know how many times the words UNFAILING LOVE is mentioned in the Bible? Jesus loves you sooooo much, that He died for you. I wish you the best for your future, and never forget that Jesus loves you no matter what. He will never ever leave you.
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Being a Christian means to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and believe that He died for you. So if you are a Christian because your afraid of hell, no, that isn't a sin,because the Bible says that whoever does not have their name in the Book of Life will be thrown into the Lake of Burning Fire, so it will be all organized. So its your choice whether to be a Christian or not. Someday soon there will be the end of the earth. If you are living at that point, Jesus will seperate believers and unbelievers. Jesus knows the future, and He loves you VERY much. Nothing can seperate His love between us. Do you know how many times the words UNFAILING LOVE is mentioned in the Bible? Jesus loves you sooooo much, that He died for you. I wish you the best for your future, and never forget that Jesus loves you no matter what. He will never ever leave you.
posted over a year ago 
MineTurtle posted over a year ago
ArtsySmartsy said:
Don't be afraid. You are in God's hands. As long as you follow His rules, trust and believe in him, you will make it to Heaven. I used to be in the same situation until I put my heart in God's hands and let Him lead me to the right place.

Satan and his demons WANT you to be scared. They're trying to pull you away from God so you lose faith in Him. But you shouldn't worry. About anything. As long as you stay close to God, you'll be just fine. (:
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posted over a year ago 
Sinna_Hime_chan said:
I think that is a VERY valid fear and meaningful thing to be afraid of. I think God can ease your fears and cast out fear or walk you through it. Sometimes we find our path to God through a tumult of feelings or hardships where the path was not straight and could have been any number of reasons. It may not be all you want to remain for your reason, so talk to God and work on buiding that "relationship" with Him, like you would anyone: family member or friendship you work on and then other reasons will take shape and bloom too. Your relationship with God is like your personal garden. You gotta get the weeds out and make room for good things to grow.

Sadly, I have no green thumb in rl - but I AM learning.
I can grow certain flowers~ at least the ones that bloom at night! and I do not know that "HOW" you get there matters as much as what you do once you are there. We can't pick & choose and control everything, it is that very lack of control in "why" we need God so much. God knows your heart even more than you do, it s good to have motives pure and be earnest. You have an earnest desire NOT to go to hell and that is a good start I think. Sin is anything outside of God, or done knowingly when one knows it is wrong. Sin is turning away from God or denouncing Him... you seem to be turning to Him, so I cannot judge, only God can judge your heart.
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I think that is a VERY valid fear and meaningful thing to be afraid of. I think God can ease your fears and cast out fear or walk you through it. Sometimes we find our path to God through a tumult of feelings or hardships where the path was not straight and could have been any number of reasons. It may not be all you want to remain for your reason, so talk to God and work on buiding that "relationship" with Him, like you would anyone: family member or friendship you work on and then other reasons will take shape and bloom too. Your relationship with God is like your personal garden. You gotta get the weeds out and make room for good things to grow.

Sadly, I have no green thumb in rl - but I AM learning.
I can grow certain flowers~ at least the ones that bloom at night! and I do not know that "HOW" you get there matters as much as what you do once you are there. We can't pick & choose and control everything, it is that very lack of control in "why" we need God so much. God knows your heart even more than you do, it s good to have motives pure and be earnest. You have an earnest desire NOT to go to hell and that is a good start I think. Sin is anything outside of God, or done knowingly when one knows it is wrong. Sin is turning away from God or denouncing Him... you seem to be turning [i]to[/i] Him, so I cannot judge, only God can judge your heart.
posted over a year ago 
I voted Dreamfields 100% Best Answer
Sinna_Hime_chan posted over a year ago
MineTurtle said:
Well, I personally don't think it is a sin, although it is debatable. The way I see it, your fear of Hell is causing you realise your need of salvation.

And when you do receive salvation, there is no need to be afraid anymore, 'coz salvation can't EVER be taken away!

Hope this has been helpful!
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posted over a year ago 
B4UAMI said:
you are worrying about A very real concern to many people. But you are only focusing at what is on the surface. You need to ask yourself a series of questions to determine your heart.if you could live your life any way you wanted to without fear of punishment or reprimand would you live your life in line with the Word of God or not? There are many people in this world that fantasize about robbing banks or killing somebody they hate but do not do it because they going to prison. If present did not exist and there was no punishment for the act of robbing a bank would you rob a bank? You have to cut deep into your most inner being and go to the root of your own motives. Is saving your own skinfrom eternal damnation your motive or is it the fact that you see Christ as the most precious thing above and beyond anything else and your main focus in life is to know and please him beside from there being a heaven or hell? we have to be very honest with ourselves and we will find the answer. Another example would be the Mafia. The Don aka the most powerful man in the Mafia has many men under him. They kill, steal, and do any of his bidding without question. Big meals together, they laugh together, they visit each other's homes. Now, these men who do this out of fear as to what the mob boss would do to them if he found out they were not 100 mile is not the same as a man who truly loved this king pin regardless of who he was and how powerful he was and truly said nice things about him spend time with him and laugh with him out of love. People, we have got to take a deeper look in the mirror and uncover our motives at its very root. Sorry to answer your question clearly, if you seek Christ for the sake of saving your own skin versus the fact that you see him as the most precious thing it existence then you may have a reason to be very afraid of your eternal resting place. Nobody can come to Christ unless he first calls them. We are all born haters of God as the Bible clearly states. Unless Christ in his own time and in his own free will supernaturally regenerates a man and give them the desire to see Christ then that man will never seeK Christ. it is this way for many reasons. One of them being that man can not boast in his salvation whatsoever. It is 100 a work of Christ and Christ alone. This is what the Bible refers to as election.
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posted over a year ago 
TakTheFox said:
It's not a sin in of itself. In fact it supports one of the main reasons to become a Christian; that we need God's help and that without him we are headed for Hell. To become a Christian because we don't want to be in Hell in itself isn't wrong but if that is the only reason then yes it's a problem.

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posted over a year ago 
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