Buffy the Vampire Slayer Slayage 2009: A Celebration of Buffyverse Fanfiction on Fanpop : Links to fics outside the Pop

ArabellaElfie posted on Jul 15, 2009 at 04:57AM
So Slayage is coming! Yup, it's coming, and what do you have there? A link? An address that I can click on and go to an awesome fic? Really? YAY!

If that is you, then here is the spot for you. Any fic that you have read (anything at all) that you liked and want to nominate for Slayage 2009 on Fanpop just link it here.

Please follow this format to make it nice and easy.


Title of Fic


Rating of fic (if there is no rating please try to mention anything that involves heavy smoochies or dark topic so people don't stumble on something they don't like to read)

Snyposis/briefly tell us what it's about without specifics. This is usually listed as a description. If it's a AU, a ship, that sort of thing.

Have you let the author know? If possible just link them to this forum so they can see that you have nominated them. If you haven't or can't let me know and I'll try to alert them for you.

If this fic is by somebody on fanpop (and here in an article/soapbox), please link it link

I think that's it. Any questions, ideas, anything at all, let me know!
last edited on Jul 15, 2009 at 05:10AM

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 7 replies

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over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Link: link

Title: Who Died and Made You the Iron Chef

Author: Meltha

Rating: K+ (Nothing offensive here)

Summary: Dawn is away in the summer of Buffy's death post season five and Spike goes in and finds that the Bit's fridge and whatnot isn't fully stocked so Spike ventures out...

I have informed the author

Slightly over 3,000 words so it's a fast read.

over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Link: link

Title: Soundtrack for the Night

Author: Effection

Rating: R (One near-scene that I can recall)

Summary: AU In an impulsive attempt to dodge his ex-girlfriend, Drusilla, Spike turns to the girl next to him and asks her if she would mind being his five-minute girlfriend. Little do Spike and Buffy know that such a fleeting moment will lead to a night of possibilities, both heart-breaking and heart-mending, playing with love, hate, loss, and a whirlwind of fun.

I have informed the author

36,320 words. I believe this took me one night to read straight through and I do agree with the author that the music she suggests does go perfectly for the fic.
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Link: link

Title: Foward to Time Past

Author: Unbridled Brunette

Rating: NC-17 (some sexual scenes and dark moments but they are done to enhance the story and not in a smutty way at all. They completely make sense and add layers to the story)

Summary: "The victim of a spell gone awry, Buffy finds herself trapped in Victorian London, where she meets a man surprisingly familiar to her." It sounds like a simple AU but it's so much more. This story manages to make the throw back in time make complete sense and the entire plot fits. William's evolution is perfect. Buffy is amazing. This is one of my all time favorite stories I have read in relation to Spuffy. Just want to stress that the plotting in this is amazing.

BE AWARE: THIS ISN'T COMPLETED YET! You can read it and wait for the last chapter (that's pretty much all we need at this point) like I am doing, in fact, I'd say do that. It's brilliant. I can't stress the brilliance.

I have informed the author

273,342 words. I have been reading this as it's been published (I believe 20 chapters were up when I started) so I don't recall exactly how long but I'd say most likely a week if you do a bit each night. You will be hooked and not able to stop.
over a year ago Cinders said…
I've mentioned this before, but one of my all-time faves:

link by Booster1 is FABULOUS!

I just always have to share the above fan fic with pretty much every Angel fan I meet. It's only rated "T" on FFN, which is PG-13 if I remember correctly. Nothing overtly explicit, everything hilarious.

What? Oh, you want this done officially, well, OK FINE!

Link: link

Title: I Really Don't Like Mondays

Author: Booster1

Rating: T/PG-13 (for occasional crude humor, I guess)

Summary: An ordinary working day for Angel at Wolfram & Hart. COMPLETE Spoilers up to and including Cautionary Tale Of Numbero Cinco (Angel Season 5 episode 6)

The author has been alerted.
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Thank you Cinders!
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
link by Immaturelittlegirl

Title: A Night From Hell

Author: Immaturelittlegirl

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Short, little, future fic. Dawn and Connor are together, but will jealousy get in the way?

I don't have an account on FanFiction.net, so I'm not sure how to alert the author. Can anybody here do it?
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I know, I know, two Connor and Dawn fics in a row, but I love em' both a lot :D

link by D. M. Evans

Title: Even to the Edge of Doom

Author: D. M. Evans

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Pregnant, Dawn and Connor make some life altering decisions.

Same sitch about the author notification as the last one I posted.