Buffy the Vampire Slayer Scoobies...?

faeriegrrl27 posted on Jun 13, 2009 at 02:44AM
I've read most of the stuff I can *find* on The Scoobies, but I'm still not exactly sure what they are.
How is it done?
Is there voting?
When is it?
Etc. If anyone could fill me in, that would be great because it sounds completely shiny.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1 reply

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over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…

Hi! I'm Katie (also known as ArabellaElfie and when they think I'm not listening, the Insane One) and somehow I came up with the bright idea for the Scoobies. Here is what I can think of;

The Scoobies were originally thought of and the topic brought up link and it seemed that people were interested in it so we wound up starting up link forum where we just sort of decided to first take link for categories - anything somebody wanted was included. At then end of this peiod (which lasted for about a week and a half) we began to take nominations for each category. To avoid people nominating 50 Spike quotes and then having the votes so divided as to cause issue we came up with the plan that a person could nominate anything they wanted and then it would need to be seconded to be offically added to the ballot. This went on for about 2 weeks and then I offically closed the link. That is pretty much where we are at the moment.

Right now we are link and working on adding videos/links/images or anything that makes sense onto each nominee to make them 'clickable' and more Oscar like. Anything that you can find or upload and link is greatly appericated and should be either mailed to me here or posted right at this lovely little link.

Other links related to the Scoobies;






As far as a timeline here was the original,

Time Line Idea

According to the original timeline we still have awhile until we even start taking nominations (the 1st) and then it was going to be 15 days doing nominations, 15 days voting and then maybe a weekend for everything to be tabulated. We are just all getting so into this that I think we might want to push it foward and try to have the ceremony on Friday June 26th. Why? It's Joss Whedon's Birthday! So, with the new timeline how does this work for everybody:

* Categories accepted up until Monday May 25th (as we are doing a great job with this bit)

* Nominations begin on Tuesday May 26th and will be accepted until Monday June 8th

* Voting will run from Tuesday June 9th to Saturday June 20th (I am off on Sundays so it gives me a full day to work on the results and any photoshoppy things I need to make)

* Ceremony the weekend of June 26th to June 28th (this will fall over the Joss Whedon Birthday Weekend and, if I can somehow convince the Fanpop Four to get us a chatroom, possibily live, so it would be best on a weekend, I will have to arrange off from work to make it so it would be great to plan in advance - I really want to be there if it is live)

Since we began to work on the ballot we have pushed back the voting to begin on Tuesday the 15th.

The votes will then be sent from the users to myself, the Trio (link, link. I believe I may have one or two other helpers join me as well. If anybody wants to lend a hand let me know.

These 'counter uppers' will then send their tallies to me and I will do the final count and have the winners.

Now we get into grey area. The plan is to hopefully have a chatroom and do an actual ceremony or something on the Pop but if that does not work we may try to get on MSN and do something their. I will also post an article with the results and maybe a transcript of the ceremony if it occurs.

So, what do you think? If you have any questions or simply want to talk just give me a buzz.

Fangs and Kittens,