Buffy the Vampire Slayer What would you ask James Marsters?

Sappp posted on Mar 17, 2009 at 06:11PM
It's quite simple: I'm going to the Elf Fantasy Fair (according to the site the biggest Fantasy Fair in Europe) and James Marsters is going to be there!!!
Yeah, be jealous :P

So, what would you ask James Marsters if you got the chance to meet him? Just out of curiosity and because you'll probably have something better than my 'Can I have your autograph?'

P.S: I added a link to the site of the Elf Fantasy Fair, for those who are interested.
last edited on Mar 17, 2009 at 06:11PM

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 8 replies

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over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
You will be posting pictures, won't you? Please!

I want to add something but I can't think of a thing. I think this is the speechlessness that occurs in the presence (or imagined presence) of one of their well, idols.

I'm sure Debs is going to have some input.

over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I'd ask the simple questions that I'm just curious about!

What's your favorite episode of Buffy?
Which cast member were you closest/who did you like working with better (on both Buffy & Angel)?
What was the best thing about working with Joss?
What's your favorite song in Once More With Feeling (besides Rest In Peace)?
What episode did you NOT enjoy working on (if there is one. If not what's your least favorite ep)?
How long did it take for you to master Spike's British accent (perhaps a demo)?
What do you miss most about working on Buffy?
Who's your favorite character on Buffy (besides Spike)?
Besides BtVS & Angel, what's your favorite project you've worked on?
Are you a democrat or republican (if anyone does know that, I'd love to know. I'm interested)?
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
I can answer some of those for you Cat.

If I recall correctly Juliet Landau was a favorite of his, he has said he had complete trust with her and always mentions here when he is asked about chemistry.

He did not like filming Seeing Red and has turned down jobs because of rape scenes so I'd say this was his least favorite to work on.

I'm fairy certain he is a democrat. On his site he did speak highly about Obama.

Okay, here is my questions! It's taken from Cat and just expanded a bit.

We all know Spike was either going to be British or from the South and James auditioned with both accents. Can you (I'm talking to James I guess) do some Spike dialogue in the Southern accent?

If he does this I need clips.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Yes! I was hoping he'd be democratic. I love it when my favorite celebs share my views on some things.
over a year ago Sappp said…
Of course I will be posting pictures :) I'm not sure if a video will be possble since I don't have a video-camera, so I'll have to see if I can borrow one from someone.

I like the southern accent question but I'm afraid it will take some time and I'm not really sure how much time you have to talk to him. (or maybe James does not know any Spike-line anymore :P).

I also liked ' Did you like working with Joss?' but maybe a queston like 'Would you like to work with Joss again?' would be more interesting, especially considering Dollhouse.

over a year ago Sappp said…
I found a quote about Seeing Red

[about Episode 6-19, "Seeing Red," the scene in which Spike tries to rape Buffy:] "That was the hardest day of my life. I have turned roles down because they are rapists. It's something I don't even want to watch. If I even click on it on TV, I have to click it off or I'll put my foot through the screen... What you see on that screen is just my terror at having to do that scene. There's not really any acting going on and I haven't watched the scene. I've seen little clips. You know, 'previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.' They show it sometimes and I'm always like, 'Oh, God.' ... The writers are fabulous, but when I showed up on set that day I told them: 'Sometimes you guys just don't know what you do. You just do not know what you're asking us...' I'm proud of it artistically, but as a human being I never, never, never want to do a scene like that again and I will always refuse because I know what it does to me." [United Press International, June 11, 2003]

over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
That was the quote I was thinking of!

There were rumors of him appearing in Dollhouse, originally as Alpha - that's obviously not true any longer - but I'd love to see him hope on for an episode or two atleast.

Ohh! If you haven't seen Torchwood this may make no sense to you but at the end of the series two finale it was hinted that his character would like to join the team, has he considered joining the Doctor Who/Torchwood verse?
over a year ago brosis101 said…
The first episode in season five of angel that you starred in how did you feel about saying "His just a big fluffy bunny with bad teath" and how does it make you feel acting as one of angels enemies?