Buffy the Vampire Slayer Buffy Madlibs

amazondebs posted on Oct 13, 2008 at 01:18AM
okay so i started this over in fanpop and well......i was surprised that no one seem that interested, meh maybe it will take off anyways i thought i would try it here

okay so basically i had never played madlibs and well i didn't really get them but everyone's always making some sort of reference and so i decided to have a go on a madlibs website

and here's the buffy themed madlibs i came up with

"Last night, as I sat in the the library eating onion flowers and watching passions, the telephone rang. When I picked it up, I heard a staking sound. It was my ishy friend spike. He told me that he couldn't solve the 666 problems that mrs calender had assigned for homework.

I'm pretty spooksome in math, so it took me only a few minutes to figure out the answers. “These problems are easy!” I told him. “Use your crossbow.”

“It's broken!” he said. “I think my vampire sired over it.”

“Then you'll just have to use your fingers!” I suggested, wigged out

you made a bear!! You're a big help! The next time I need advice, I'll call ripper,” he shouted.

I don't know why spike was so mad. Did he want me to give him the answers?

anyways thought it would be fun for a forum for you guys to do some too, all you have to do is find a madlib site, i used link and when you fill it out you put in stuff about the buffyverse, like anything that tells you to put in a name, put in a character name instead, if it asks for a verb use something like, stake, wig, fight, reasech, ect and search for the opportunity to use a reference like i put in onion flowers when it asked for food
annnyways......might be a dumb idea, if not have fun, if it is well at least you had a laugh at my madlibs.....or me =D

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over a year ago amazondebs said…
oh i decided to do another one called

a modern cinderella

My name is Cyndi and I live in a big house with my stepmother, buffy, and my two stepsisters, willow and faith. The old tale about stepfamilies being wiccan is just silly! buffy, willow, and faith are absolutely awesome! In fact, willow, faith, and I went to a dance last weekend. It was whedonish!

At the dance, I wore my leather coat and my cross necklace. willow, faith, and I met this really pointy guy named spike. He was fangy because he was the president of the hide and seek club, and he wore a bloody tweed jacked. I had a moronic time talking with him.

I had a moronic time, but I forgot my xander shirt at the dance. Luckily, spike brought it back to our house. First, willow tried it on, and it didn't match her demony style. It looked really wiggy! Then faith tried it on, and it was obviously not hers either. But then I tried it on, and it fit me perfectly! I thanked spike and invited him to stay for a snack of blood and burba weed. We have a lot in common. Who would have thought that a lost xander shirt would lead to a new friend?