Buffy the Vampire Slayer ღBuffy the Vampire Slayer Opening Credits Contest [Round 1] Season 1 {OPEN}ღ

buffyl0v3r44 posted on Dec 06, 2011 at 06:35AM
Ok, so I thought it would be fun to do an opening credits contest on this spot. All the rules I will give are totally and completely made by me, so they may not be as clear as they should be, but bare with me. On this forum you will submit your own made version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer opening credits, you will base your video off of the topic that is given, please keep to the topic, the topics will usually be a season, episode, couple, and I'm sure us Buffy fans are creative and can come up with more topics that I showed as an example. To make this easier for you to understand I am going to break it down in rules, and here they are:
Rules and Things to Know:
1. NO Stealing a video| this means you may not use someone else's video you must make your own.
2. Your videos will be on pick, I know it sounds funny right? a video on pick? I will post your guys's fanpop username on pick and there will be a link to each of your videos in the comments.
3. You must follow the topic that is given.
4. Once it goes on pick you cannot pick yourself thats cheating
5. You can play whatever song you'd like in your opening credits.
6. the Winner of the round will get to pick the topic of the next round.
7. Everyone who participates will receive 5 props, and whoever wins will receive 15 props.
8. You will have 2 weeks to make your video.
If you have anymore questions regarding this opening credits contest please let me know!

Round 1: Season 1
last edited on Dec 06, 2011 at 06:37AM

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