Buffy the Vampire Slayer Conducting a Survey on the Buffyverse Fandom

Eilowyn posted on Sep 08, 2011 at 05:49PM

Hello everyone! I’m doing a sociological study on feminism within the Buffyverse fandom for a paper I’m writing. Because Buffy the Vampire Slayer ostensibly has feminist themes, I think a feminist reading of the show is valid, and I want to see who else feels this way. I’m conducting a survey on feminist thought within the Buffyverse fandom, and I’d like you to participate. It doesn’t matter what you think about feminism, whether you’re a feminist or not. I want your opinion regardless of what you think about the subject.

I’m looking for quantitative as well as qualitative data, so it’s important you comment on the questions as well. I want your opinions, not just your marks in ticky boxes, though I’ll take whatever I can get. I want people who are fans of all ships and all characters to participate, so that means you!

The survey is here < link >, and I’m also hosting a discussion at my research livejournal here < link >.

Thanks, and have fun!

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