Buffy the Vampire Slayer Survey for Buffy Reasearch Project

nachtigallen posted on Apr 02, 2008 at 07:50PM
Hi everyone! *waves*
I'm a hugely dorky fan of Buffy, and I've been given the opportunity to do a research project on the show. :D I would really like to include some fan responses in my final paper. I've made up a list of questions, and I'd be absolutely floored to receive your responses to one or two or a few (or all!) of them. You can email me at mbrenn2@uic.edu if you want, or just post replies here.

- When did you start watching Buffy?
- What attracted you to the show?
- Were there any specific reasons you continued to watch the show, if so what are
- Do you, or did you, feel you can/could relate to any specific character, or
characters, on the show?
- Do you feel any of the characters on the show are role models for you or for
- Who are your favorite characters, why?
- Are there any episodes you feel you relate to especially well?
- What are your favorite episodes? Why are these your favorite episodes?
- What are your least favorite episodes, and why?
- Are there episodes you feel are offensive, and if so why?
- Did your feelings or thoughts about any episodes change after two or more viewings, if so how?
- Has watching Buffy influenced your thoughts or feelings pertaining to issues presented on the show (e.g. homosexuality, wiccanism, death and dying etc.)
- Are there themes in the show you particularly like, or dislike, and if so why?

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5 replies

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over a year ago i_luv_spike said…
1. I started Watching buffy about 6 years ago on sky one on the reruns and got addicted to it.

2. The Fact that althought it supernatural, i don't see it like that because the plot is someway true to life, about how we all have your own monsters to fight.

3. The fact that it isn't just about fighting monsters, it's got drama and romance. Also because the writing and acting and everything about it is excellent.

4. I would have to say buffy, not because i am strong and because she is the main character but because althought i have family and friends but sometimes i can feel lonely.

5. well i think the willow, tara relationship could be role models for people with that sexuality, and also buffy.

6. Spike is my favourite character because i love him lol he is great and so so fit lol, he has so many different sides to him throughtout the whole series, i just think he is the best.

7. my favourite episodes are tabula rasa, something blue and older and far away, because they are so funny.

8. seeing red because season 6 is a very dark season and because i am a spuffy and spike fan it was tough to watch.

9. i don't feel offended by anything but like i said seeing red was hard to watch.

10. none of my views change after watching any episode a few times.

11. issues that meant something to me was that whether you are mortal or immortal we don't live forever, dying is part of our lives and nothing we do is going to stop us from dying.

12. I didn't like The willow and kennedy relationship, i think it happened to quickly after tara died. Also i prefer when the episodes that carry on more that different stories each episode like "go fish".

i hope i have helped you.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NikaDawson said…
1. I started watching it in the first season.

2. Huge love of vampire movies so I figured I would love a show about vampires. Wasn't very fond of the first season, kept watching because I adored Alyson Hannigan as Willow.

3. Alyson Hannigan, and than later on the show became an addiction when season two was so good. The drama, the character development. And the second James Marsters stepped on screen as Spike in season two I was hooked. Love the Spike and Buffy relationship, I knew from season two those two were going to be hooking up eventually.

4. Willow, I related a lot to Willow, because I was sort of like her when I first started watching it. The dorky girl who loved books and computers and that no one really liked.

5. Willow and Tara' relationship helped a lot of stuggling teens with their sexuality, and Buffy could be a role model for women. Cordelia as well, later on in Angel.

6. Spike is my favorite character because he's such a complex character. He's very perceptive, but at the same time can be so dense. He loves with everything in him, and will do anything for it. He stuggled to be a better man for the woman he loved. He's sarcastic, he's truthful, and just a mess of contradictions.

7. Episodes I feel I relate to really well? I'm not really sure actually, the first few episodes of season six when Buffy was stuggling with depression and trying to fit back into a world she didn't want to belong in anymore.

8. Fool For Love because it's a wonderful episode that shows many different sides of my favorite character and how he came to be the man he was.

Beneath You because the last scene always makes me cry when Spike hangs himself on the cross.

Something Blue because it's just a funny episode.

Passion always makes me cry, because it's emotional and intense.

9. Entropy, because I felt that Xander had no right to be mad at the woman he abandoned at the altar for seeking comfort in someone else, who was hurting just as much.

Ted, because I felt they never fully addressed the issues of Buffy loosing her control and hiting someone so much that she killed him. It shouldn't have mattered later when they found out he was a robot, they should have addressed her anger issues.

9. Seeing Red, not only because I'm a Spuffy and Spike fan, so the bathroom scene would be hard for me to watch, but because of Tara dying. That she should die from a stray bullet always sort of offended me.

10. A few of them. I've watched the earlier seasons again, and my dislike of the Buffy/Angel relationship grew. My dislike of Xander grew, and I really got annoyed at Buffy.

11. I've always believe that everyone is human and has the right to live how they want, and no one should discriminate against them for their sexuality, religion, race. So, no, not really.

12. Hmmm, Xander leaving Anya at the altar, Giles leaving for England in season six. Briley, I didn't like, but felt it was necessary for Buffy to find that she could never have a normal life.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago x-missmckena-x said…
- When did you start watching Buffy?

i started watching it because one of my friends was absolute buffy dorks and she wanted me to realise it wasnt scary, it was up to season 5 on tv but she lent me the boxsets until id caught up, so from season 1!

- What attracted you to the show?

the high school being a teen thing, strong female lead, and the buffy and angel romance, this is like 7 or 8 years ago though! lol!

- Were there any specific reasons you continued to watch the show, if so what are

the baddies were awesome, obviously the relesionships, and i became a massive fan of cordy, but i still watched it after she left because i liked oz as well then when he left i didnt like it as much but i had to keep watching just cuz it was buffy! lol!

- Do you, or did you, feel you can/could relate to any specific character, or
characters, on the show?

i always wanted ot relate to cordy cuz she could stick up for herself and she was popular and stuff, i was always part of the popualr crowd but i was never a cordy, but i just used to love the character!

- Do you feel any of the characters on the show are role models for you or for

ill still go for cordy on that!

- Who are your favorite characters, why?

hmm cordy, angel, oz, buffy in earlier seasons, i actually like spike in s4!

- Are there any episodes you feel you relate to especially well?

not really i think english and american cultures are quite differnt, and ive never really had anything big happen, i think if i go back and watch s5 now the ones were buffys finds out about her mums cancer i could probably cuz my mum had breast cancer just recently!

- What are your favorite episodes? Why are these your favorite episodes?

most of seaon 2, passion because the acting is just wow and the narration from angelus its just a powerful episode, becoming both parts, nightmares from s1, i like fool for love, i just love finding out about the fanged four, the musical episode!

- What are your least favorite episodes, and why?
- Are there episodes you feel are offensive, and if so why?

most of season 6 it just doesnt feel like buffy, its definatly a stand out seaosn just not all for the right reasons in my opinion! smashed, wrecked, seeing red, alot of season 7 as well oh and the pack i hate bob flurites death scene its really ewwwie!
- Did your feelings or thoughts about any episodes change after two or more viewings, if so how?

oh god yeah, when i first watched them i was only like 11 or 12 and obviously didnt understand them, but the mroe i go over them all im understanding things differently because ive obviously matured and experinced alot more!

- Has watching Buffy influenced your thoughts or feelings pertaining to issues presented on the show (e.g. homosexuality, wiccanism, death and dying etc.)

not really, alt of shows were doing the gay storyline at the time, and ive got friends who are so i dont think it was anything i had issues with! lol! i dont really understand exactly what is being asked sorry!

- Are there themes in the show you particularly like, or dislike, and if so why?

hated the xander and willow storyline, they were both happy witt their other halves and for some reason they see each other dressed up and there like oh i now fancy you, not beleiveable, did liek how spike fell for buffy again not believable and their whole relationship was just not right!
over a year ago amazondebs said…
- When did you start watching Buffy?

I had watched various episodes on and off for some time and finally watched it obsessively season 5 onwards

- What attracted you to the show?

I love anything supernatural and have always been obsessed with vampires, but actually mainly the fact that the show has all this action and drama going on and yet it is still hilarious, the characters in it are just brilliant

- Do you, or did you, feel you can/could relate to any specific character, or
characters, on the show?

I think the baddies are often the people you can relate to most which makes it seem so interesting, for example faith for anyone that feel like they have a missing parental role, seeing faith trying to fit in and fail you can understand why she would team up with someone like the mayor to receive that control and affection. (it makes me think of on a really simple level the rebellious kids that don't fit anywhere else] Also the kid that brings back his brother in "some assembly needed" I'm sure if we could there are plenty of people many of us would want to bring despite how things are meant to be.
The character that i personally can probably relate to most though is billy fordham from "lie to me" although the medical problems that i have are very similar Joyce's, i feel like i can relate to billy more with the unknowing feeling and grasping at supernatural help that there is something else to cling on to except from pure hope and although he is meant to be the baddie you can't help but feel sorry for him and i still cry at the end of that episode. It's the darker side of us that these baddies get to and that we relate to because we already know the good side of us

- Do you feel any of the characters on the show are role models for you or for

Obviously Buffy is the answer for a lot of girls being a strong female and all however I'm not fond of the character and i question the relationship choices she makes, how she tries to exclude herself and when she say in s7 that she would kill dawn this time to save the world did really not agree with me. So I would say willow is a good role model and my role model. She's clever and pretty (and healthy looking weight) she also becomes completely comfortable with who she is over years and grows and experiments with styles and phases and although she went completely in to the deep end with magic, she does come through. I also really look up to giles, again clever and witty and he makes the hard decisions when they are needed.

- Who are your favorite characters, why?

My favorite all time character would have to be spike;
-because he's played by the gorgeous James marsters
-he brilliantly funny and witty and has the best one liners
-he has a brilliant way with words when he wants to
-he shows the Grey area in buffy even though he doesn't have a soul and like anya he doesn't understand certain human things he fights it. He is really perceptive and strong mentally
-he is the character that we see grow most, through out the episodes we see him going from a meek little poet, to a unsure vampire, to full on lover of chaos, killer, big bad, to unsure of weather he is bad or good, fighting the bad in him, unleashing it, to finally retrieving his soul back after that journey and starting a whole new one to deal with that. We all see all the events that made that journey (his mother, being scorned by society, angelus, buffy)
-finally he's basically the bad boy wanting to be good which is every girls dream lol
My other favorite characters and again giles and willow because of what i have said above but i also love anya and Cordelia because they both say exactly what they think are so funny

- Are there any episodes you feel you relate to especially well?

I think i have already mentioned a few above but other than them probably blood ties as i had a bit of a freak out myself a few years back (obviously nothing to do with anything that dawn goes through but reactions she had and trashing her room and legging it and such were all very similar). Another one that i think anyone who has lost someone close is 'the body' the silence and again reaction that the gang have like punching the wall is exactly how it feels. Plus i think anya's speech in willow's room expresses something that feel about death, that we don't understand it and it does seem pointless and stupid at the time but she as she points out later when she's with xander deep down we all know it's not

- What are your favorite episodes? Why are these your favorite episodes?

wow how long have you got? lol
although i like season 1 there are no particular episodes that stand out to me i don't know why
I do like;
passion- the voice over that angel does is so chilling and so brilliant, plus we get to see more of his past and i love flashbacks of the vampires and it is one of the most shocking deaths (for me) in TV history
band candy-I love seeing giles as the ripper and all the other grown ups acting like kids is absolutely hilarious
the wish-A very dark episode, but a brilliantly done one, it makes you think of the what ifs in your own life and how different it could be and again i love seeing characters as their alter ego like vamp will and xander
the zeppo- because the show has a lot of fun poking fun at itself
something blue- as a spuffy fan i am required to love this episode but it's also signs of how powerful willow is becoming. Plus this episode is also absolutely hilarious
hush- a genius idea, no other show or writer could have don 25 min with out dialog and made it so interesting and funny and actually really scary
doomed- some of my favorite briley moments are in this episode and i love the 'my skins hums' speech it's really sweet but it's not cheesy and it's not full of cliques, also again we get to see more of a insight to spike and banter between him and xander is brilliant and as a extra bonus we get to see him vicious again at the end
who are you- brilliant acting on both eliza and sarah's parts and you can't help but feel for faith in this episode, she can't even understand the human emotions that she receives as buffy, which brings us back to the grey area that i love so much.
fool for love- brilliant flashback episode all about my favorite character too, plus i think it show the complicated relationship between vampire and slayer and the even more complicated relationship between buffy and spike. Also i love the ending when spike feels like he should comfort buffy but he doesn't know how and especially why he wants to
crush-the James shows spike animalistic not understanding nature in this is just brilliant, plus i love Drusilla
intervention- brilliant acting again on smg's part and this is just a brilliantly funny episode that ends on one of my favorite buffy moments. The understanding and trust that they have built, it's like it's confirmed with that kiss and spike acts like it's his maybe, his hope
the gift- makes me cry, with angry, sadness, happiness it's just the most emotional episode of the entire series possibly my favorite
once more with feeling- a obvious choice for the genius of singing and dancing and is so funny but i really like that the characters get a chance to do soliloquies and say what ever they want and exactly how they truly feel
tabula rosa- just brilliantly witty
normal again- Joss's little mind mess, i know a lot of fans don't like this but because of how it ended but again he's using brechtian, he wants us to think about our own situation, are we in a mental hospital, is this just all our own little world ect
villains- such a dark episode full of grief and revenge and a very emotional one because you can emphasize with how all the characters feel. Even though you hate warren and feel bad for willow, the buffy and xander in you is telling you it's wrong. I'm glad warren did die though because it gave the fans that shock of 'oh that was horrific' rather than if he had of lived it would have been more 'he deserved to die though' plus it gives willow more guilt later to work through
selfless- again i love flashbacks and seeing more in to the characters plus it's such a emotional episode for all the characters because they are pushed in to new territory
storyteller- brilliantly funny to start, awfully tragic to end with
lies my parents told me- another piece of the spike journey
note a lot of these are joss episodes or are in joss's top 12

- What are your least favorite episodes, and why?

teacher's pet- no real storyline and it's really cheesy
reptile boy- a bit too 'don't drink it's bad kids' sort of theme, i didn't really see the point in buffy's little rebellion
bad eggs- just funny in a bad way
ammends- just for the end, if snow falls, it is still daylight aka angel should resemble instant soup mix
bad beer- again with the preaching to the choir lol we're teenagers and older we don't want to hear about how bad beer is. Plus it has some of the cheesyness that the earlier seasons had
the replacement- as i'm not really a xander fan, a episode based around two xanders was not my idea of fun but the actual reason why i don't like this episode is because it's meant to be good quality xander and bad quality xander (which wold have been really interesting) and i don't weather it was writing or acting but it ended up as extreme xander and guy that is nothing like xander
bargaining- we knew what was going to happen but they dragged it out
lessons- i don't know why it's just doesn't seem to have much humor or emocion or plot, it was just a bit meh
there are a few bits i don't like in season 7 but i have trouble telling apart episodes and scenes so i can't names them which is why i don't like it as much as the other 6 seasons, not enough humor, too many speeches and too much brooding
even the least favorite moments that make you scream at the tv and such are still amazing brilliant and sometime i think Joss does it just to rile the fans

- Are there episodes you feel are offensive, and if so why?

no, like what? any issues that Joss deals with he either does through demons or blends it in really well with the storyline

- Did your feelings or thoughts about any episodes change after two or more viewings, if so how?

oh i change my thoughts all the time, ask me these questions again a few months from now and I will answer completely different, with buffy you can always theorize some more, create new meaning and come t completely different conclusions, it's why it's the only show that i can watch over and over with out tiring

- Has watching Buffy influenced your thoughts or feelings pertaining to issues presented on the show (e.g. homosexuality, wiccanism, death and dying etc.)

Not so much with homosexuality, i have a completely open view on that but i don' know where it steamed from but i wouldn't really give buffy the creds for it. I have always loved the supernaural and am fairly in to my runic readings and charms and such but i give that cred to my friends. Now death and dying buffy has given me a different perspective on many things, such as buffy been torn out of heaven it give you sort of peace to think it's better on the other on the side, makes you less worried about others and such. Also the different dimensions (which is actually a plausible scientific theory) rather than good or bad, heaven or hell.

- Are there themes in the show you particularly like, or dislike,and if so why?

I'm really not one for the what i call the romeo and juliet syndroame i like real, messy, down to earth relationships. This is why i dislike angel and buffy; fell in love at first sight, vampire vs slayer none compatable big brooding and heartbreak. I also don't like how oz and willow got together because of the falling in love at first sight, it's not a good message to young teens and it's not the way real loving relationships are developed, I liked the story to have the chemistry and growth.

I always like grey area storyline such as dark willow, rogue slayer faith seeing the more human side of the vampires and baddies.

hope this is too much of a babble but i like detail lol hope this helps, fellow dorky fan :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nachtigallen said…
Thank you all so much! I'm really pleased to have so many wonderful replies. I have a few very busy days ahead, but I will try to respond to each of you personally.