Buffy the Vampire Slayer His Cheeks Are Fat

buffyfan posted on Mar 02, 2008 at 09:31AM
has anyone noticed that in the last season when spike is sacrificing himself to save the world his cheeks look fat? or is that me?

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 30 replies

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over a year ago scififan said…
I noticed that too! They don't really look fat, just like he's filled out a little...they still look OK..I'm gonna have to go watch some Angel eps and see how his face looks in them :)
over a year ago tisha said…
I noticed it too, so it's not just you!
over a year ago buffyfan said…
weird. i didn't hear his end speech, i was just looking at them. Maybe it's because he was smiling properley.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
what a weird forum lol
i think it's a combination of james aging and the fact that he never showed pure human smiles until s7
over a year ago buffyfan said…
it's not that weird.
over a year ago nosemuffin said…
Yes, what Debs said, he was aging. That's the tricky part about playing an immortal on TV, and the reason that they could never go back and make more, at least in the same style. I have a friend who won't watch Angel season 5 because of the aging of Angel and Spike. "I don't want to watch Angel get old and fat", she said. Well, she obviously hasn't noticed how good he looks on Bones.
over a year ago buffyfan said…
yes, in one episode he got fat.he
had his usual cheeks and age the episode before!
over a year ago amazondebs said…
lol okay random then
over a year ago buffyfan said…
LOL ;)
over a year ago amazondebs said…
ha smg does look like a chipmunk!
i knew she reminded me of something *ducks* okay enough with the fruit guys

and i personally think the prettiest lass in the entire series is darla closer followed by willow
over a year ago nosemuffin said…
I think that the prettiest girl is Anya, followed by Glory probably, or Kendra. I do think that SMG is sometimes really pretty, but sometimes she's not. She has very interesting features, so it really depends on the angle. LOL, we're turning this into an entirely different forum. Although pretty much anything would be an improvement to the forum's original intention.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amazondebs said…
i don't know i think i just don't like smg's style of acting, ahh i change topics all this time, i think we had pretty much said everything there is to say about james's cheeks lol (although i know some of you could go on about them for hours if we let you)

i think yes smg can cry on que, looked shocked on que but it looks hollow to me, i think she could have easily been replced with someone edgyer, i alwasy thought eliza dushku wuld have played a brill buffy but then again i guess we wouldn't have had such a great faith
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amazondebs said…
personally i think anthony steward head, seth green, alyson hannigan, julia landau and emma caulfield are the best actors on the show and
seth and alyson are 2 of my fave actors ever
over a year ago NikaDawson said…
Juliet is a great actress, her potrayal of Drusilla is flawless. Sometimes I wonder though if I would like Spike as much as I do if JM wasn't the actor. Probably not.
over a year ago nosemuffin said…
Here's something random; My initials are also SMG, so sometimes when I read them in reference to Sarah, I get freaked out.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
how do you know we wasn't saying your a bad actress
over a year ago x-missmckena-x said…
oh juliet definatly the best actrees! and i really did'nt notice his cheeks at all, but as everyone has said aging does change them i mean look at angel in buffy s1 then s3 how much he change wihtin 3 seasons is unbelievable!
over a year ago NikaDawson said…
That's why it might have been a good thing they canceled the show to go into comics, loath as I am to admit it, because DB and JM are aging and it would have been very lame to say they were because of the pigs blood.

But was I the only one who noticed the weight that DB gained on Angel season five compared to the first three or four?
over a year ago tisha said…
Nika- No, I also noticed DB's weight gain, and I'm pretty sure others have noticed it too. There's a big difference from how he looked in season 4 to what he looked like in season 5.

And this has nothing to do with BtVS, but since you mentioned it, I love watching Bones! At first I was afraid that I would still see DB as Angel, but he plays Booth so well that it's completely different.
over a year ago nosemuffin said…
He did gain weight but he seems to have lost it again because he looks great on Bones.
over a year ago NikaDawson said…
Yeah, he looks better on Bones than he does playing Angel.

When I watched the recent Torchwood episode that JM did playing a character named Captain John, I was afraid I would see him as Spike, but I didn't, and it wasn't even because of the dark hair, but just because the character was completely different.
over a year ago ImNotOkay said…
i think he looks better with his cheeks filled out a little more!
im glad hes back to normal
but i hated how they changed his hair!
it was spiked up at the frount for 4 seasons then they geled it down =[ i liked it the other way lol
over a year ago i_luv_spike said…
yh he is but his cheeks arent fat you can tell that he has put weight on in the last season because he hasn't got much of a six pack in it
over a year ago NikaDawson said…
James Marsters said in an interview that he put on weight on purpose in the seven season so that the writer's would stop making him take his shirt off. Didn't work much, cause he's still shown just as much shirtless in the seventh season as the seasons before.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
i think that was a joke nika lol
i remeber once seeing in a interview between james and david that they had a competition on set doing sit ups lol i bet they really are like spike and angel with one another
over a year ago x-missmckena-x said…
you have to go searching for that interview and add it! lol
over a year ago NikaDawson said…
Lol, yeah I would love to see that one debs. And maybe it was, lol, sometimes you can't really tell in interviews on paper though, you know?
over a year ago i_luv_spike said…
debs where do you get all the good vids i can get some but not the best ones lol
over a year ago amazondebs said…
i think i have put it somewhere in the marsters spot, i shall goes take a looksey *goes looks*

erm if you mean episode, then tudou, if you mean in general then everywhere, tudou, youtube, megavideo, stage 6, daily motion,
over a year ago spuffyromy said…
First off i mean this in the nicest way your all nuts
ok now James may have gained weight but I don't think he looked fat cheeked or fat in any other way.
Db did get chunky or I think so anyway I'm not a big fan of him so not the best judge but he still looks a little chunky to me. I find smg to be super cute and I love her best actress ever ok she didn't look to hot early season 6 to to the fact that she lost to much weight that season but season 7 she started to look better season 1 & 4 i think she looked the best.