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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Question

Who was Buffy's true love? Was it Angel, Scott, Parker, Owen or Spike?

There are lots of arguments about this subject. Personally, I think it was Angel. Why? Because every time Buffy saw him after the 3rd season she kissed him(except for The Yoko Factor). Some people think it was Angel, Some people think it was Spike. Well, Joss Whedon said that the person she truly loved was Parker!...he said that her true vampire love was Spike. I do not agree with that, do you?
It was totally Spike. I hate Angel, his hair goes straight up and he's bloody stupid.
HMKOlovesBTVS posted over a year ago
Spike.. He should have got out with her in the finale of season 7 and continued a few more seasons! It was'nt the same when he was in Angel cos Buffy was'nt there.
SpikesSiren posted over a year ago
so true i wish they'd had more seasons of buffy where spike comes back and (in my fantasy) becomes human and they totally live happily ever after and can grow old together <3
pippycat posted over a year ago
 impotential posted over a year ago
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Answers

xBuffyForeverx said:
Angel.. Buffy once had an arguement with Xandar, and during this she said:
"I killed Angel.. do you even remember that? I would of given everything to be with him, I loved him more then I will ever love anything else in this life, and I put a sword through his heart because I had to"
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posted over a year ago 
Yes! That scene showed her true feelings for Angel and how much she loved him!!
iceprincess7492 posted over a year ago
you may say a lot of things now but once you experience more in ur life you will relize that things change and as people develp so do their views.
grapecandy posted over a year ago
it was the same with buffy
grapecandy posted over a year ago
MissKitty28 said:
In my opinion, Buffy's true love is Spike. I have no doubt about it. Because Buffy & Spike, it's not about idealisation, it's not about fantasy, it's about two people who know each other, and fall in love with each other, exactly because they know each other. They have seen the best and the worst of each other, and when they say "I love you", it's just the truth. And it's more powerful than all the Bangel's "I love you". Because they know who the other is.

Spuffy is a grownup relationship, with powerful feelings. Always there for each other, they know each other, they trust each other, they understand each other, they communicate, and they have this unique connection... Spuffy is just an evidence. It's not always easy, but they crossed barriers, and from my point of view, that's real life. Their relationship is mature, real and intense.

I don't believe in the Bangel's relationship. Bangel is more the symbol of first love and pure love. But there are so many weaknesses in their relationship. The biggest problem it's not malediction, it's all these things who make a couple : communication, comprehension, presence, trust, complicity... I don't see those elements in Bangel.

More time passes, least they are credible.

I think that after all these years, Buffy idealizes so much her relationship with him, and it’s the reason why she keeps Angel in her mind. It doesn’t mean ‘eternal love’ or ‘soulmates’ or 'true love' (and I totally disagree with people who thinks that). She thinks that it could be a perfect relationship because she never really had the opportunity to live it with him – fantasy/ idealisation (like Bangel) is always better than reality. Because of the malediction, they don’t have seen the most important in a relationship. And it doesn’t work on so many levels (communication, trust, knowledge of the other…etc).

So, from my point of view, *this*, it's not true love.

I don't think they're still in love with each other. They're in love with a memory of their relationship.

Chosen proved that they moved on. Originally, Angel should talk to Buffy about Connor and about the fact that he's in love with Cordy.

And Buffy is clearly in love with Spike ! (look both seasons 6 and 7 !). It's an evolution over time. She chooses him over Angel. She chooses him as her champion. The kiss proved that this Bangel idealization is always there. But they have grown up...

So yes, no doubt, Buffy's true love is Spike ♥ Because it was real, powerful, and they deserve their chance after Chosen.

(I'm sorry for my bad english, I'm a French fan, I hope it's understandable).
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posted over a year ago 
Anz_x said:
Her true Love was Angel. Buffy had feelings for Spike and i think she may have loved him in some way. Buffy never had love for anyone else apart from Riley which towards the end of their relationship felt like it was dying out.
Hope that answers your question :)
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posted over a year ago 
willow96 said:
I have to admit that Angel was always the Buffy's true love.When she killed Angel she had to leave to forget something that she had never done for anyone else.When Angel left Sunnydale she collapsed.She slept with Parker to feel better,something that paied later.What about Spike?Come on...everybody knows that Spike maybe fell in love with her,yes he loved her,but she didn't.Why?Who knows...perhaps after what he had done to her she couldn't just be in love with him.If i was her i would be with Spike easily,but Angel is a "knight" is an "angel" a "getlemen" a "hero" he could die for her,he was the best man for a woman.Riley was preety modest to admit that buffy never really loved him.That was the true he was very "nice" for her at the begginig but then he was a bit annoying.I am not going to talk about Parker,Scott and the others because they are nothing in front of Angel and Spike who really loved Buffy,but unfortunately she was in love with Angel!!!
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posted over a year ago 
why do ppl always miss this.. she did love spike towards the end. she dismissed angel so she could spend what could possibly be her last night in spikes arms in s7. that says she loves him...sorry its just ppl forget that during the end she did love him
grapecandy posted over a year ago
100% spike. comment below pretty much says it all.
pippycat posted over a year ago
holdmethrillme said:
I definitely think it was Angel, and that's why she was never able to have a healthy relationship. If we're making distinction against humans and vampires, her human love was Riley. Parker was a douche and she totally used Spike. She MIGHT have had a thing with Owen if he wasn't such an ass.

I wish they would have had Pike on the show. That would have been cool.
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posted over a year ago 
Yes! Someone agrees that Pike should have been on the tv series yay! I kept waiting from Pike to appear...maybe at least a couple episodes to shake things up but no :( he's in some novels though in the buffyverse :) ...Sins of the Father! Good book :)
Faith-Rulz posted over a year ago
clanbillr said:
I truly think it's,"Angel"!!! I know that Buffy is Angels true love. Even though it's a forbidden love. Scott was a rebound, Parker was a growing pain (actually Parker was just a player), and Owen was a start for a boyfriend. Spike was different story, he's pure evil when he loved her. I think Buffy just had needs at first just sex but later she needed him to concur the First.

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posted over a year ago 
SabrinaZaltana said:
I THINK HER VERRY TRUE LOVE WAS RYLE~ if he didnt come back married or if he saw her chase after him they would have been together. I say NO WAY to parker! I Loved Spike but I think he was only Buffy's "play-thing" she prob loved angle still though.
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posted over a year ago 
NikkiLovesOTH said:
Well it was definelty not Scott,Parker or Owen they sucked Lol....I think it comes down to Team's and who ever thinks who was right for Buffy. I personally think Angel was her True Love but I go back n forth because I loved Spuffy they were hilarious together....It's funny you didn't even mention Riley...Lol
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posted over a year ago 
i hate him...riley, i mean. achhhhhhhh
impotential posted over a year ago
Oh....I liked him not as much as Angel & Spike but like he was WAY better than like Scott,Parker or Owen, I'm still on Angel side though Lol....I have heard a lot of ppl don't like him
NikkiLovesOTH posted over a year ago
louvreangel said:
I think her real love was Angel. I do not think that she "really" loved Spike. Yes, I'm sure she had feelings for him too but Angel was different for her. When he had gone, she was depressed. I do not think Spike was so important for her. She did not really felt something so strong for Spike. Angel was her true and real love in my opinion.
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posted over a year ago 
i agree :)
emmett posted over a year ago
delena4life said:
So I'm thinking that it's spike!!! Obviously she loved angel sooo much but toward the end of the show they both moved on se fell in love with spike and he fell in love with cordy!!! There was one episode in season seven I don't remember the name but it's where she gets a date with the principal and willow tells her it's good that she finally moving on. Willow meant like that she was finally getting over the whole death thing or whatever but Buffy got all defensive and was like "why does everyone think I'm still in love with spike??!!" I think that accidental outburst proved she really loved him even if it was subconsciously!!! Spuffy forever!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
tiggerluver said:
its deffinatley spike!!! i mean he just trys to show her he still cares aboout her and she just doesnt open up becuz shes afraid of wat her friends will think AND she just doesnt want to stand a chance at getting hurt again. So its def. spike!! he is sexy too !!
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posted over a year ago 
Laurencia7 said:
Angel was true love, I am sorry but Spike was a mercy "love"
The only reason they ever paired Spike with her was because Angel got his own show, and he was the only vamp they wanted as a regular.
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posted over a year ago 
maggy33 said:
Absolutely Spike - she opened up to him more than anyone else - truly revealing herself even before they got physical. Had he not sacrificed himself, she would have stayed with him and the love gotten deeper. Spike was the one who truly understood Buffy.
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posted over a year ago 
DearPrudence said:
Spike. He killed two other slayers and he knew something was different about Buffy. And he basically killed himself trying to get a soul for her.

Oh and Riley! You forgot about him! I mean besides letting a vampire drink his blood, He was probably the sweetest towards Buffy. But In the end I would say Spike :)
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posted over a year ago 
finally someone who i agree with
grapecandy posted over a year ago
grapecandy said:
It is was spike. i don't know why people keep missing this fact. He was able to love buffy without a soul unlike Angel. that says a lot. then the fact that he goes and gets a soul for her and is willing to bear such pain for that.That is more than just obsession people! Angel never did or could do something like that. he is pure monster without a soul. Spike has hardly ever let buffy down and is the only one to stand by her when her friends turn their back on her.
And yes towards the end buffy did love Spike. In season 7 she dismissed angel to spend what could possibly be her last night in the arms of spike. That is love and she even claims it in the last episode.
sure Buffy and Angel had a thing but after she grew up and matured and had experienced a lot more she choose spike. And that ultimatly concludes in being her final decision.
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posted over a year ago 
GemonkDruid said:
Some people will hate me and never speak to me again for saying this, but I think Spike.

Angel, sure, Buffy loves him too, but their love was kinda... simple. :P

Think about it this way: Angel's love caused him to lose his soul, Spike's love caused him to gain his.
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posted over a year ago 
Spike_rocks said:
Personly... i love spike but i do think buffy loved angel... even though is series iritaits me... but the other way around i think spike loed buffy the most of all the guys he didn't have a soul and he loved buffy... as soon as angel got a little happy he lost his soul and angelus did not love buffy.. but back to the point if u watch the frst series you will c that she really loves him!!

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posted over a year ago 
pippycat said:
DEFINITELY spike. season 6 was when she could admit that she was attracted to him, and then by season 7 she could even overcome what he'd tried to do to her when he didn't have a soul. their relationship in s7 shows that their love went deeper than just sexual desire. she chose him as her champion, and could even admit she loved him (unfortunately he kind of didn't believe her). it's just so totally spike!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
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