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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Question

who does buffy get married to??

people say she got married to angel but danced with spike?? who did she marry
 bailes_roxs posted over a year ago
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Answers

Cinders said:
In my own humble opinion, I don't think Buffy marries anyone. She's way too much of a wild card to buy into that nonsense.

There is no factual answer to this. I feel this is better suited as a forum topic.
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posted over a year ago 
brosis101 said:
she doesnt get married to anyone. She dreams of getting married to angel in the sun but she ends up burning into flames. Oh and in one episode willow does a spell to have her will done and accidentally says why 'why don't they just get married' and spike and Buffy end up well preparing a wedding bu they don't actually get married.
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posted over a year ago 
The dream wedding was Angel's dream, not Buffy's. And the season 4 episode where Willow's spell backfire makes Spike and Buffy become engaged is Something Blue. Well done actually answering though, and not just stating your ship like most other "answers" here.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
x-missmckena-x said:
Well i have seen the future and it just so happens to be angel!!
We don;t know yet who she will marry she never married anyone on the show!
but we all know that it will be angel just beacuse it has to be becasue i support bangel!
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posted over a year ago 
Haha totally agree, Bangel all the way! Well there is a clip of Buffy marrying Angel in The Prom Season three, but that was just a dream
nataliejade posted over a year ago
Buffy can't marry Angel because he turns evil with every moment of Happiness!!!
clanbillr posted over a year ago
It dosent matter. what matters is that they are so in LOVE!!!!!
love63316 posted over a year ago
spikes_girl said:
Oh no you don't mckena! LOL we all REALLY know it's Mr. Blondie Bear. Read my new fan fic and you can see how it REALLY happened. :) Really I think each fan can make it how they want. If you want her to end up with Angel, that's how it goes for you. If it's Spike, that's how it goes for you. Heck maybe Riley divorces with his wife and comes back to the Buffster and they make with the smoochies and end up marrying! Maybe Parker comes back and they get back together. It's up to the viewer.
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posted over a year ago 
SPUFFY SPUFFY SPUFFY. ew.please don't mention riley. gahh..... and also, everyone knows that Spike and Buffy loved their almost marriage. Heck, they had a hell of a time ;)
blogfettish posted over a year ago
Spike and Buffy; that almost getting married was Willow's spell gone wrong!!! She truely hates Spike; She uses him for sex, but she hates him, "He's true evil"!!!
clanbillr posted over a year ago
i agree with clanbillr! i HATE spike! i LOVE Angel!
love63316 posted over a year ago
fantwi77 said:
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posted over a year ago 
leyton55 said:
i think it's Spike because of everything i've seen in the last few season it's clear she love him.i think that's why she could never kill him no matter what he did
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posted over a year ago 
nikkimorr8 said:
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posted over a year ago 
clanbillr said:
Buffy never marries either Angel or Spike! The fact is even in the comic books ( After the TV show Season Seven) Joss Whedon never marries off Buffy. She just keeps on saving the world from evil!!! In the TV series though one of Willow's spells goes bad and she wants to marry Spike. In another show Angel has a dream that he and Buffy marry but she bursts into flames when she see's the sun!!! In real life though Sarah Michelle Gellar marries Freddie Prinze Jr and has a new baby girl, Charlotte Grace Prinze!!!
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posted over a year ago 
The dream is in the same show, season 3 episode The Prom. But well done on actually answering the question.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
deanlover28 said:
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posted over a year ago 
Buffy123angel said:
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posted over a year ago 
love63316 said:
OMG! It HAS to be ANGEL! They are the most PERFECT couple! He is like her Prince Charming ok. not the bad boy spike. Angel was her first true love. I KNOW she NEVER stopped loving him. If she married ANOYONE, it would be Angel! TEAM BANGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
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