Books to Read Favourite Book Of All Time And Why

blisslikethis posted on Dec 17, 2007 at 12:08PM
list your favourite book and why you love it.. but try not to give it away :). you must choose just one! i know it's hard, it will likely take me awhile to choose myself.. but what i'm trying to do here is to get us all to reeaaally think about what we read and what we get out of it. could be fun, n'est ce pas?

Books to Read 19 replies

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over a year ago HannaK said…
I haven't read very much books but I think the best is, and I know, I'm not very original, the Harry Potter serie, I don't really know why, it just has a sort of 'magic' around it
over a year ago blisslikethis said…
i understand, i do love HP. thanks for sharing ;) i feel bad that i haven't posted myself, but it'll have to wait until i'm done exams this afternoon!
over a year ago DrDevience said…
Of all time, to top all others, I have to go with Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

It is just brilliantly done. Of course, being a criminologist comes into play, I'm sure ;)
over a year ago Cara09 said…
I love The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman. I tend to reread books again and again and everytime i pick this book up i can't stop reading. even though i know what will happen i get sucked into the story and it is just as exciting as when i first read the book
over a year ago dazl said…
To Kill A Mockingbird. It has such a complex and strong hero in Atticus, and the way Lee gets her point across about racism and segregation in such a subtle way is classic.
over a year ago blisslikethis said…
goodness, this was a hard one. i have so many favourites.. but i think i'm going to have to go with The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac. every time i pick up that book, i feel so inspired in so many ways. his prose style is so free and lyrical, and the book is just plain brilliant.
over a year ago blind_moon said…
Chocolate by Joanne Harris. Besides being my favourite author, the book is just amazing, it really really makes you almost smell the chocolate being done and you can almost taste it… It’s a really amazing book!
over a year ago ineedcoffee said…
alright I'm kinda cheating here because the book I am choosing is the compleat works of Edgar Allen Poe. It has all my favourite stories in one book, but it is a big book.
over a year ago doonis said…
I'll have to say Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut. Although I could just as easily say some other book by him; he's a genius writer.

EDIT: Gonna have to change that to Vonnegut's "Sirens of Titan".
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago xxjoxx814 said…
i would say that the Twilight series has been my favorite books of all time. they arent very hard to read but have a very good plot. it puts a twist on the classic romeo and juliet, forbidden love theme. while you are reading the books, because it is told in first person, you are falling in love with Edward at the same time as Bella. i would highly recomend reading the series.
over a year ago huggies said…
It's a tough call between this and HP 7 but I'm gonna say Eldest by Christopher Paolini simply because i can never put it down
over a year ago aaricaburke said…
I would have to say (though narrowing it down was extremely difficult) that my favorite book is The Screwtape Letters by C.S Lewis. It is so deep and clever.

(Although I must admit Crime and Punishment and The Catcher in the Rye were right up there).

This was a Tough but excellent question!
over a year ago psycho-justice said…
HARRY POTTER... I dunno why. Just love it for some strange reason. I like Twilight, too. But HP is just somehow better... to me that is.
over a year ago Laelyn said…
Like many, Harry Potter. I think the story is fantastically written and creative. You really become one with the world that Rowling created. It really has that believeablity factor when you're reading it.
over a year ago twilightaddict said…
Twilight all the way. I love it so much. I actually get into the book. And S.M. makes it feel so real. I don't think there will ever be a book better then that series. My favortite in the series is probably Eclipse, except for page 525 to 530. I HATE JACOB!!! Alright well read twilight or I'll send the Volturi for you.
over a year ago maX-Gurl said…
all james patterson boooks
over a year ago karanicole93 said…
I agree with To Kill A Mockingbird, expertly written. It takes you into the story from the viewpoint of Scout. However I would have to go with the classic of Where the Red Fern Grows. It too is one of those books you can read over and over with the same effect every time. I tear up at the end to this day. Even though I've read it 50 times!
over a year ago kateliness2 said…
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. It has all of the qualities of a book that I enjoy in one. It's also expertly written and I'm ridiculously attracted to Lizzy and Darcy's romance because she's not the type of girl that a man would usually fall for. She's not the prettiest, most popular girl, but the intelligent, witty girl with depth that he can see in her eyes.

Man, I think I'm going to read it again now.
over a year ago siri_soul said…
Yep,I like HP and Twilight and sooooo many...
but I think I choose Pride and Prejudice. Like Kateliness2 said it has all of qualities of a book. I like how its written, the humour, the story, the characters, all of this. I love it.