Books to Read The Last Book You Read...?

marissa posted on Jul 01, 2007 at 04:05AM
mine was peter pan and now im re-reading the fellowship of the ring (like the cool kid i am.0

i was just wondering,

what was the last book everyone read?

Books to Read 268 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 268

over a year ago tubby2002 said…
wicked lovely...i loved it!
Pinnipedi commented…
YES over a year ago
over a year ago cressida said…
'State of Fear' by Michael Crichton. Not very good, but due to my severe lack of literary resources I was compelled to finish it. I do believe Crichton's books are getting worse and worse with each new one.
over a year ago duckgoddess said…
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. It's a great book, very evocative
over a year ago cressida said…
So I just reread 'Boy' and 'Going Solo', Roald Dahl's autobiographies, and they are as good as ever. His life was rather exciting and tulmultous, and as well written as his fictional stories.
over a year ago jenny99 said…
i've just read the guardian of time trilogy by marianne read ever...the 3 books are the named, the dark, and the key...a load of people protect time, they all have different special power that help them protect the past present and future from the order of chaos .
over a year ago DramaGeek said…
'The book of General Ignorance' and i've just finished reading 'Pendragon: The Merchant of Death'
over a year ago duckgoddess said…
Technically, the last book I read was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows but I think a lot of people have read that by now. So the last book I read was Cloudstreet by Tim Winton. Now I really want to read his other book, The Turning.
over a year ago ali22 said…
Dave Peltzer's trilogy. A Child Called It, The Lost Boy and A Man Named Dave. Soooo sad but well done to him! An amazing guy!!
over a year ago DramaGeek said…
Oh, I've just started reading 'Shopaholic and baby' by Sophie Kinsella, I've read the previous books in the series, and by the looks of it this one's just as good!
over a year ago nickelhatton2 said…
'Pudd'nhead Wilson'- by Mark Twain
over a year ago Priscilita22 said…
mm the last book I read was in spanish.. it's called Abzurdah by Cielo Latini.. it's very interesting so for anyone who speaks spanish... :)
over a year ago doonis said…
"Life of Pi" by Yann Martel.
Great book
over a year ago piperpayton22 said…
the last book i read all the way is harry potter and the deahtly hallows but i am reading a book now called 13 little blue envelopes
Ruhaab commented…
m going to read the same v soon over a year ago
over a year ago anisa21 said…
harry potter and the deathly hallows
over a year ago tubby2002 said…
Now, the last book that I read was The Dragon Quartet - The Book of Earth...
over a year ago dazl said…
I am just after finishing Should Have Got Off At The Sydney Parade - any Ross O'Carroll Kelly fans out there?
over a year ago cressida said…
'Terrier: Beka Cooper' by Tamora Pierce.
over a year ago Lunatic said…
In truth: Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. But for the sake of this forum I'd have to say An Earthly Knight by Janet Elizabeth Mcnaughton
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over a year ago meeee said…
over a year ago ahastie7 said…
I just got back from vacation where I wanted something light and quick. Usually, in those situations, I go to juvenille fiction, and this was no exception. I read The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp by Rick Yancey. It was a fantastic read, and I'd recommend it for any action-adventure junkie in your world (particularly if you have teen or pre-teen kids who are hesitant to read).
over a year ago nickelhatton2 said…
'The Scarlet Letter'- Nathaniel Hawthorne. It's good but it took me forever to read. i reckon it was a bit too long, it could easily be condensed down to half its size and not take anything away from the book. It was like these events happen in this chapter , then in the next chapter it was like the same events reworded! and ur like eh hello!? didnt i just read that chapter!

Next on my list is Zora Neale Hurston's 'Their Eyes were Watching God' Truth be told, im not actually reading for fun at the inute, im reading for my uni module on American Literature, cant wait to finish it coz i really wanna read the discworld novels!!!
over a year ago imtkldpnk said…
The last book I read was Antarktos Rising by Jeremy Robinson. Awesome new author.
over a year ago Sunflower said…
I just finished The Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill. It is a rock 'n' roll horror road movie book about an aging rock star who buys a ghost in an online auction. No, really!

It's an exiting book and an interesting story. Joe Hill is the son of Stephen King and his writing is similar.
over a year ago curiouscat said…
Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich by Adam Rex. very funny and witty collection of poems about monstears and creatures. a great read for both kids and adults who have forgotten how to laugh out loud.
over a year ago ilovegrapefruit said…
The Time Traveler's Wife- I highly recommend it!
over a year ago Zoetj said…
My latest book was A piece of cake by cupcake brown. Was a great read and hard to put down!
over a year ago harold said…
Dead Man's Walk by Larry McMurtry
over a year ago maybeastarbucks said…
Schott's Book of Miscellany... very interesting book.
over a year ago ali22 said…
One Child by Torey Hayden. What an incredible woman she is! Sheila is just as incredible!

Im going out later to see if i can find the sequel; The Tiger's Child.
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over a year ago piperpayton22 said…
the last book i read was a book called the truth about forever and it is about a girl whos dad dies and she gets this job that her mom hates because her mom is like a person that has to be prefect so and her sister is off and never home so she learns hers life lessons from her new friends who have been through worst than her and she falls in love with this really sweet guy
over a year ago rockstarjoker said…
I'm just about to finish "Brain Dead Mega Phone" by george saunders.

It's a collection of his essays- which are almost as good as his stories, and alot easier to follow!
over a year ago iluvjesse said…
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I'm just over halfway through New Moon.
over a year ago ThinkPink20 said…
Just finished Deception Point by Dan Brown. All his books are really good.
over a year ago Cara09 said…
The Golden Compass
I saw the movie and had to reread the book
over a year ago blisslikethis said…
the last book i finished was Meurtres pour memoire by Didier Daeninckx.. which was really good if you're into french crime fiction :P. i'm also about halfway through The Story of B by Daniel Quinn, and so far it's awesome.. maybe not as good as Ishmael, but still great.
over a year ago g3u16 said…
the last book i read would be 'harry potter 7' and that was before i returned to my university in china.there are no english books hear to read so the next time i'll be reading a book and relaxing would be the summer of 2008.poor me....
over a year ago maybeastarbucks said…
Do Elephants Jump? by David Feldman.
over a year ago dazl said…
It by Stephen King. One of his better books I thought.
over a year ago katie89 said…
"Jamaica Inn" by Daphne DeMurier. good read but doesn't compare to her classic "rebecca."

before that "the thirteenth tale." GREAT book! might be one of my favorites.
over a year ago Gabitha said…
um.. The Obernewtyn Chronicles

and Almost French~ which was just a wounderful, it was great!

i also love Rebecca and nothing could compare to it!

i agree with ilovegrapefruit The Time Traveler's Wife was a really great novel!
over a year ago blind_moon said…
Me & Marley by John Grogan
over a year ago ali22 said…
Tiger's Child, Somebody Else's Kids, Beautiful Child, Ghost Girl and Twilight Children all by Torey Hayden.
over a year ago DrDevience said…
In the middle of link by Stephen King right now... had to force myself to keep reading the first 400 pages... but it seems to be starting to pay off now.
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over a year ago conheroes said…
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone (rereading)
over a year ago aaricaburke said…
One Renegade Cell by Robert A. Weinberg. A stunning look and explanation of how cancer starts and certain causes of it.
over a year ago gracie08 said…
The last books I read were the third and fourth installment of The Vampire Diaries. They started out really simple when I read the first and second ones, but by the time I got about halfway through the third one, I realized how much I loved them. They seemed simple and almost childish, but everything was SO simple and so basic that it took you back to the old feeling you got when you were a kid and you really didn't know what happened in the end. They were great and I cried the entire last chapter. I highly recommend them!
over a year ago twilovers said…
Last book I read was Faking 19 by Alyson Noel. It was good! :]

Bookworm Foreva!
over a year ago Edwards_Heroin said…
The Host by Stephenie Meyer it was sooo good!!!
over a year ago punkdisorderly said…
Gone with the wind.
It's just classic!
over a year ago DesertRose610 said…
Next by Michael Crichton, and A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalid Hossein. Next was very interesting and A Thousand Splendid Suns was simply amazing.