Books to Read Romance Books!

twilovers posted on Jun 06, 2008 at 02:52PM
What are sooo really good romance books that you have read? I am looking for good books!

Books to Read 5 replies

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over a year ago ToastedRabbits said…
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. FANTASTIC book.
over a year ago twilovers said…
I heard it was good! It has a big holding line in my library and I don't want to buy it. So, I have to wait :[

Thanks for replying! <3
over a year ago siri_soul said…
All of Danielle Steele's books are about romance. Theyre nice.
I really like Barbara Wood's books. Theyre also about romance but they have a first story, like the search of a teasure or something like that. It describes you different culture cause each book go to a different part of the world. Theyre really interesting and romantic :)

hope helping you :)
over a year ago Small_Town_Gal said…
Someone mentioned The Notebook. Good book. Anyway Nicholas Sparks books are mostly romance. Then again I have only read 3 of his books.

Hope you like
over a year ago kateliness2 said…
The Notebook is good as well, but (and I feel so repetitive) Jane Austen's novels are wonderful!