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Books to Read Question

If you could change the ending of any story, what would you have happen?

Have you ever had a book and you absolutely can't stand the ending, what would you do if you wrote it?
 If you could change the ending of any story, what would you have happen?
 breebree446 posted over a year ago
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Books to Read Answers

crazyduds2 said:
Okay. I would change Harry Potter's ending so that Tonks and Lupin wouldn't have died because they're the best characters ever. I also would've made Snape's last words be "Lily, is that you?" That would have been amazing. I would have also killed off a few minor characters like Hannah Abbot or have made Fenrir Greyback turn them into werewolves.
I still love the book, but these things would have made it so much better!
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posted over a year ago 
Yes totally agree about Tonks and Lupin! It seemed completely pointless to me. If we'd [i]seen[/i] what happened and seen them maybe die saving someone else I'd be a little bit more satisfied but no. Harry just sees them dead on the floor. I really thought Tonks and Lupin were more important than that!! *rant over*
snoznoodle posted over a year ago
I agree that Tonks and Lupin should not have died. I mean really! They just had a kid and the Harry see's them dead on the floor!
BalletDancer627 posted over a year ago
summerfrog said:
Twilight! AAAAAAAAAggg I actually sorta hate the book because of the ending!!
In my version Bella wouldn't have gotten pregnant but had gotten the Voutari mad in some other way and instead of boring talking and haveing big speeches they would have fought and all but a few of the valtari would have died
OR (omg I have so many ideas)Bella would have had a miscarriage with Nessi so Jacob could still have his POV but he would have imprinted on that girl he met in the park! that would have been amazing!
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posted over a year ago 
hahaha I agree ^.^
paola1901 posted over a year ago
i agree too!!
panic666 posted over a year ago
snoznoodle said:
Breaking Dawn. Well really the whole book but mainly:
- Jacob imprinting on Renesme (that's just gross and so disappointing since Jacob is the only character I really like). He was becoming friends with Leah. Why not just hint that something might happen with them in the future? No! Meyer has to have everything tied up in a "neat" little package! Ooh man really don't like that book.

- Also, how many vampires with awesome abilities did they round up to fight the Volturi? And what happened with that? They talked their way out of it. All that effort seemed completely pointless.

There are other books which had tragic endings I would have liked to have been happy but there was always a reason for the tragedies and I guess they wouldn't have had the same impact on me if they'd been happy.

A good example is at the end of the His Dark Materials series, Lyra and Will the two heroes realised they loved each other. They were only 13 and it was a really sweet blissful romance. But then they found out that because they came from alternate universes they couldn't stay together. All windows to other universes had to be closed and they could never see each other again.
That seems very cruel for the two 13 year-old heroes of the story who had been through so much and just wanted to be together. But the tragedy is what stuck with me once I'd finished it. The whole series is amazing and unlike anything else I've ever read but it's the ending which I'll never forget. So sometimes a happy ending isn't always the best ending.
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posted over a year ago 
hungergamesfan said:
Its not really the ending .... the Mortal Instruments Trilogy. Why the heck do Jace and Clary have to be siblings!? I almost threw the book across the room when i read that. And if i cudn't change that then i would have Clary get over Jace and go back out w/ Simon.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree with you fully on that one. Why? And why didn't she just go back for Simon. He's really my favorite character in the book. What do you think about him turning into a vampire?
breebree446 posted over a year ago
I was kinda freaked, but you could see it coming. He is one of my favorites too :)
hungergamesfan posted over a year ago
BalletDancer627 said:
I would change both the Harry Potter books and the Twilight books ending so that they never would end! Becuase really i didn't want them to!
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posted over a year ago 
sapphire007 said:
=) pretty much sums it up...especially the last one
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posted over a year ago 
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