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Books to Read Question

Do you agree that burning any book is a horrible thing to do?

I'm sorry, but weither you love a book or hate it, why would you, (A) waste your money,(B) go through all the trouble, (C) put unnessisary cemicals into the air, (D) not just ignore the book, (E) do something so cruel as to burn any book no matter how bad you think it is?
Do you agree with me?

show posted over a year ago
I agree with HerMelody. It's disrespectful to burn a book. But there is one book that is TOO good to be burned....... The Bible
patrisha727 posted over a year ago
Well I would burn a book that said books were shit.
RavenclawRocks posted over a year ago
 New_Moon_Master posted over a year ago
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Books to Read Answers

HerMelody said:
I also think that it's incredibly disrespectful to an author to burn their work, not that the burners care about something like that! Well, at least they probably spent money on their work beforehand. Illogical? Yes. I think book burners have too much time on their hands that they ought to fill by doing something that actually is productive - a hobby, or a job, at least.
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you very much for this comment. I agree completely. And thank you so much for spelling everything right. X3
New_Moon_Master posted over a year ago
i think burning books are cool!
PiperJohnson posted over a year ago
123hihihi said:
no i would actually enjoy it if i really didnt like a book i would burn it oh i just got an idea i am gonna go buy the hobbit then burn yes gotta call my friends they will want 2 help well atleast the rational 1s will
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posted over a year ago 
I'm a book freak, so I won't burn any kind of book, even ones I hate. If I see a book that has been ruined by water-damage or anything, it makes me pissed.
New_Moon_Master posted over a year ago
Storystuff said:
OMG yes! The burning of a book represents the burning of knoweledge, imagination and of all things good. Even a book (in my opinion) as bad as Twilight (sorry twi-hards) shud neva be burned, as it symbolises bad things.
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you. I don't take offence about the Twilight sab. Whenever I see ANY book being burned it makes me feel like crying...I don't know...I don't cry about very much...but the birning of a book is just so awful to me.
New_Moon_Master posted over a year ago
booklover101 said:
OMG YES i think any1 burning books is horrible its lik burning som1 work .....i think it would be wat better just to sell the book or somthing dont u
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posted over a year ago 
Its like burning another persons world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
booklover101 posted over a year ago
It's just such a disrespectful thing to do to the author especially. I mean, love the book or hate it, that's just so horrible. A book to an author is like a child or something, lol. I know how I would feel if any of my art was burned...*Shudder*
New_Moon_Master posted over a year ago
1234jensen said:
i totally agree i love reading evrytime i read im transported to another world so yer u shouldnt burn books im like a different person its great to read
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posted over a year ago 
katiecain said:
Completely agree, for all the reasons you said. Authors (even if they ARE bad) put so much time and effort into writing and it's sad that people could burn others work like that...
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posted over a year ago 
i mean it isnt that hard 2 give away or sell the books is it
booklover101 posted over a year ago
katiecain posted over a year ago
i just think its wrong
booklover101 posted over a year ago
cegrox987 said:
yes i totally agree with u because a) a book is so precious it cant be burned b) it is precious because all the wonders each page holds c) why would u do that to the earth? d) i would just cry if i saw a book burning no matter how bad the book is.
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posted over a year ago 
emisa123 said:
I hate when people do ANYTHING bad to a book. I love books and I know that the author and publishers put a lot of hard work into making the book. If i saw someone burn a book I would be SUPER mad. I know books are inanimate but they should be treated well.
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posted over a year ago 
Nicoleandjames said:
well i really don't know because my sister did for breaking dawn i bought breaking dawn and that it was going to be good but it was complete garbage and i was so mad that i wasted my money on it my sis. said she would give me ten dollars if she could burn it so we burnt it and it was fun we threw it around and i guess its a way to get ur stress out plus i was never gonna finsh the book because it pisted me off so badly
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posted over a year ago 
I didn't really like Breaking Dawn either, and I threw New Moon at the wall and skipped half of it (I'm so patient, lol) but I'd never burn any book. I just love books too much! AHHH I can't stop saying books! lol! >.<
New_Moon_Master posted over a year ago
dustfingerlover said:
Yes, I agree 100%. It just seems so cruel! I mean, if you want to get rid of a book, just sell it, or give it to someone! Every book should be respected. And anyone who would burn a book might as well burn a human.
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posted over a year ago 
soups said:
What if it was racist Nazi propaganda?
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posted over a year ago 
HAHAHA! Than the person who wrote it was probably insane. But, hmm...I might burn that, because what if I gave it to somebody and they became a jew-hater? So yeah, I'd probably burn that, lol.
New_Moon_Master posted over a year ago
etteloc said:
What if I am freezing and that's all I have to burn?
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posted over a year ago 
Life or death. Totally differant, lol. I mean burning it for amusment or just for the hell of it.
New_Moon_Master posted over a year ago
QueenVictoria73 said:
yeah, but i've never heard of people in today's society doing that, so it doesn't really matter
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posted over a year ago 
Actually, people do it a lot. Haven't you heard of those religious freaks going and burning a bunch of Harry Potter books? Or 'The burning of Twilight' videos that are all over? It still happens a lot.
New_Moon_Master posted over a year ago
silverwarrior said:
E or C
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posted over a year ago 
ej_classic said:
i agree no matter how stupid the book is it should not be burnt
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posted over a year ago 
Ditto dat 4 me...:) <3
PoojaA posted over a year ago
helita said:
It makes me shiver.
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posted over a year ago 
blackfire246 said:
i agree that burning books is a horibble thing to do.
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posted over a year ago 
kissandtell_kt said:
i agree with you because books are amazing and people should not do anything to them. if you really dont like a book than give it to somebody else, that simple:)
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posted over a year ago 
POPclogger216 said:
I think of books as worlds that have finally escaped the writers minds, only to me captured inbetween the bindings of a book. So, by burning these books, you are destroying that world's only chance of finally being free, free to roam the reader's mind. You'll never know what the character's were hiding inside their in-most thoughts, or where that story would have taken you, if you had been brave enough to venture through the whole thing. You could be missing out on the most epic, awesome, heart-changing story by burning that book.
If I hate a book, I give it to someone else who might enjoy the full story more than I ever could. So that no matter what, that story has been heard.
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posted over a year ago 
Epic, So True
labyrinth75 posted over a year ago
hirnungah said:
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posted over a year ago 
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