Battlestar Galactica Favorite Pair-Ups?

Kallifornia posted on Nov 20, 2007 at 01:56AM
Ok, you have to admit that one of the best things about BSG is the romance. My all-time favorite is Apollo and Starbuck. Their sooo cute together, though Anders is really cute too. I also wanted Billy and Dualla to end up together.Another is Adama and Roslin, and Helo and Shanon. Tyrol and Cally are also a pretty good pair-up.

Battlestar Galactica 8 replies

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over a year ago lutrina said…
I'm a huge Apollo/Starbuck shipper, and I mean pretty much obsessed, I also like Helo/Sharon, but Dualla can get airlocked for all i care.
over a year ago Kallifornia said…
"Dualla can get airlocked for all I care"

Seriously. I don't like Dualla. How could she abandon BILLY?! ;-;
over a year ago lutrina said…
I think that Dualla saw Apollo as the juicier option, he had more status than Billy had. As long as she was with Apollo her status within the fleet was raised. I strongly believe that's the only reason she dug her claws in. A fact proven when she dropped him like a hot potato once his reputation took a bashing when he aided in Baltar's defence.
(Can you sense how much I hate that character)LOL!!

I have too say too how much I love Baltar and Six.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kallifornia said…
Baltar and Six are funny because people can't see Six, and people think that Baltar's crazy.
over a year ago IsItReal said…
Adama/Roslin easily!
over a year ago cressida said…
I have a soft spot for Adama and Roslin -- an older, softer potential for romance for those two. And then I'm a big fan of Anders/Starbuck. He, better than Lee, keeps Starbuck honest and sane.
over a year ago Luv4SharonV said…
Im torn between helo and sharon or adama and roslin, although i have a soft spot for Laura Roslin the woman....not the president, when she's being herself, she's a great gal, as pres, shes just plain tragic. the helo, sharon hook up is one that reminds me almost of romeo and juliet u gotta love a woman that would walk through fire for the love of a man!!! Starbuck/apollo..nah dualla deserves him more and i like starbuck's character but Ive known too many women like her in my life it gets old!
over a year ago the_drs_girl said…
I'm all about the first Cylon/Human couple Helo and Athena Love them. I totally HATE Apollo and Starbuck, don't ask why, I love Sam to bits and I really hate how Kara treats him.