Battlestar Galactica Need Some Help From All BSG / Bear McCreary Fans

Mal027 posted on Oct 21, 2009 at 01:29AM
Hey guys!

I and many of my fellow Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles fans need help getting signatures for a petition for a release of the second season soundtrack that they randomly decided not to make.

I am addressing the BSG fans because both BSG and TSCC are musically composed by Bear McCreary.

Please sign! Even if your reading this and is not interesting in the music or even the series, please sign it anyway to help us TSCC / McCreary fans who want the soundtrack!



* I am having some trouble with the link. For some reason, the links address above keeps on adding more letters to the link, which breaks the link. Make sure that the "petition" at the end is spelled correctly. Thanks
last edited on Oct 21, 2009 at 02:39AM

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