Bangel vs Spuffy Angel vs Spike Debate (What is so great about Spike?)

0oSquirto0 posted on Jul 24, 2009 at 11:23PM
Well I am sure that this topic had been discussed in great length but who is better? I personally think Angel, Buffy and Angel were Soulmates just because they couldn't be together doesn't mean they don't love each other. I am calling a debate for all Spuffy and Bangel fans, I myself am on the bangel side. Here is my argument.

Buffy and Angel were a loving caring soulmate relationship where as Spike and buffy were just physical (in season six, but even in season 7 it doesn't match the bangel love)We all know that Spike loved Buffy and Angel loved Buffy but the real question is...
Who did Buffy love the most?
In my opinion really is that she loved Angel "More than I will ever love anything on this world" and she cared for Spike a great deal but it just wasn't the same.

In season six the Spike and Buffy relationship wasn't a relationship just physical but season 7 he changed and they both cared for each other deeply. But it still doen't match the Buffy > Angel, Angel > Buffy love. I mean sure, Buffy and Angel could never really be together and then there is that whole 'Spike loved her even without a soul' thing but the truth is Angel and Buffy had a special relationship that Spike and Buffy never had.

And we never find out who Buffy chooses (another one of Joss's master plans), I am sure if we did ever find out (which we probably wont) that it would make one side of the fans hate it (if she chose Angel, Spike fans would hate it and vice versa). I just want to know why the large majority of people prefer Spike over Angel....?

Buffy and Angel can never really be together because of the whole one moment of happiness thing (which, might I add, only happens with Buffy) and the whole immortal thing and sunlight thing. So shouldn't the same immortal and sunlight thing apply to Spike? They can never be together either but Spike never leaves Buffy for her happiness and future?

Angel left Buffy because he loved her too much to watch her suffer and for her not to walk in the sunlight etc. Doesn't that make him the better person? We all know that Buffy was the only person Angel truly loved (what was with the whole Cordy thing!?)and he proved it by saying her name and not losing his soul when sleeping with others.

Didn't Buffy say in 'Chosen' season 7 that once she is 'done baking' that she would pick Angel?

And why didn't Buffy kill Spike in 'What's My Line'? Well the truth is the fans liked Spike too much but "what they want isn't neccasserily what they need".

Buffy can really never have Spike or Angel unless they turn human...And then she would pick Angel, why wouldn't she? He can finally give her anything she wants and a normal life (as close to normal as a slayer gets).So why, Spuffy fans, is Spike so much better for Buffy than Angel?
Well I am sure that this topic had been discussed in great length but who is better? I personally thi
last edited on Jul 24, 2009 at 11:24PM

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